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This story circles the earth
like a river scribbling a message
of scars and songs and a something-else,
swirling like old-fashioned script
beyond the binding of a book.

A vagabond leaves the trail of words
dropping from palms stained with ink,
blue from a wet horizon.
The salt of three seas press to her lips
as they part.

The wind brings songs to quench her word-thirst.
Syllables soak the world with sound
and the air fills with the smell before rain,

She tastes phrases of perhaps
and imagines the final page as a picture book:
a rowboat anchored with hope.
Sway seconds ecstatic bliss
The taste of lime and salt
Skin glows, criss crossed shadows
and a panic of lights.

Shifting music
Rhythm intoxication and
Shifting energy

Boldness alights
like a flock of crows gliding in at dusk,
landing on the shoulders
cast in neon-disco light

They fan feathered-dollar bills
With prospects of revelry and dancing
odes to debauchery and youth
and feigning adoration
from the swaying, neon hips.

Subtle chants and hungry eyes
We deserve this
We deserve this
We deserve--

Disappearing in her act,
She arises, in the fame of a dove
Unburdened and free
in the whitest of lights.

She thinks briefly of flying away.
First cigarette of the day:
In goes the toxic particles,
Everything from ammonia to yeast all rolled up in a white and tan piece of paper.
Out goes the smoke, along with every negative feeling your body has ever been laced with.
You'd blow it all out,
hoping the smoke would take your problems away
and let everything disintegrate into the wind
as if you'd never see any trace of your issues again.
But if that were true, you wouldn't need another one.
Don't you dare touch another one.

Second cigarette of the day:
The smoke and feelings that you exhaled earlier in the morning,
Is now a ghost that's haunting you,
Slowly taking over your body until you're withering away into dust.
It's now a trail that follows you around and makes you stand out,
There is no escaping it.
Your problems are still relevant and floating in the air,
And you wonder why you can't **** them.
You inhale the ghosts that were once just mere feelings,
And you exhale an active tornado.

Third cigarette of the day:
Your ghosts have become demons that have broken through your protective rib cage into your lungs,
Which are now barren and wilted from setting them on fire,
Over and over again.
They tear past your heart and soul to make you cough up your anger and regret,
Just to have you swallow it again.
Your clothes reek,
Your teeth are yellowing,
And it's all because you wanted to breathe out your mere issues,
That just turned into haunting memories.
I do not smoke cigarettes. This is mainly about the pain I go through when I see others smoking.
wake up

desensitized, oversanitized


Dab all over with aches, pains, and itches.

Struggle with gauche and forced interactions, coworkers and family. Friends?

No God.

                                                           ­   POSITIVE THOUGHTS
                                                        ­       POSITIVE THINKING

cloying, choking fear.


Rub your face in the mirror.

Think deep thoughts that you believe are unique.
They are not. You are very uninteresting, probably.


drink until you sleep,
if not use the pills.

Use both.
Your room is warm.
You will have nightmares.
I may not be all contented
but at least I can be alone

not roasted with my skin crackling by boredom
in the presence of a long-winded nerd who's cringing over enthusiasm brings out
the mildly grey abuse of power in me.

I curl up in the dark, alone.
But I will find contentment sometime within me.
Everything I Needed to Know in Life I Learned in Concert Band

Play from your heart
Follow the leader
Help set up
Sit up straight
Take deep breaths
Be prepared – always have extra supplies just in case
Drink plenty of water
Eat food at an appropriate time
Listen to the people around you
Playing in the rain is ok if you have the right gear
Clap for someone when they do a good job
Plan ahead
Have a pencil ready
Have an eraser ready
Wipe up your own spit
Keep track of your belongings
Read carefully, observing all marks
Come in when you can
Listen to those around you to see where you fit in
If you are lost – ask someone for help
Music is for everyone
Play from your heart
A good leader inspires and encourages
Try to get along with people in different sections
Be friendly
Be humble
Stick together
Compliment others
Be on time
Leave on time
Laugh with people but not at people
Appreciate those who are different from you
If you are moved – it is ok to cry
It is also ok to laugh
Try your hardest
Play as a team
Team work is not just for athletes
It is not about winning – it is about finishing
And doing your best
Pick up after yourself
Put your chair away when you are done
Be proud of what you do right
Let go of what you do wrong
Try to do better each time
Strive for 100% but know that 99% is ok
Surround yourself with good people
Don't give up
Know that everyone is important to the group and has a contribution to make
Playing quietly communicates just as much as playing loudly
Sometimes silence is golden
Having a great leader makes all the difference
Play from your heart

Inspired by and acknowledgement given to Robert Fulghum’s for his poem and book, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.”
The closer you
     pull him
The further you
     push me

The more you
     kiss him
The less I
     fake each

I can't keep this
     heart beating when
All I know is

I said no
     for you
You wouldn't say
     anything for

Your feelings for
     him shown
Mine I can't
     let you

A blood stain on
     my shirt the
Only thing to
     give me Away.

The promise you
     made me
The promise I
     can't take
          any more.

What I gave
     up for you
Only for you
     to shut the

You are so
     blinded by this;
I am so
     sick of this.

For you I became a
But this act I won't
     commit twice.

I've learned my lesson.
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