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Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Everything about you charms me so much,
Flying to the stars when our eyes meet, a magical touch.
Enchanting eyes hold a spellbinding allure,
Cheeks sweeter than blueberry pies, an angelic tour.

Must have fallen from paradise, an angel on earth,
Your smile, a tropical fruit of immeasurable worth.
Lips adorably cute, hypnotized, pursuing around the globe,
So lucky you're mine, an angel's love in vibrant strobe.

Heaven is seeing you every single time,
Beside me during the climb, till the end of the line.
Love deeply rooted like a chromosomal theme,
Your presence, my beloved home, a lifelong dream.

Heart dances salsa when I hear you on the phone,
In love with your voice, every monotone.
In love with the most beautiful girl,
You, my precious, precious pearl.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
The universe dons stars like a celestial dress,
Yet, when it sees you, an envy it confess.
For you are gorgeous, a beauty untold,
Your eyes, pure magic, and kisses, a story to be unfold.

A million years of talk, yet imprecise,
Describing your lips, a poetic device.
When our skin meets, the magic your fingertips create,
A feeling indescribable, love's ultimate fate.

Crafted like a strawberry dipped in chocolate's array,
Glazed with honey, a creation in love's display.
You're my cute bunny, a blend of hot and funny,
In love with you, everything revolves around you, my honey.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
When I fell for you, my heart chose to expand,
Couldn't contain your grand love, so unplanned.
Eager to put a ring on your hand,
A beach wedding, yellow sand.

Where you step, becomes my homeland,
Honeymoon nights, dancing to a live band.
For now, let's enjoy the moment, until all's planned,
You've always been in the music I've jammed.

Life turned over the day I knew your name,
Never again, it'll be the same.
Love spoke its word, igniting a flame,
Nothing can extinguish a lover's heart, not even rain.

I love the person I've become around you,
A love that lights up both heart and brain, true.
We're the masterpiece, love, the golden frame,
Ravishing around us, under an angel's wing, our love's claim.

Playing our story on a Harp's strings,
Protected and cherished, love eternally sings.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Her eyes, masterpieces of art,
Sweet like blueberries, cheeks of cherry, playing a part.
Good looks and smart, a sweetheart,
Changed the parameters, beauty redefined from the start.

At first, she seemed imaginary,
From another world, another dimension, quite contrary.
Capturing attention, breaking down walls, no adversary,
An expert in every direction, a world-class visionary.

Walked every corner, a performer,
Fell and felt like a beginner,
Turning tables, not always a winner.
Losing for her is still a victory, a love spinner.

It's not always about numbers or what you weigh,
A sketch colorful even if it started grey.
Never about the start, it's the end of the way,
A rose fallen from paradise, heaven's display.

She's from heaven, describing her imprecise,
A chance at precision, a glance would suffice.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Being with you is pure astonishing felicity,
I love everything about you and how your looks define beautiful simplicity.
Very naturally pretty, just like how the sea is adorably blue and leaves are green,
Your eyes are intense and serene.
Like honestly they are the best eyes I have ever seen.
I am addicted to you, and my blood will never go clean.
Kissing you was sweet, smooth, and dulcet,
Just like melodies played on the trumpet.
Your cheeks are the nicest thing my lips ever met,
Your kisses take over all of my dreams, they are hard to forget.
Your touches flip me on the inside although they are so quiescent.
I love the way you talk and your evocative nature,
I can keep writing about you on each and every paper.
The days that pass without you are just mediocre,
I wish that all those me-alone days are over.
Or I wish I had a job as a composer,
So I could still get the work done staying wherever you are.
However close it is or far.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Feel it, my love, this celestial bliss,
Since the kiss, my soul's tethered to heavenly abyss.
If this feeling lingers, I'm content to reside,
Flying high, not grounded, emotions as my guide.

Spirit soaring, value beyond a billion pound,
My love, let's go to town, let joy abound.
Round and round, just us, no one around,
Our world, where even sound can't be found.

In your kiss, pleasures of the world unfold,
Let's run away, a house between the clouds, untold.
Living forever with you, no room for doubts,
Our haven, where love forever sprouts.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
After the first phone call, a smile graced my face,
No longer on Earth, but in outer space.
Her sweet, wondering voice took me to a perfect place,
Where nothing existed but her, in a blissful embrace.

