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Mar 2019 · 267
March Massacre
Don't I
feel dumb
I feel
So used
I fell for your games
And your juvenile muse
I can't still care
You chose
what you chose
Whether it's to lose
You're a grown woman
But are you aware
Of the adult you're becoming
I'm talking to you direct
There is no running
There is no one else
I'm starting to think
There is no hope
What grown woman
Is alright with being broke
One that has no control
Not even with a remote
Popping depression pills
And sorts
Out of her Ecko Red coat You have 3 kids
That need Essentials Smiles, sleep, soap
When I found someone Like I
I was insanely superbly stoked But I had to
Had to be warned
That even those feelings
That leave you cuddly warm
Can be toxic to you
Just in a different
I don't know what to
Make of it
Make amends or mourn
Birthday the day before mine
But I don't know
when you was born
The month of March
Has been torn
The 10th and 11th marks the split Marks where it was tore
Tore me to pieces
This is my ending statement
This is my
Thank you thesis
You play games
Why keep this
Like receiving
**** as a present
You play games
Like a preteen peasant
And I know this isn't pleasant
The month of March ends on the 10th And then starts again on the 11th

You didn't just
Throw me under the bus
You was driving
Barely any passengers
But I know
Jealousy was riding
Riding very far
You was jealous
That we took Creamy to get a car But that's your friend
Since y'all been 10
I'm talking to you
Adult to adult
I'm not venting
Did you forget who I am JohnDre
Not John Henson
Tell your 2nd baby daddy To quit pimping
There's only one Johnny And he's Whitney's
Back when
I was going through it emotionally You was one person to get me
But while you was giving me advice You was throwing me under
The #18 and #50
I could have lost my job
I could have been in jail
And when I come out
And confront you
You'll probably show that one smile Shrug your shoulders and say oh well But there's no oh well about it
It's your life
You're the pilot
But your games have ran their course Your games
Have run outta mileage
You'll lie and say you're hurt
But don't even
Have a single symptom
It's never ever ever Your fault
You're always the Victim
You're sneaky slimy snake I refuse to be injected With venom
Your 3 kids
I would love
To meet them
But if you lose your job
How will you keep them
Come on dog
Come on March 10
The month of March has split at the 11th and won't be put back together
Ever ever again
Mar 2019 · 128
Chop Up A Chicken
Anti-social at its finest I'm Johnny Unitas Nobody’s highness
I hate drugs
I hate when people rely on highness
Yes **** heads turn into junkies
My crush when I was 16 is now a flunky
Lord please lay your grace on Paul and Chunky Chopin chickens
Using Noonie's kitchen
No the chicken isn't baked, fried, or rotisserie It's the chicken for the vixens
My brothers missing
To be real with you my brother died
****** left his brain fried
****** left me without an Erik
Oh he's in a better place
That response is generic
Do you see what I see?
Maybe you need a dosage of carrots
Thank god for friends Jade and Jalyn
They deserve a merit
Slangin chickens makes more money
Than my 2 jobs put together
Rashadtnae changed my view on heffers
I'm clutch but clever
I can't stand to lose another person to drugs So ties will be severed
It's not whatever
I take it serious
The only way I can talk to my brother again
Is in spirit
Choppin chickens
Piano flippin
Everybody is either selling or doing drugs
But I wanna be different
I hate the sun
But I'm Angie's son
Rocky couldn't handle the responsibility of being a mom
So the state took her kids and let her run
Having my name in your mouth must be fun
Having my name in your mouth must be tasty entertainment I love when people hate me
It’s anti-love so how could I hate it
21 forever
I am hopeful
Anywhere But Here
But Louisville is all know
I love the locals
I love Sharleeta
Love wouldn't love without hoes and cheaters
Lord Jesus this world
It's so drug ridden
Chop me up before I chop a chicken
Does it look like I'm playing?
Does it look like I'm kidddin?
Kidding around with ******
Is how I lost my older sibling
Mar 2019 · 113
All Alone
I am all alone
Through the cracks
My emotions roam
Swimming through the brush
When it really needs a comb
And they always wonder
What goes on inside Johnathens dome
Two girls licking his legs
With some chocolate and some foam
But I am trouble prone
When I was younger my mother stayed confiscating my phone
When I tried to plead my case
She always griped that she didn't like my tone
Now I am in my zone
Chewing gum and laughing loud
Whitney's talking about something
But my head is in a cloud
Finally going to college in the fall
My moms is Penny Proud
Graduated high school 3 years ago
So my educational consequences are mild
I'm a grown kid
Nothing is wrong with exposing your inner child Pushing boundaries to the extreme
To the fullest they're aloud
Through these glasses I see a lot
Through these frames I see pain
The friendships I have slain
My heart is in the E.R
Its suffered 2 break ups and a busted vein
Driving in the world of love
Its just some people can't stay in their lane
Tears drop like transparent rice
My spirit drops like saggy breast
I have Karmy and some other friends
But what happened to the rest
R.I.P Eric Tellis
I used to go in public and get jealous
Cause I would see what others have and laugh
If I didn't laugh then I would cry
Everyone has a best friend
But one less friend
One less problem to deal with
I must admit
I never thought that being grown would be this hard In corners I used to sit
And I would sob and sob
No tissues needed
I just let the tears run their track
I would never go back
But I feel like every since I left the mental hospital
I've been on mental house arrest and parole
Life is black
Nightmares have replaced dreams
In one of them I find myself running from a ******
I wonder if this occurs
To anyone on the A list
Forever 21 shirt, Levis, and some shoes from Pay-less Wasn't family that said
From family you're suppose to get smiles and greatness Don't judge me off body language
Don't judge me off demeanor
Have you seen her
Courage I condone
I'm still a gnome
Its right in my face
I can't run
Will anyone ever join me

— The End —