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Dec 2014 · 485
Jemcastspells Dec 2014
Cause when I meditate
I get solo
All alone
I go within
Into the unknown
Oct 2013 · 539
Jemcastspells Oct 2013
Blinded in darkness
Toward the light
The light of awareness
Understanding causes, effects
A conscious evolution of our species
Is in effect

We're each a piece
Of this universal puzzle
Trusting our intuition
Guided by the heart
We find peace
Knowing we're never apart

Always within
Never without
Love is all we need
Love lifts us up on highest wings
Spread those wings
Fly nigh
Toward the highest state of mind
Apr 2013 · 467
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Oddly charming.
It's so alarming
This feeling inside.
I just can't hide.
I just can't decide.
Whether to face the frost
Or just leave and get lost.
I'm dying to stay.
I'd die if I leave.
Does it have to be this way?
My heart's on my sleeve...
Apr 2013 · 481
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Through the wind and the worry
I'd walk these tracks with you
I'd go along with you
Sing a song for you

Through the heat and the hate
I walk these tracks with you
Here's where I stand
Holding your hand

Through the sand and the sorrow
I'll walk these tracks with you
I'll be there beside you
Wherever these tracks take us.
Apr 2013 · 672
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Pinpoint Pupils
Puncture Parts of My Mind
Miniscule Magical Licks of Lightning
Lash Lightly across my Scarred Skin
Slightly Sudden Feelings Flood
Frantically Fighting For a Handle on my Heart
Holding it Here Enchanted, Enlightened
Inebriated I Ponder if Possibly
We'll Wonderfully Momentarily
Mouth our Meaning by Simply
Sharing a Single Darling Daring
Charismatic Kiss?
Apr 2013 · 447
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Just like you.
Shorter than me.
Pretty as can be.
You were on my mind.
All the whole time.
I miss you.
I'd kiss you.
If I ever get the chance.
Maybe we'd get to dance.
Once more.
As before.
Cause you were by far the best there ever was.
Apr 2013 · 464
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Why waste my time?
Why spend a dime
On a chick that looks you straight in your eyes
and all that exits her mouth are a bunch of **** lies
She wants to be yours
Yet shes with him
You see all these ******
and shes acting like them
saying she loves you
while she loves him too
Why am I here?
Why my dear?
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Oh how I tire of the games that are played.
The useless lies veiling truth.
In shrouds of weakness.
How the fear overcomes reason.
Foolish as they can be.
We allow their fantasy to remain.
Standing our ground.
Holding strong to what we know.
Waiting with patience and persistence.
As we always have since the beginning.
Maybe once they open the blind eyes.
To the reality presented before them.
They'll see how to mature and evolve.
Into a superior being.
Only then will they learn true happiness.
Apr 2013 · 523
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Heavy Sigh.
Single Tears.
Shallow Breaths.
Aching Hearts.
Break Apart.
Love Fades.
Into Grey.
Pain Fills.
Every Crack.
Every Crevice.
Swelling Emotions.
Until They Explode into Nothingness.
Apr 2013 · 512
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Why hang on to her?
She let go so long ago.
Why keep them close?
They want to be far from you.
Why find new ones to replace the old?
When you know they'll never be the same.

Why do I keep tellin' the same old story again?
Why can't I keep away from the pain?
Why do I need to keep all these dolls?
Why can't I just take them down from my walls?

I'm done looking into our fantasy.
I'm standing and facing reality.
We'll never be.
So why even hope?
Why even try?
When all that will happen is pain.
Then you'll cry.

Seeing her with him makes me puke.
It tears up my insides.
Seeing her happy without me.
It burns up my eyes.
So I close them and let you be.