Moving on to the third phase, she's adorable in every way,
Anticipating the next few dates, like a fairytale at play.
A symphony of her plays in my mind over and over,
Captivated by her, like a melody from a lover.

Talking to her is remarkably awesome, filled with humor,
Her heart-capturing laugh, a sound that I savor.
She seems sent to Earth on an angel's behalf,
Everything smooth, like midnight's jazz.

Melt into her voice like listening to a saxophone,
Can't wait to get home, grab the phone.
Once she says "hey," flown to the kingdom of happiness,
Not just there, but king on the throne, a realm of sweet bliss.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
In our collision, a purpose found,
Order to the chaos, healing profound.
Minutes will weave solace, hurts appeasing,
Mending the broken, as time keeps releasing.

Negative feelings, captive and deceiving,
Soon departing, their grip relieving.
My hands extend, a touch gentle and slow,
Your skin, not cold, but a comforting glow.

Sensitivity, a trait relative,
Defensiveness, a stance defensive.
All fine, if it's not offensive,
Harmony sought, not battles intensive.

You're beautiful, the mirror may be dusty,
Its age revealed, a metal frame rusty.
Labels like manipulative, a maneuver's art,
Leaving no scars, keeping hearts apart.

Distance maintained, a choice in the dance,
Being intangible, enriching life's expanse.
Take your space, keep the resistance,
In the realm of existence, find your insistence.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
With forces in the stars above and the mighty power of love,
All my heart does is miss you, a feeling words can't fully speak of.
Bigger than my words can discuss, this yearning has no choice,
Yet, in the echo of your voice, I find a reason to rejoice.

Every phone call becomes a source of joy, a child with new toys,
Missing you, a demand felt deeply, a sentiment that alloys.
No choice in the matter, it's a feeling that must be dealt,
Without you, my universe tilts, a void in my heart unfelt.

Around you, a space filled, a unique magic spell,
Under the enchantment of your eyes, emotions swell.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Happy until forever, immeasurable pleasure,
Tapping legs, dancing, light as a feather.
Smiles controlling the weather,
Favorite record playing, better than ever.

Same music from the dream, danced together,
By a Parisian waterfall, a memory to treasure.
Sitting for iced tea to Nutcracker's leisure,
Time stopped to her glamour, rainy day's pleasure.

Reborn out of laughter, moments we measure,
Falling for the smiles she so skillfully masters.
Just a dream, but every moment counts, dreams matter,
Conversations and every word, a lovebird's chatter.

Dreaming of her, where nothing's ever shattered,
Her voice, the best symphony, my world is flattered.
A single call flips my world, all curled,
Happy, joyful, delighted, in her love swirled.

Scientific papers cite her, my happiness knighted,
Breaking into my life uninvited.
Knows her way through, no need to be guided,
Leaves, and I'm still all excited.

Feeling drifted, in another land,
Where no other man had.
She may not know, address unplanned,
The only one with the pass in hand.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Not ordinary, a rare friend so dear,
A lexicon of virtues, crystal clear.
Lovely, smart, and one of a kind,
Comforting, understanding, a heart aligned.

Supportive, caring, energetically magnetic,
Encouraging, sympathetic, truly poetic.
Lived a lifetime, liked only a few,
Found you, special and true.

Talking with you is simple and smooth,
Art, music, and knowledge, you behoove.
Listening with a special mission,
Changing the definition, a whole vision.

A tree of kindness, offering free,
True advice, a shadow for me.
Generous with time, like a helpful tree,
Everything a friend could be.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
By the roadside, farewell echoed on the pavement,
Parting ways, a poignant chapter, a moment not meant.
Without you, I stand fragile, akin to steel-less cement,
Longing for the day our love builds a nest, my heart's lament.

Living on the dream of a future where we're blessed,
Each beat, a rhythm, calming the storm in my chest.
Twenty-nine days have silently slipped past,
Since I last melted in your presence, time's grasp.

Love for you transcends the bounds of existence,
An enduring flame that defies all resistance.
Through the future's embrace and the echoes of the past,
My affection for you eternally cast.

If only the days that part us could swiftly fly,
A wish to traverse the distance, across the sky.
Boarding a plane, crossing the vast expanse of sand,
To quell my burning heart with the soothing touch of your hand.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Grey, a miserable day,
When she's away,
Heart refuses to sing or play.
Smile takes a holiday,
Time suffering a slow delay.

