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JLC Eternity Oct 2017
I long for your smile,
for the happiness in your eyes,
for your laughter which caresses
My heart deep inside.

I long for your lips
first tenderly on my cheeks,
then moving to my mouth
as only our bodies start to speak.

I long for the passion
When your body’s next to mine,
The intimate unity
For which our souls pine.

I long for you,
Simply you, with your love so sweet,
For to be in your presence
My soul feels complete.

JLC Eternity May 2017
I must go down to the seas again,
To the arms of my beloved,
His hand to hold upon the knoll,
His sweet smile I do covet.

And all I ask is his voice to hear,
Of stories left unsaid,
The blue of his eyes to touch my heart,
His shoulder to rest my head.

JLC Eternity Mar 2017
The Long Trek Home

Your sweet lips like fuel,
Applied to my teenage neck,
Reminds me of the long trek,
Back to my remote boarding school.

Your refreshing mannor so kind,
I painted you **** over and over in my teenage mind,
Remember that time and place?
I cherish it more than the immaculate grace.

Thinking of you and that wonderful time and place.

JLC Eternity Mar 2017
A good night kiss,
He asked it so,
A seed of love was planted.
In fertile ground,
Midst passion's night,
Childhood now abandoned.

Let dreams run wild,
Like vines will climb,
The pulse of hearts are beating.
Yet hold your hopes,
T'was just by chance,
This seed, too new, not yielding.

But there it stayed,
A hidden jewel,
This precious seedling waiting.
The night now tender,
But ground still fertile,
Its love flowers unabating.

JLC Eternity Mar 2017
Come take me away
In your boat, on the Bay,
Where the moonlight reflections play hide and seek.

You row as I gaze
Through the summer night's haze,
At your eyes that to my beating heart speak.

Slowly we dock
Then we climb up on the rock,
To lose ourselves in worlds of dreams and serenity.

I love you my Peter
Your love becomes sweeter
With each day that breaks new for you and me.

JLC Eternity Mar 2017
Flowers bloom by nature,
They do not choose,
To give to the bee their fruit.

Like my heart,
It's untamed will holds sway,
With deliberate actions left astray.

No reins to hold to guide this will,
Its passions running wild.
Delight in the senses,
Stay fearless my dear,
The path our love will guide.

JLC Eternity Feb 2017
A glow of light that I spied from afar,
shimmering and floating on waves like a star.
A flickering light as if weary from strain,
remained steady, only waiting to be found again.

An unlikely explorer, I was lost in a brume
of living a life of roles I'd assumed.
In search of what would give meaning to my whole,
to a life that became untethered to its soul.

My rowing now purposeful, I decided to go
to this light I saw emanating from depths below.
As my eyes met the water through waves and brume,
the light took form, a shape it assumed.

With wonder and joy, I peered over my oar,
it was a heart of gold on the ocean floor!
So solid and pure, this wondrous find,
I dived in to the ocean and now it is mine.

This beautiful heart that lay deep in the clay,
Its light, it gets brighter with each passing day.
For the care and nurturing of this heart of gold
Is the binding that tethers my life to my soul.

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