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Joshua Sanders Jul 2018
I got sober and bought a bonsai
It came with a beautiful
stone ***,
heavy and painted

I browsed the internet for tips
on how to properly care for
I watered it and let it grow
for a year
I bought shears,
to start shaping it

A stranger was in my house
when I got home from the store,
trying to unplug my PS4

I picked up the bonsai tree
and broke the *** over his head,
while his back was turned

He died a week later,
in the hospital

And I've been clean ever since
Joshua Sanders Jul 2018
My eyes smolder to the point of atrophy
as my teeth fall out,
like little yellow pebbles

I worry that I won't be able
to think of anything
clever to say
And I realize that, probably,
I've never said anything clever
in my life

Every night,
the moon withers
Joshua Sanders Jul 2018
I want you to see these two
One is clever
and dark
The other is earnest
and bright

These two men struggle
against each other,
for the same goal

Dark and clever, Ish
Earnest and bright, Sen

Sen was always the strongest
They would drink together at the bar
and Sen would always fight strangers in the alley outside
Ish would light a cigarette and watch
pushing his mop of black hair
out of his eyes
and grinning

One night it was raining,
with violence in the air like static
Sen was drunk and the bar was empty
except for those two

Let's fight
Sen said to Ish

They went outside, in the rain, with lighting spreading through the concrete

Sen was stronger by far
But Ish was quick and graceful

Sen swung and missed
and again
and again
Ish waited
Eventually Sen slowed
Ish landed one on his jaw
He was so fast
Sen went down,
But Sen didn't quit easy,
He got up and landed one on Ish's nose
It broke, blood flowed like a faucet
Ish took a knee,
and smiled,

Ish lit a cigarette and Sen helped him up
They walked to the hospital together
On the way Ish noticed that Sen was missing a tooth,

They walked together
each envious of the other
and the rain kept on
Joshua Sanders Jun 2018
     a smell
         of smoke
      smelling smoke
    a smell of smoke and
the view of my backyard with all the broken engines and rusted cars that nobody cared enough about to do anything with and
                           a bluish arm hangs out one of the car windows and I can almost see the cigarette I was smoking
that night out in that husk of a car so my parents wouldn't see,
       I had lived here all of my twelve years in this ivy covered house and I remember
                  the day my brother overdosed and died in his ****** sleep
      the night my sister snuck out the window to meet her boyfriend,
cover for me she said
                                           Okay I said
                                          Whatever I said
                                        No, I'm going out
I remember living here and having friends over
             smoking **** for the first time
             playing videogames
             feeling angry
I'm angry now, feels like I've always been,
anger but feeling it through a curtain
can I feel or touch or,
                                         I need to try
                       my baseball bat
                      here it is
  and I hold it,
it's aluminum but I can't quite feel it
but it doesn't matter cuz I can hold it
and if I can hold it I can use it
I can bash that *******'s head in
    and before I leave I wonder if he could see me
but it doesn't matter
                                          I can see him
Joshua Sanders Jun 2018
I'm gonna die
                                                   As are you
As every single person who has ever lived has said goodbye

In our sleep
As a happy child
As a miserable old man,
with a shotgun barrel in our mouth
                        A bullet through the head

I think that probably,
there won't be anything,
just black
and non-existence
No use for economy

I don't believe in heaven
or hell
But purgatory,
that's something I can get my head around
a fog covered city seen as a ghost
No emotions, as we lost our brain,
no adrenaline or hunger or lust
Just a slight existence as an empty husk

I don't know which would be worse:
to be a husk

I hope it'll be easy to let go
Joshua Sanders Jun 2018
The brilliant light of the sun reflected off a maze of glaciers
Habitual in its elegance, it shows the same visions at dawn and dusk
All the moments between
And in the space between moments,
a microcosm of everything I have ever felt

The freezing winds carry microscopic shards of glass that cut deep and unnoticed,
just enough so that I leak a fraction of myself into the breeze every year

Bacteria look upwards to see the fractal patterns of my DNA
in their sky

Eventually more of myself
than I have left will be in the wind and I'll be too weak to stand the cold any longer

I will wither
and die
and die
and die
Joshua Sanders Jun 2018
Greenscale eyes flecked with dots of brown
The way her *** looks in shorts
How she stands out in any crowd
At a Victoria's secret party and all the guys are looking at her
My eyes are drawn to wherever she is
like they're magnets and she's made of lodestone

She's just
so pretty

I don't know why she sticks with me:
A recovering addict,
Angry all the time,
Anxious and solipsistic,
Out of shape,
Faded out,
A liar,

Our daughter looks just like her
Except she has my eyes
The poor thing
I hope they don't betray her
Or make her as good a liar
I hope they don't cloud over
like mine and turn the world
so dull

I love the way she holds her
But our daughter might love it more
I want to hold her the same way
I get so close
but just not quite

I know my daughter will be beautiful like her
Flowers will wilt in her presence
Trees will grow shorter,
as she walks through
The sky will fade
and she will be the new sun
All the world will wither
All the people will sag
And then there'll only be her
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