Living in a soulless way,
She touches something in your soul.
When she's there, something beautiful unfolds,
Like the moment before a goal.

Her eyes, a captivating spell,
With one look, into them, you dwell.
They fly you to the moon,
Most adorable eyes, a precious boon.

In other words, they color your life,
The most beautiful in the universe, beyond any strife.
When she's away, you feel low,
Day turns grey because she's your rainbow.

Colors life, colors your world,
In her absence, a monochrome swirl.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Around you, the sun shines with radiant light,
A heart pure and cloud white.
In your presence, even the busiest cities sound quiet,
Falling for you every night, passion's flame alight.

Around you, all my passions passionately ignite,
Everything you say, in my eyes, is eternally right.
My gaze fixed, unable to look away from your sight,
Tonight, I'll dream of you, a dream so bright.

Without you, I see no light,
Unable to compose or write.
A shieldless knight in love's fight,
To reach you, I'd embark on a million flights.

For you, I'd fight the mightiest fight,
Even if it meant a dynamite's explosive light.
Everything about you, perfectly designed,
An angel as paradise's books have outlined.

To those blind to your grace, I don't mind,
For, darling, you possess my heart, soul, and mind.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
You lied, tried to weasel from my heart,
Not smart, this isn't a game to restart.
No hardware, not a restart,
People like you need a lover's manual to chart.

WARNING: The heart you're about to handle is fragile,
Not a toy, commitment needed until the aisle.
May break if left without care,
History protected, in a file to share.
Multiple breaks reformat you out,
Love won't compile, filled with doubt.
Approach softly, don't revile,
Detects fake tear or smile.

Still daring to ask about warranty,
Broke every point, saw through the mystery.
Clear now, you were acting as if non-existent,
Now Kryptonite, my survival is distant.
Time to leave, no longer your knight,
Can't survive another night.
Apologies if bluntness lacks in this write,
You must depart, I'm no longer your knight.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She's the most adorable sight, cheeks so sweet,
Heaven leaks, creating a beauty discreet.
Spectacular symphonies in her voice,
Masters the art, leaving no choice.
Smiles, a technique she uniquely peaks,
Natural as views from mountain peaks.
Beauty, kindness, the friend's ideal,
A shifting moon, her appeal.
Wishing nights stay till noon,
Precious as an ancient golden spoon.
Life's musical piece, people the bass,
And she, the tune, in a harmonious embrace.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Hand in hand, we soared to a magical land,
Love flourishing grand, like castles made of sand.
A moment so blissful, as if in paradise I stand,
Her radiance growing, in the palm of my hand.

Prettier with time, a truth now clear and grand,
An angel's touch, sweet as honey and hazel's strand.
Her soul fulfilled, a smile like mint and basil,
First touch, playful heartbeats, a dance so graceful.

Beats honoring her charm, stability unable,
Wishing to hold her hand, a connection unbreakable.
In moments when departure chimes,
A Valentine's kiss, a memory that rhymes.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Your laughs, pure and childish, a joyful sound,
Living proof, among us, angels are around.
Qualities abundant, let's do the math,
Astonishing eyes, universe's wonder in your path.

You hold a half of the universe's grace,
The other, acting on your behalf, a wondrous space.
Your smile, a reflection, making me smile back,
Love for you, a tag, an unwavering track.

When you fall asleep on your side,
Cute and open, where I want to reside.
In your arms, a comforting hide,
Let's go away, enjoy the journey's tide.

Watching you sleep, something special I find,
Perhaps the vulnerability, a feeling kind.
Lips landing softly, in a lovely kiss,
A moment in time, pure and bliss.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Her laughter, a melody, my heart's joyous rout,
Hidden beneath, an angel, there's no doubt.
Contemplating why, in life's intricate bout,
One would choose to log out.

Adorable and endearing, like a cloud so white,
Outplaying the sweetest violin's delight.
She surpasses brilliance in my code's byte,
A crystalline spectacle in snow's soft light.

Brighter than stars in their radiant ode,
A uniqueness spanning the globe.
Our meeting, a serendipity to behove,
Sweet, pretty, and clever, virtues she strove.

