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Mar 2018 · 170
Natasha Mar 2018
The top of my teeth are stuck to the bottom
don't move, don't blink
don't even think
for it might be too loud

stop looking at me
why do you stare?
I open my mouth to say something
but the words aren't there

I can feel the sweat fall
my body shrinks to a microscopic size
while everyone around me is so tall
I can't even look at you in the eyes

there is a weight on my chest
and it's getting hard to breathe
I just want to find rest
but instead I'm starting to heave
Natasha Mar 2018
You will always see her smiling
nothing is ever wrong
her true emotion is hiding
and she actually sings the saddest song

For everything is a struggle
a day's purpose is to find true meaning
but all that she's feeling is locked inside a shuttle
she can't find meaning if she's lost with out all true feeling

Every second, minute, and hour of the day
her lips curve to the edges of her cheeks
laughing, trying not to let the pain have it's way
she knows at any time tears will leave their streaks

every night there's crying
every day the girl is slowly dying
depression is rising
and yet, you will always see her smiling
Mar 2018 · 163
Natasha Mar 2018
my brain and heart
are at war
all because
our relationship is falling apart

my heart aches for a you and me
more than friends
I  don't want any other fish
in the sea

you were the fish I wanted most
no one else,
my emotions are locked in a cell
because forever felt so close

— The End —