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Dec 2019 · 125
No Title
Jared Dec 2019
i fall in love fast, a little too fast they say,
    we struck another man with pain
    called it fate and let thing's continue

i fall in love fast, a little too fast some say,
    made amazing love in the morning
    softly playing with each other during the dead of night

i fall in love fast, a little too fast i think,
    she told me she still loved him
    my mind wants to hate her but my hearts tells me it might be fate..

i fall in love fast,
    she's removed me from her life completely now
    fate, i suppose.
i'm a little drunk at the moment of writing this.
Sep 2018 · 135
Jared Sep 2018
i want desire
an untamed flame to burn my problems away
casting my image from the real to shadow
and live forever as silhouette.
Jul 2014 · 393
Jared Jul 2014
Their words melted in my ears and ran down into my lungs, all I could breathe was the startle of their wisdom.

The sky grew heavy with me beneath it, so I built an ivory tower that I might climb atop it.
Jun 2014 · 522
Clown for a day..
Jared Jun 2014
The rhymes are tedious today
deliriously so..
Kings of the twiddling fat thumbs..
play in the drifting snow outside my apartment door.
the laughter is loud, almost painful

I close the window, sitting, watching the down-poor
that laughter continues like a stench in my mouth,
a tasteless odor sitting on the teeth

these royal imitations of hope and joy will soon be planted
. . . 6 feet deep.

Blasphemy they are to today's decrepit culture-less culture
pawns in disguise, I hate them all.
I wrote this while I was drinking, so it may not make much sense haha.
Nov 2012 · 2.5k
Something Small
Jared Nov 2012
Long hair, unemployed freeloader,
Click that button there and reply the saddest song you know,
Pity yourself to no end, cry yourself to sleep,
Wake up and realize you lost them all,
Incompetence, maybe.. Feel the rage build,
But Hide it for tomorrow.
Play the anger to there stereotype, have another cigarette,
Why not..
Try to repose your mind, only temporary.
Oct 2012 · 531
A Letter to my new friend
Jared Oct 2012
She asked why
I responded with -

It begins with my silver touch
        I can't let you know why
I don't know the reasons myself
        But I am driven by my desire
                A drug, a play, a joke,
I promise I will keep you forever
        Locked away from pain, retaining the perfect in you.
Believe me, my dear, because you have no choice
        You are mine now.

Aug 2012 · 898
Morbid on repeat
Jared Aug 2012
Say goodbye,
walk out the door,
Grab cigarettes at the local store,
stare at oncoming traffic,
stop.. wait,
in-vision childrens laughter, stay firm,
listen to rippled wheels turn,
withering old men resting on
bike path benches, focus, keep straight,
can't let them see you frown,
turn back to your ghost town.
Jared Jul 2012
Playing the cure you held my hands in cold delight
as thoughts of black played from my eyes, Sensation,
rolling off you're skin with steady ecstasy,

Up my arms you swayed like a child with fire,
careful not to rip this ugly flayed, tender body,

Those arms now wrapped around my back, beautiful silk like lips pressed against my sickly face,
a fragile glass skeleton,
Soon to be another notch in my belt of melancholy i imagined,
only in self absorbed regret for masking this lie, taunting you're elegy in every stroke,
****** away my freakish nature, cold, still so cold.

With a midnight veil setting upon us,
it was time to begin our graceful sin,

We danced a dance only the outcast and lonely can
and from beauty to beast you whispered to me, the taboo tango, the taboo tango.
Jul 2012 · 764
Jared Jul 2012
I started out as a normal kid, age seventeen, both good and bad and in between.

My mind was lost in a shadowy haze, thus begun the darkness in my gaze.

The darkness rose up from the ground, like living shadows with forms abound.

The shadows attacked with claws and teeth and hordes of darkness arose from beneath.

They walked through walls and hallowed caves setting the world of darkness ablaze.

My darkest eyes could not see the light, however i pulled forth my sword and chose to fight.

Like a warrior of the light wielded by my blade, but like the darkness i began to fade..

The world i knew cease to exist as objects and buildings began to twist.

The more i fought the harder they came, the more i resisted the more lives they claimed.

As the world began to fade and cease to be, i finally realized that darkness was me...
Jul 2012 · 966
One Tear
Jared Jul 2012
Like a cancer of the autumn leaves
forming and glistening in there excellence,
from a bright green to a dim but beautiful hazel brown
it strikes him as dull and boring

but of course the beautiful metaphor of the heart has long passed him by with the subtle carnage and terror lying behind his light hazel eyes

he wants it, but is in no reach of it,
he tries.. with all his might to see it, but it is no where to be seen..

as he watches the others laugh, joke and smile about it, it confuses him as he
can only taste the sour metal from the fork..

why? why can't he see or taste it?

he asked the question..
but the answer was obvious...

enough he says, with a 6inch piece of thick rope and the dark gloomy bars of a cellar door.... its over, in quite reply.

the taste, never to be tasted.
and the beauty never to be seen by those light hazel eyes so filled with joy but engulfed in the manifestation of his own dark shadow.

and now for him there are no questions to be asked, no taste to be tasted and no beauty to be glorified.

i thought you should know that all the extravagance of the world only came down to one tear upon this man, a man who lived and died without a life.
Jul 2012 · 2.9k
For Icarus
Jared Jul 2012
Son of Daedalus,
foolish young boy,
flying through the august sunset background
and tasting the damp clouds viewed with splendor,

Son of Daedalus,
arrogant dreamer,
did you smile to the sun,
before your feather bound wings burst into flames,

Son of Daedalus,
poor boy,
did your soul rise from those flames like a phoenix
with your tiny lungs so filled with salty waters,
did you take one last laugh to the end,

Here lies a boy,
the son of Daedalus,
immortal in memory to the Icarian Sea.
Jul 2012 · 485
Last Call
Jared Jul 2012
Last call friends
Last call friends, he repeated two times strong,
      desperate for an answer or slight recognition from familiar faces,
      white and pale these faces are today, cold like statues lost in a popular fog,
      the table, the only thing to show a hint of care, mimicking his every turn, scream and tear smashing against the unpolished torn wood below his hands,
      a sick repetition falls over him as his rage quickly fades and his voice becomes horse,
      slightly lowering his hands back to the table, closing his eyes embraced by apathy he stands,
      letting his arms fall to his side and with one more glance he confronts those cold statues with a silent whisper,
Last call friends,
Last call friends, he repeated two times soft.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
New dreams, Ancient thoughts
Jared Jun 2012
I'm beginning to sit back now, listening to my sorrow felt lit cigarette solace falling through my damp heart where only creaky doorways with blown out windows play natural rhythms that echo in this caged bone graveyard,

and i look up at the plain white ceiling, seeing only transparent stars falling from there colossal watchtower onto my pale face and through my wet hair like salt in a great ocean.

I'm beginning to drink my water now, as i lift the glass from its polished wooden home, a warm sensation flows down the right side of my arm, remembering, pitying, thinking,

and like Beethoven i can think only about the comedy of this great play, able only to softly laugh while tremors shoot through my body like ****** fly's through the veins of the addict.

Ill be lying down now, my gentle carpet covered floor will give birth to an angel forever dormant, trapped, a remnant of my hearts ballad, with its modest melody made of shallow dreams and the confinement of its cruel orchestra.

— The End —