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Pelayo Jun 2018
I prefer to be asleep then awake.
We still exist in my dreams.
Pelayo Jun 2018
I meet you at the wrong time. I would go back if I could. I found you too late. He was there when I wasn’t... and there is nothing I can do....
Pelayo Jun 2018
Our love wasn’t made to last, it was made to be charished.
Pelayo Jun 2018
What hurts the most is that we won’t love each other forever.
Some day, your going to leave me...
Pelayo Jun 2018
You stun me from a distance.
I don’t wish for you to love me, but to be your beautiful self so I can continue to admire.
Pelayo Jun 2018
While we make plans, life laughs
Pelayo Jun 2018
I wasn’t given the choice of loving you.
I had no option.
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