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Israel Alderete Jul 2023
i met someone today

i did not know what to say

but she carried me with her words

and in the passion in her eyes

I saw myself in them

and in those eyes is where I wanted to stay

she'll ask me what I thought of her

the night that we had met

and I will say to her

that I do not know yet

but I know that I did not want it to end

and so I hope

that she asks me

what I thought of her

the first time that we met
Israel Alderete Jul 2023
an ode to the dirt under my feet!

you will one day consume me, your own personal treat

I become you
you become me

soil never to soil

from my bones life come again

into my favorite flower

an ode to the dirt under my feet!

in all of its beautiful power
Israel Alderete Jul 2023
in the morning i took her waist

and the curvature of her body indicated to me

a movement beyond the treeline

what will be said when all has been done?

I take her as she takes me

a rawness to her flesh

I consume her whole

and lay her to rest

now she lay in peace

in the covers of my bed

never more alive than where she is now

flowers growing around her

she is nutrients

I, the soil
Israel Alderete Jan 2023
I've never held my head unto that of another's

Never felt their breath come into me and mine into them

I have never not needed words to feel anything at all

and so silence scares me

Silence is so open-ended, and leaves a mind to wander

My mind wanders often

and now, my body grows old beyond the physical sense

I feel my mind and will failing me,
if Death were to come to me now,

I think death would hesitate,

kneel down toward me and put my head unto theirs,

fill my lungs with their breath,

and hold me

and then I would likely ask them:

Will you help me to keep moving?

Death, in their silence, would
take my arm into theirs

walk me home

put me into bed

and turn out the light

and as they leave my home
I will thank death

and death will be sure to leave the door open on their way out
Israel Alderete Jan 2023
Sometimes, I feel like a gray cloud

On the verge of such a terrible storm that will hurt and whisk away everyone, I care about.

So violent, ill-tempered, and really scared.

I roar thunderously.  strike you with lightning, scarring and burning you

And I am sorry.

Those that pass through me are drenched with the same worries as I

And it's not as if you can hold me

Because I am not entirely there

You see me and perceive me

But to feel me, I wouldn't ask that of anyone

Even so,

Storms pass as storms do

I've no right to be optimistic about most things

But I am, nonetheless.

I am a grey cloud now,

But let me storm

Let me rain

And if you can dance in my rain,

then one day

You might end up seeing my rain come into the roots of your favorite flowers,
or trees

And then,
when it is time for you to take to the sky and storm on me

I will gladly dance with you
And become drenched

Because clothes dry


Because sometimes

The grass is greener not when and where you water it,

It is when and where you decide to start dancing in the rain itself
Israel Alderete Oct 2022
The hills on which I've died have only grown in height

No matter how large they may get, they will never make me right.

I look at all the people who beg me to come back to the ground

But I'm simply too far up, too late go back down

The fall is far too great, past due on all life's bills

So now I stay atop, only a martyr to the hills
Israel Alderete Oct 2022
Oh how rude time can be

I see myself as the same child I was when I was three

And time has the nerve to disagree

Time has done me no favors

and I don't believe it ever will

Time forces upon me many labors

and Time has yet to stay still

They shove me forward, opening the door of age with no choice of going back

"Off you go", Time says

They've done this many times before, I've begun to lose track

Time hasn't forgiven me for how I've used it so

The idling, the hesitations, the waiting

Time can't seem to let it go

Then one day, time seemed less pressing than before

and where once there was one, there are now two open doors

Time wasn't there, forcing me through whichever one

And so it was the case that Time's work with me was done
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