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Jul 2017 · 342
City of Despair
JLGM Jul 2017
The night falls so swiftly the darkness over comes
As the moonlights up the sky the transients begin there cry

The motor bikes soar as they are  looking to score.

Greed, theivery and dispair floats thru the night air.

They are watched from a  distance Indulging  in sinfull  ways
with  begging  brings a penny or two to get them thru the day.
asking for
assistance as they are watching your every move.
We close our eyes and turn away.

Life is starving with dispair Is their no repair

The streets are  lonely and ***** no where to sleep pushing and pulling carts full of stuff we throw away.
Everyday struggling to survive.

Lost souls walking ,waiting for a chance to excape
People have no refuge besides a high they will sure see.

This place keeps you in no matter who you are.
You will Surely be  changed living life in the dark,smelting heat ,dusty wind  ,darkness is here and is all they have now.

Once you land your feet here you will never get out. Dont even try to be a scout.

So forget who you were and rest assure.
The heat will melt your soul
Always watching behind you and nothing's ever there.

Is this what the future fortells ? hold on to your shirt tails.
Hell on earth is what they say
No one lends a hand and no one cares as they are only thinking of themselves
Warp sense of morals all for a buck
What a ***** horrible place is this city in  AZ
Poor you poor me its not the place to be.
Guess what city in AZ.
Dec 2015 · 395
JLGM Dec 2015
My life is no life in any light
My heart feels only pain even  breathing has weakend my soul.
I look  into the eyes of  delectation and feel despair l to look back
I beg for  some jubilation  to take my soul and release me from misery
thats all I see and feel is the dispair in my eyes
How can one look unto another in this way and insert nothing but  evil and then portray glee for the deminishing of their heart
Double bladed are the Hippocrates that adore admiration.
Nov 2015 · 344
JLGM Nov 2015
When you put your life on the back burner
To help a lost soul find its way ,then your life will be filled
With gratification and you then will feel
Completely worth all that you sacraficed.
For their is no better reward than to make a difference to someone other than yourself.
Make the difference
May 2015 · 389
Was It Worth It
JLGM May 2015
Up all night sleep all day nothing ever gets done
My focus is deminished my goals are no longer what I loved is dead to me and my smile will never be
I feel no love anymore and no happimess for this is what I picked.I feel as if I am in a mud sinking in the earth alone and sick
I lost everything
I am so ashamed
 Trapped in  a plastic tube with a sharp point dulling with every pull
I did this to myself to hide my pain this is the new me no future no goals no self respect   and no self esteam I feel like Im insane.
I cant look
in the mirror for I am afraid of who I see just emptiness its like looking at a ghost that was once me
I pray that someday I will wake up from this hell I live .
And  someday feel alive 
Hopefully I  will survive

As the days keep  coming I see less and less one day I will awake and see no more .
There is  nothing  left ,what can I expect
what happened to me and why ?
I could never confess.

 I live a life of hell why did I allow such weakness to prevail
Its the rush of my new found friend

As its drags me down and leaves me to drown.
 Who ever thought as the  feeling was to  good, I would destroy everything I have ever known
 We keep chasing rush  but we will never catch its the devil with  his deceptive way oh how we will pay
I chase the high that will
Never be the same .
I've lost it all
no fortune or fame
I leave old memories and laughs for a dark future is all I see
For one day you may want  to chase the rush  please understand no one survives  this evil thrush.
As you pull back and see the red rushing thru your veins your heart starts beating and then you feel the heat crawling and pain but the excitement controls you and then drop goes the devil and you feel relieved and floating
  And then its gone
Its, over and  for a rush of endorphins
you loose everything never to be the same .
Your addicted
only making  things worse you must be insane
many years of torture many years of despair
For  now your life is  beyond repair
I cant breathe no more for all I see is darkness  no thought no feelings alone in a wooden box six foot under no high no life its over was it really worth it?
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— The End —