Her name, a unit where beauty's measured,
A scale where elegance is treasured.
From zero to her name, a spectrum ensnared,
Others mere fragments, micro, nano, and pico declared.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She nestles her head upon my shoulder,
In the gentle embrace, I hold her.
As winter's chill around us grows bolder,
Wrapped in warmth, our love unfolds.

Fitting seamlessly within my embrace,
A hundred degrees, yet I'll hug her with grace.
Endless summer, her kiss I'll trace,
In her embrace, everything finds its place.

At the culmination of a kiss, the world aligns,
Her kiss, a melody, the prettiest it shines.
More cheerful than a tweeting bird's rhymes,
A symphony of love, echoing through time.

Heaven served us this harmonious blend,
Beethoven and Mozart, in her kiss transcend.
Like an angel, she gracefully descended,
Kissing her, an experience splendid.

A journey to find her, worthwhile and profound,
She fell from heaven, in elegance unbound.
Her smile, a beacon that brightens around,
In anything she wears, beauty is crowned.

In arguments, she's adorable and rare,
A caring soul, beyond compare.
Perfect moments by the sea, so fair,
In her absence, "miss you" fills the air.

In this universe, she's my sole decree,
The only one my eyes long to see.
With her, life finds its melody,
A symphony of love, in perfect harmony.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
My babe's humor, a treasure so dear,
Her laughter, nothing cuter, so clear.
All mine, with her father's approval,
Wishing our meeting had happened sooner.

Love wilder, growing with every word she speaks,
In the same building after a hiatus, emotions at their peaks.
On the bed, thoughts of her, her ring I hold,
Missing everything about her, memories untold.

Breathing love, notes played for the violin,
Not shallow but deep within.
Her eyes, her cheeks, her hand, her smiles,
In the symphony of my heart, love spans miles.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Happy Valentine BIRTHDAY …
Coming to the world, when all lovers celebrate …
The universe had something to say, I guess …
“Love is your fate” …
My heart is ready to witness …
That you are an infinite spring of love …
You make my soul twinkle and my heart smile …
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
I am here, it's only me.
Who am I?
And what do I see?
Everything is beautiful through my eyes.
I am random but I am wise.
I am so different from other guys.
I cry through movies.
I like cooking and making smoothies.
Staying at home to read.
And I like cruising smoothly, I don’t like to speed.
I know what a woman would need.
I know how to be sweet.
How to keep up the excitement and the heat.
Keeping life up to the beat.
I deserve more than a girl who just won’t cheat.
Someone who would really love to keep.
I am ensuring perfectness, nothing will be incomplete.
I am looking for a lady, not a girl because I am no boy.
I don’t play with love, because a heart is no toy.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I love how you make me feel,
I love how with you every laugh is real.
I love how you're soft like silk but still strong like steel,
I love how my heart to your presence always kneels.

I love how when you touch me, all that went wrong just heals,
I love how I always wish if you were here.
I love how your voice is the only sound I want to hear,
I love how I can reveal whatever is on my mind.

I love how you always tell me that I am kind,
I love how you blessed my life since you arrived.
I love that I know for sure that you will always be by my side,
I love that I know for sure you would come to my arms to hide.

I love that with you, I can live wide and wild,
I love that in nine months, you will be my beautiful bride.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Millions of poems written, feelings laid bare,
Love not always a necessity, if you're willing to hear.
Consider love a religion, not just a mere notion,
When your heart ignites, a fiery devotion.

Warming feelings pump through your blood,
A seed growing, emerging from the mud.
Soon, you're caught in a "Love Flood,"
Unable to sleep or think, emotions like a flood.

Flowers everywhere, stars turned pink,
Unless you say those three words, break the link.
Agree to love's terms, relax, don't sink,
Your new day of birth, speak, don't overthink.

Hesitant but not lazy, charmed by a lady,
Thinking about her daily, missing her like crazy.
Even sunny days seem a bit hazy,
She's a beautiful, pleasing Daisy.

Ready to tell her, burning inside,
Here's your chance, don't let it slide.
She's reading this now, emotions implied,
Last verse is yours, go ahead, confide.

"I Love You"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I've caused my princess to shed a tear,
For each one, a star from the night's sky I'll clear.
Regret consumes me, disturbing her eye so clear,
I'm sorry for seeming like a different guy, my dear.

