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Issac Zeppelin Nov 2018
Feeling, acting like a victim you are
And every people here
Of course they want you
And to be felt like the victim
A victim you are

You act like a victim, they win
Don't act like one
Stop complaining, and they loose
Seems not a better logic
In the first place, no no no
Twist a thought as per the idea
Idea demands, clears out itself
You will be a victim no more

Politics, ****** Politics
A cunning game
A mass manipulation

See around, they are winning
All over the world they are winning
Simply Just, because
People act, and pretend
And be manipulated
To be a character
And of course
Victims they are
Victims everyday

Wake  up people
Wake up world
No not a victim you are
Wake up people
Wake up world
Issac Zeppelin Oct 2018
The mind or the intellect
Governed by philosophy
Quinches its thirst by logic and understanding
The heart
Governed by bliss
Quinches its thirst by abundance
The soul
Governed by nature
Quinches its thirst
Being the nature itself
Governed by all the three
Quinches its thirst by spontanious being

Spontaneous being is possible
With the synchronization of soul
To the frequency of nature
With the synchronization of mind
To the right kind of philosophy
With the synchronization of heart energy
To the abundance present in the universe

The synchronicity of the energies
With the frequency of the ideal
Brings about peace and prosperity in the world
The energy of the ideal wow
Is what we call God in real
The ideals of the energy of God
Are nature, abundance, bliss
May you all acknowledge God
As the energy form
Rather than the personified story
Explained to make us realise
To realise the actual thing of the ideal living
So forth ideal being ultimately achieved
With victory of nature as a whole, abundance, bliss and the truth over the opposites
The victory is the synchronicity
Issac Zeppelin Jun 2018
Accepting the world exactly as it is
Not complaining about what is real
Walking on the midst of the way
Accepting the present
Learning the wisdom
Today I found myself
Not a pessimist
Not an optimist
A realist

Accepting the echoes of the realm
Of the dimension of the known and the unknown
The divine
The mistery within
The bliss upon
And the truth beyond...
Issac Zeppelin May 2018
A man is like a flower
Starts with a bud
Blossoms into its nature
Natural ecstasy and perfection
In time it wears out too
Finally falls off the tree
A natural process
A natural phenomenon
Naturally the man
See as a flower
All the nature of being
To the base is the same

The intelligence the man puts into saying
That he is only the creature of importance
And everything in the world are the resource
Resource to be consumed by himself
Is the false flag he is raising
And is in the denial of the very nature

Anything which is resonant
And synchronous to the nature
Has the time in nature to the eternity
Whereas if not
In accordance to the nature
Sooner or later
On the verse of decay
On the verse of extinction

I see the human race is in the path of extinction
As civilization denying nature rather than glorifying
Human beings are far from the true essence
And are not synchronizing in the heart
Of the very nature
The so called intelligence
is what humans praise and glorifying
A lot full of ****
And it is a shame

We see the population of human species
To rise and rise
So may presume the statement
I just stated to be false
But seeing the thought processes
And so called intelligence
Is setting the human species
To a sense of decay
The step to the human race to demolish its own race
Is a unjustified intelligence in itself

The truth and laws of nature
Being in shade
Humans incorporating thoughts
As a tool of destruction
Rather than construction
In the field of criticism rather than motivation
In the field of extinction rather than sustainability
In the field of destruction rather than collaboration
And effort in maintaining the continuity
Of equilibrium and resonance with the nature

On the contrary
Making critics and complain about the others
Not realizing all are the part of the whole
Is creating a challenge to the nature
Going off beat with the nature.

We shall know
Anything not synchronous
And not resonant to the nature
Nature wipes out sooner or later
We cannot accept the very fact it is true

Even seeing our own life
As a child
The bud to the flower
The youth
The perfection in being and entire existence
The new ideas and new world
The fruit of generation brings about
The generation to come
To fertilize the seeds of the existence
The old age
To be renewed thoughts
Nature wipes out as per the plan
of its own
Accept it as a reality
As it is the truth

The sharpness of flower
Remembered as the youthfulness of flower
The bud is treated emotionally
With care as it is to be the perfection
In the time to come
The flower to be wiped out is respected
As it was once a perfection
Once roared the magnificence of itself
Upon this very world
The being-wiped flower doesn’t ask
For its claim in the now world
And indulge the new with its now state
But appreciate the perfection once it had  
Make believe the youthful flower to blossom
And accept its own existence in the present.

Every species and beings
Are in the nature of being
We are no different from the other species
We are no superior and at the same time no inferior
To the other species
And not the other species to us humans

Everybody and everything
Is the part of the whole
The whole is the nature itself.
Issac Zeppelin May 2018
Just like this writing
As the thought
Just flown
Without the action
Of writing
Won’t bring about
The change in real
Just the thought moves
And goes
Nothing happens

The thought and writing
The manifestation
Of thought
Only the tool
Not the reality
The thought
Not conscious
Being Consciousness
Issac Zeppelin May 2018
Action is the reality
Imagination and thoughts are false
The indulgent and lies
Action brings out manifestation
The thoughts and imagination are the bargains
To the maybe actions to be
The maybe is a possibility
But not the reality in itself
Karma is what the action brings
The situation is a stimuli
The brain is the stimulus
The thoughts are the response
Of the stimuli to the stimulus
The action is what brings about the change

In a while the thought seems to bring out the change
And the transformation from within
The transformation in the thought plane
Is a trap in itself
A new thought comes in its place
The action brings about the change in real
The winding up in the trap of thoughts
Brings about the ego self to build up
The action unwinds the chain of thoughts

The universe is a plan of action
Not the plan of thoughts
The thoughts are meant to be a tool
For the action to be performed
The human race back from generations
Has chosen thoughts rather than actions
The actions, if there are
There are the thoughts driven action.
The less is the action driven thoughts

The thought driven action
Nourishes the thoughts rather than action
On the contrary
The action driven thoughts
Nourishes the action
As manifestation and karma are action driven
Rather than thoughts driven
A modern man gets confused
By keeping an eye on thought
Saying he/she didn’t do anything to nobody
But karma didn’t go well
If he/she has the conscious actions
With the thoughts as a tool driven to action
He/she would have managed to acknowledge
His/her karma and know for themselves
Where the karma took directions

Karma is the action that has no reaction
The thoughts are purely reactions
The stimulus to the stimuli
When indulged drives more and more reaction
Hence more thoughts
A thought can never satisfy
The more, the thoughts come into place again
A modern human seem to be indulged
In the reaction
Rather than performing the action instead
Being and action
The human ideal
If anyone is criticizing actions and appreciating thoughts void action, he/she is doing it wrong.
Issac Zeppelin May 2018
The one who knows is silent
The one who does not know goes on
And on and on pretending
Showing the whole world
That he/ she knows more
The complaining goes on
And on and on
It even go on until death

In fact nobody knows anything
Knowing is an illusion
Being is the truth
There is no right and duty in being
Being is what there is
It brings about oneness
Meditate on it
And you will know for yourself
Live and let live
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