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Israel Alderete Jun 2022
I urge you to yell!

for our lives are not defined by simple little whispers,

rather roaring exclamations of life and love!

tell me you want to live,

but make sure all can hear it!

tell someone you love them

but make sure they believe it!

for love is only sincere when it is loud!
Israel Alderete Jun 2022
I set my palms on the cheeks of your face,
looking into your eyes

I searched for something and found nothing at all

Your thoughts read of nothing

In fact, you were avoiding my eyes as I tried to look into you

Afraid that I might see the truth

and the truth is that I did
and the truth is that the truth hurt

But it helped.

The truth, the truth is but an abscess of lies

you avoided the medication to rid yourself of the swelling pain

You never loved me

You avoided my eyes,
because you were convinced of my truth

You were always so presumptuous

If you had looked into my eyes, if you had dared...

no, I won't tell you what was there.

Eyes tell a story that words never could

I am done reading you
i will not finish your chapter
i am not going to allow you the chance of redemption,
of some coming ****** that will keep me intrigued

I will stop at the flaws of your character

No bookmark needed, no folding of the page to come back to

In My Eyes

you are finished,
you are read
no story left to tell
sight should be for those that care enough to look
Israel Alderete Jun 2022
You learn to miss people

As you and they go to join fray's of different sets

You learn that where they are and you,
neither has gotten there yet

You get older and you mature, never certain of improvement

But as you learn to miss people, that's the only way to prove it

People say that never missing is a sign of getting wiser
that, you understand the ways of the world

But people always miss people.

People always miss people.
miss, me too.
Israel Alderete Jun 2022
Kindness takes you further than you may think
and yes I know you've likely heard this all before

But the difference between moving forward and holding open the door

It sparks something wonderful, it sparks something good

and from those sparks we fan the flames

Changing something from a "could have done this" to a
"I know that I should"

I know I speak to cynics, those who know the world for what it is

I know it is hard, it is harsh, cold and
it rarely ever forgives

In spite of all this, and I know it may sound mad,

I implore you to give

Give your time, your touch, even a passing smile

And make this world we live in, make our lives

A little more worthwhile
madness, I know
Israel Alderete Jun 2022
I called someone beautiful today
and I didn't know their name

But I called someone beautiful today,
and so beauty came

We give and we receive

Give without expectation, nor explanation

Give for the thrill
the rush of it

For some beauty is better than none

For beauty is there
we make it by choice

If nothing else,

Give beauty a chance

And beauty is sure to come
and then give some more
Israel Alderete Nov 2021
When you decide that breathing

Has become too taxing for your heart

I beg of you to think of others

And give yourself another start

When you decide that breathing

Is too much of a burden to bear

I ask oh so kindly, to keep yourself here

For I have lost one like you without ever expecting it
Now I go day by day never not regretting it

When you decide that breathing

Is no longer your friend

I hope you know and I hope you remember that I still am

And that I will be till the end.

Don't end so soon, please please don't

For every breath you bravely take, is another sign of hope

So when you decide that your breathing

Has become too much for you to order

Remind yourself that hope is only right around the corner
I miss my friend.
Israel Alderete Nov 2021
I was younger when I loved one

At first sight, or so they say

But now that I am older

I ask that you love me on the way

For love is fragile, fleeting, and yet strong

And it costs too much for us to get it wrong

Cultivate the love, and allow it to be present

Face it toward the sun.

Take your time with this great love
as we get old and grow so gray

for these feelings are much more felt

when you love me on the way
Love is not a feeling, but many
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