I apologize if I brought a chill, love's taste gone dry,
If presented a choice, my life or your tears, I'd rather die.
One thing certain, your love delves into me, nuclei deep,
You're my soul, loving you, the truth I proudly keep.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In her eyes, I possess the world, a realm of indescribable wonder,
A million words fall short, as if joy from paradise I've plundered.
Her eyes, worthy of the world's cutest eyes award,
Each glance, an exploration of heaven, admiration soared.

Charming eyes that captivate, a devotion I wholeheartedly adored,
An involuntary gaze, a magnetic force, my heart implored.
Through her eyes, I delved into the depths of her soul,
An essence built on a sweet, loving core, a connection beyond control.

Yearning to whisk her away to an island, build a fort,
In her eyes, an irresistible allure, beckoning for more.
Helpless and weak, under the spell they cast,
Each second feels like a week, time stretching fast.

Her adorably beautiful cheek, a symphony with her lips,
A unique smile, an angelic harmony that tenderly grips.
Every look at her face, akin to listening to a solo harp,
A narration of her beauty, a tale with no starting mark.

Her lips, moving with grace and confidence profound,
Framing sweet words, an art in which she's renowned.
Intense concentration of beauty in every glance,
A million-dollar smile, crafted by the world's finest chance.

In her presence, nothing else exists, she's the sole,
Perfection embodied in every aspect, nothing less than whole.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I despise the ease with which they see,
Gazing at you so effortlessly.
Into your eyes, they dive eagerly,
Captivated by your heart's melody.
Believing they've found their chemistry,
Aiming to make you their destiny.
Endlessly dreaming about you,
Yet, you wouldn't grasp what I go through.

I understand the chaos, the entropy,
Caused by eyes fixed on you, inevitably.
But you wouldn't comprehend, not today,
The turmoil within, words can't convey.
In their dreams, they chase you endlessly,
While I grapple with my own jealousy.
A silent battle, you can't perceive,
Yet, it's my heart they try to thieve.

You, an unknowing muse,
Igniting passions they'll never lose.
In the shadows, I watch and dismay,
As others long for what's already at bay.
Jealousy, a bitter symphony,
Playing the chords of my silent agony.
You wouldn't understand, anyway,
As they seek you in the light of day.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I love your lips just the way they are,
Honey, you will always be my shining star.
You are the only one I will ever sing to with my guitar,
Babe, your lips are gorgeously far above the beauty bar.

When they kiss me, they bring paradise into the car,
I didn’t get a taste yet, but I have the feeling that says they come from a honey jar.
Don’t let anything that says different come into your head,
I’ll kiss your lovely lips every night, good night, and tuck you in bed.

Today I can’t get them, I’ll just fantasize about kissing them instead.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Take my heart, let it be yours to keep,
I've never loved you less, in love, we leap.
Love grows mightier, a secret we'll always keep,
Especially when you wear that black dress so sleek.

Every move, curve, and bit, you rock with grace,
Not loving you would be a chaotic maze.
Your love, a blessing, my heart's warm embrace,
Alive and better, with you, life's a blissful phase.

If you felt that way, my love, I'm sorry,
Words, at times, create an unnecessary worry.
Tiny faults in our grid, please don't hurry,
In your head, love remains, a constant flurry.

Our future shines bright when I look ahead,
No more frowning, let's ignite the spark we've bred.
Tears shed, replaced with joy instead,
Together, forever, with love that's widespread.

So, keep smiling, my love, let's embark,
On a journey of love, leaving no room for the dark.
Our flame, like the beginning, a constant spark,
Living life with you, forever, leaving no room for stark regret.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the memories of last winter's embrace,
A blend of green tea, lemon, and ginger, delicate in taste.
Not the burning timber, but a warmth so tender,
Life's hues transformed, becoming richer, surrender.

She gracefully stepped into the picture,
A radiant figure, gold-plating what was once silver.
Snowflakes danced in a symphony of delight,
Each moment extended, a canvas of winter's light.

Underneath the cold, a warmth profound,
Echoes of laughter, a love unbound.
In the gallery of time, this winter's treasure,
A tale of joy, a symphony beyond measure.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
"What if I never find and I'm left behind?
Should I keep hoping for love?"
Lyrics from a favorite song, long ago, sung.
Found you, where my love truly belongs,
Several years it took, but hope remained strong.

No more "What ifs," doubts, all gone,
Our love, still young, with every breath, it's drawn.
Growing old with each lung-filled breath,
Wiser with each "I love you," a vow to outlast death.