Forever in my heart.
You are lost and forgotten.
I'm done, and don't care.
I don't give a ****.
I'm here in the now.
Free from the dark.
Apr 2013 · 488
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
meet me under the trees
in the shade
hidden away from the heat of today

lay with me in the field
of grass or flowers
stare into the sky
making shapes in the air.

fly away with me
soar high above
and even beyond
through the night.

fall down with me
all the way down.
Apr 2013 · 461
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
The pain comes in waves.
Like the ocean shore.
Sweeping across me.
Like water to sand.
This is an autumn night.
Not a lovely sight.
It is cold on the outside.
Inside myself is the warmth you provide.
I don't want to leave.
You know I can't stay.
But I'm sure you can see.
It has to be this way.
I will return.
Will I be the same?.
Will your feeling still remain?.
As sure as night turns into day.
We will find a way.
Apr 2013 · 402
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
You are adorable
My dreams are horrible
Being without you
Thinking about you
I suddenly wake
Was it dream?
Why do I scream?
You are an angel
But where are your wings?
Why do you hide them so?
Maybe you need the snow
Or maybe you have fallen
And no one was there to catch you
If you ever fell for me
I would catch you swiftly
In my arms the ground will fall
The skies will twist
And none will be missed
For you'll be back
In the stars where you belong.
Apr 2013 · 466
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Black and Pearls
A night of fun
We'll all Party
'til the Night is done
I come through the mist
Tap you lightly on the wrist
"Let dance" I say
You'll have a ball"
"I can't today
I fear I'll fall"
Oh, we may dip low
But you won't fall below
The ground we walk.
Our comfort.
For in the sky is where I dance
Among the stars
It's like a trance
This could be ours.
Apr 2013 · 425
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
When I saw her
The gun went to my head
The moment she turned
I must have been dead
Her glance struck me
Like lightning I see
Enchanted I stood
Without a sound
My body hit the floor
My soul in the ground
Her voice like a song
Brought me to life
I whispered to her
"You look beautiful tonight."
Apr 2013 · 415
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
White lace
White ceiling
My face
Is not bleeding
No screaming
Feeling safe
Your aura
This light
So bright
Take me in your wings
You must be an angel
Apr 2013 · 367
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
I sit around idle
My mind drifts
Making valleys in my head
I lay to dream
I wake and scream
My body hurts
My soul burns
MY life is grand
How's yours across the land?
Apr 2013 · 587
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
A porcelain doll
Breaks with a gentle touch
Her soul is empty
Her heart is air
How can you love a doll?
I ask myself daily.
Apr 2013 · 350
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Beauty traps me
Love slaps me
I fall to my knees
With a simple please
My heart burns
My soul churns
I bleed my wrist
For just a clue
Who are you?
Apr 2013 · 570
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Bling my thang
Bleed my brain
Hearts ache
Fall and break
Bones shatter
Love floats
Among us
In the air
Apr 2013 · 452
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Black lace
Nights awake
Dreaming of her
Blood raining
From the ceiling
*******, screaming
Bite me
Scratch me
Awake in my History class....
Apr 2013 · 356
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Pain Swept
Frozen Winds
Drift across my body
The thoughts of you are leaving
As swiftly as they came...
I mislead my heart once again
Into the hands of the wrong.
Broken as a clock, smashed
I think I'll visit the Tinker.
Apr 2013 · 338
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
The morning after
A night of love
The kisses left
An imprint of
Her soul
On mine
That I am ever scarred by.
Apr 2013 · 501
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Nights in the past
I envision her
Derelict images
Engulf my mind
Her feral soul
Captivates my heart
As it festers away
Apr 2013 · 536
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Lost in ghastly shadows
Of the pain and suffering
Released from my past
I am shunned, an outcast,
Of the society I once loved
Here I lay in my grave
Sleeping in a dreamless sleep
Here I am here I stay
Dreamlessly ‘til I creep
Out into the night
To prey upon the weak
The young, the beautiful...
Apr 2013 · 406
Jemcastspells Apr 2013
Alluring soul divulsions
Split my mind to pieces
Constricting emotions
Sustain my deepest urge

— The End —