Who said love makes us weak?
It renders us gentle, elegant, our words meek.
Describing our love in its second week,
Everything about it, uniquely mystique.

From the possibilities that made us meet,
To the sweetness in every heartbeat.
With you, everything feels so complete,
Honey, when you're around, love's journey is replete.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Life, a well of inconsistency,
Paradox forming a strange symmetry.
Like Beethoven's symphony,
So unique, just like yourself, so free.

Strong, yet soft as clay,
A heart still mending, a price to pay.
Hurt when he refused to stay,
Or left, perhaps, to find another way.

Maybe love left life fragile and grey,
Sorry if someone played your heart like a fray.
Never fell in love, or fell every day,
In a rush, can't stand the delay.

We only talked for a few hours today,
One side seen, okay?
Super sure, you're a dream,
Walk with pride, love, tough it may seem.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Listen, can you hear it too? I love you,
Do you truly have to go? Already missing you.
We'll find each other, okay? You smiled,
Patiently waiting, for you, reconciled.
Here you are, eyes in the distance,
Why not coming my way, in this existence?
Can't you hear my heart play,
The symphony of our love, written to stay?
Someone takes her away,
More than love, it's my soul they sway.

Two parts of you growing inside,
The seed named "you," roots deep reside.
A million under our love's sun,
And a part of your soul, merging, begun.
I can't help but stay away, so sad,
Lost control, thoughts gone mad.
Rushing away, where am I now?
Told I lost him, opening my eye, somehow.
A piece of me died,
For ten years, calm on the outside.
Every night, his presence near,
Feeling his little palm, so dear.
Sure he's alive, a hopeful strive,
But the truth eludes, can't take a dive.

No matter how long it takes,
Down in a dark ocean, the soul awakes.
Too dark to see any motion,
Yet, I can listen, a devoted devotion.
Ten years have passed, love persists,
I still need you, I still insist.
I'll find you, but how?
Last time, I listened, I remember now.
Hearing a sound, growing louder, the echo,
Positive, I know, in this dark tableau.
Whose playing our symphony, the little kid! Bravo,
Oh, she's here too, the love's crescendo.

That's the sound of our love's decree,
Could it be?
He held my hand,
Found me, as we planned.
We found him, in the echo's key.

Inspired by "August Rush"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Oh my, Oh my, soaring in the sky,
Yearning for wings, a wish to fly.
Mountains climbed to say Hi,
Chasing highs, reaching the sky.
Worth the journey, my joy supply,
Forever glued, I'm August, she's July.
But our love's tie, oh how it could die,
Rushed, goodbye missed, oh my, oh my.

Gravity, a growing cavity,
In search of her, a painful reality.
Loads of agony, changing normality,
Sounds like insanity, fueled by vanity.
No weapons but anatomy,
Cream making youth a rapidity.
They crave physicality,
Ignoring love, devoid of spirituality.

Crossing worlds, expending energy,
Here she is, Hey, it's me.
Pardon? Lost memory,
Years after the treasury.
Love's treasure lost in amnesia,
Won't give up, a lover's anesthesia.
Centuries may pass, still, I'll plea,
To win her back, restore love's directory.

Destiny sent a helpful friend,
Grateful, he aids the mend.
Reunited, chemistry blend,
Life's melody, a love to tend.
Ups, downs, and instability,
Yet love grows exponentially.
Great love, great ability,
Stronger than gravity, with credibility.

They say you can't fight gravity,
Yet, love stronger, rewriting history.
Love altering the course, a mystery resolved,
Inspired by "Upside Down," our story evolved.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Love, the biggest myth, no magical kiss,
Exaggeration, a world in bliss.
No eclipse, just losers with bricks,
Life is awesome, no need for tricks.

Shooting stars won't grant a wish,
Life's not a roll of dice, no need to relish.
Love does exist, but not teen's fantasy,
Real love is sure, room for more, a symphony.

Find the one you'd die for,
See them every day, every hour, evermore.
Life's weight, relationship's fate,
True love withstands, don't hesitate.

Propaganda aside, love is no teen's riddle,
When it's true, no need to twiddle.
Your heart's beats, a connection's feat,
Feeding existence, love's heartbeat.

Hands around her waist, a dance's trance,
Tweeting birds, a life enhanced.
True love, change of plans,
Magical words, wisdom in her glance.

Not just falling for her eyes,
True love goes beyond blue skies.
Magical words, wisdom-wise,
A soulmate who never compromises.

Angels exist, wisdom at five,
Seeking a partner, not raising a baby hive.
Deep, keeping you alive,
A wife, not a fleeting knife.

Love from the heart, mind in flight,
Think more than twice, share your life.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
I can see you in his wondering brown eyes,
In the way he moves, breathes, and drives.
Girl, you cover his skies,
Your calls take him to paradise.
He looks adorably resistance-less to be precise,
With you, he is himself, he needs no disguise.
Talking to you, he laughs, smiles, and never fakes replies.
Even when he is around me, he’s somewhere else,
To be your perfect man, he excels.
Because, girl, you're his soul, life, and wealth,
You can always trust a guy who has books on his shelf.

And you, my friend, you exist in her smile,
Something in her eyes twinkles when she looks at you.
Saying by her heart, she's ready to step by your side a thousand mile.
Isn’t it cute when she’s jealous of me too?
I know if it were up to her, she would stick you to her by glue.
But seriously, how is it even possible to get jealous of me! I don’t have a clue.
You two are singing a love duet,
And you two sure have bet, Romeo and Juliet.
I am glad you guys met,
Can’t imagine you two with anyone instead.
Just perfect like Peanut Butter and Jam on bread …
So harmonic like when chords go in thirds …
And now I officially give you the title of 'my favorite lovebirds' …
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I can see you in his wondering brown eyes,
In the way he moves, breathes, and drives.
Girl, you cover his skies,
Your calls take him to paradise.
He looks adorably resistance-less, to be precise,
With you, he is him, he needs no disguise.
Talking to you, he laughs, smiles, and never fakes replies.
Even when he's around me, he's somewhere else,
To be your perfect man, he excels.
Because, girl, you're his soul, life, and wealth,
You can always trust a guy who has books on his shelf.

And you, my friend, you exist in her smile,
Something in her eyes twinkles when she looks at you.
Saying by her heart, she's ready to step by your side a thousand miles.
Isn’t it cute when she’s jealous of me too?
I know if it was up to her, she would stick you to her by glue.
But seriously, how is it even possible to get jealous of me! I don’t have a clue.

You two are singing a love duet,
And you two sure have bet, Romeo and Juliet.
I am glad you guys met,
Can’t imagine you two with anyone instead.
Just perfect like Peanut Butter and Jam on bread,
So harmonic like when chords go in thirds.
And now I officially give you the title of 'my favorite lovebirds'.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the realm of love, I find my power,
Helpless yet strong, soft as the finest flower.
Flexible as rubber, unveiling layer after layer,
A lover's creativity, a canvas filled with a new color.

Impossible feats become the norm,
Turning winter to summer, love takes the warm.
Heroic endeavors, like a mountain reborn,
Mastering the pace, beats in love's grand form.

In the coldest nights, a warming fire,
A man you can count on, one to never tire.
Swearing honesty, no deceit to conspire,
You're a princess, my heart's sole desire.

Delicate as a royal guest, a love so true,
Your happiness, my relentless pursuit.
A lovebird's nest, a haven built for two,
All love letters, my heart addressed to you.

I love you as the sun loves the west,
A symphony of love, an eternal quest.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
My lover, a white lily, and I, a lime so bright,
In our unique blend, everything feels just right.
Between us, a journey in a short span of time,
September's meeting led to a Valentine's climb.

Deeper into love, as Spring began to sing,
By April's second, I proposed with a diamond ring.
A forever promise, till death do us part,
She said, "Yes!" igniting love's vibrant spark.

It's always been about her, the world matters less,
Soon, she'll wear a white dress.
Marriott will witness our love's finesse,
Impressing every guest.

Love will fill the air, romance will ignite,
In our dance, we'll rock the night.
For a night of love in advance, I'll pay the price,
The best night ever, a glimpse into paradise.

Yet, for now, work awaits, honeymoon plans unfold,
Live music, flowers, and dance floors of gold.
Every detail meticulously we must hold,
A year of love, a story beautifully told.

From a girl I saw, to someone premier,
After finding you, everything became clear.
Though distance separates, our souls draw near,
To you, my lovely lady, always sincere.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In every stage, my love for us prevails,
Cherishing your love, as it gracefully sails.
Witnessing your beauty as it steadily trails,
Each day with you, life's story never pales.

That initial feeling, a sweet crush's blush,
Falling for your smile, a radiant rush.
Countless moments shared, a significant plush,
Our love story, a tale that's far from hush.

From then till now, and the much that's to come,
Never enough, our love continues to hum.
With accelerations and masses, like orbits that thrum,
Under starry carpets, our love's kingdom.

Escape to your eyes, life's transient pass,
In your mysterious world, time's hourglass.
Dance to slow jazz, let the memories amass,
Live, love, laugh, in each other's grasp.

Now incomplete alone, you're my other half,
Our love symphony, an unending riff and staff.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Loving you is smooth, a maple leaf on a river's cruise,
With every glance at you, my heart still gently shivers.
Hugging you, a pleasure beyond measure,
And our kisses, treasures the universe would choose.

Your eyes, a mesmerizing dance; your smile, pure delight,
I adore your figure, graceful and so right.
The way you talk, the way you walk, our togetherness,
Feminine and clever, your essence, a symphony of finesse.

If happiness were a subject, you'd be a professor,
Your warmth, a love letter, an everlasting tether.
Soft cheeks like a feather, smiles controlling the weather,
For you, I'd forsake the world, our love an eternal confessor.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Beside my dark wooden bed, I sit,
Melody escaping my clarinet.
Lost in love stories, since we met,
Imagination swirls, what future to beget?

Wondering about the path ahead,
Can't stop thinking, her smile widespread.
She lingers in my thoughts, can't forget,
Like a guitar's seventeenth fret.
For a beginner in love, she's hard to get,
Like a new guitarist, sticking to the first fret.

Elegant like an architect,
Swaying in her dress, shades of red connect.
Each shade complementing her cheek's pink,
Every look makes my heart sink.
No eye on her can blink,
No mind can even dare to think.
Her essence indescribable by a writer's ink.

If I don't speak now, regrets forever,
Took a breath, getting myself together.
Won't play smart or act clever,
It's not a one-time chance, a pirate finds treasure.
I'll try now, tomorrow, and forever,
No pain, no pleasure.
She's an angel, no worries or pressure,
With time, I'll be a love professor.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Cello music resonates, piercing my heart's core,
A solace for the night, as tomorrow looms unsure.
Anticipating a dawn with feeble light,
The sun may rise, but the outlook isn't bright.

Yearning for a visit to my piano, a source of might,
To confess my sorrows, hidden in the shadows of the night.
Whispers of regret, echoing through the keys,
In a world where my spirit finds no ease.

Why awaken my cells to a morning so bleak?
In a realm where I feel like an outcast, an antique.
Incomprehensible minds, unable to grasp,
The complexities within my spectacular mental clasp.

A world I detest, where I seem to misfit,
In the depths of my unique, intricate wit.
They pluck at my patience, a hypocritical display,
Now, it's time to revise, to find my own way.

Watch as mastery unfolds, a feat of a little kid,
In the air it soars, a resilient spirit undid.
Draw the sword against a lousy hypocrite,
I can't endure, I quit, I quit.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
My heart, a molten blend, entwined with yours,
In a mere second, love blossomed, a million years it endures.
Paradise materializes when you draw near,
In your eyes, a beauty and clarity so dear.

My goal is to keep you happy, a mission bold,
Your heart's touch resonates, a story untold.
Anticipation builds for the next call,
And to traverse through spring, summer, and fall.

Yearning for the moment, a wedding hall in white,
Your love, a deep-rooted presence, an inner light.
Beside you, I miss being, by your side,
You orchestrate my beats, like the moon and the tide.

Tonight, your eyes transported me to another realm,
For now, love conveyed through each transmitted byte's helm.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Memories held between the lines of scores,
Cold chills to the core, music's open doors.
Laughs at guitar lessons, moments that implore,
Keenness to times when music filled my essence, a love to explore.

Walls resonating with my presence,
Playing music, an obsession, a lifelong essence.
Drumming jamming sessions, a rhythmic coalescence,
Piano surrendering to accelerando progression.

First show-off to the crush,
Few chords and a wink, making her blush.
A look that can't grasp enough,
Beats on, lights off, into the black hush.

Shut your eyes, turn on music, teleporting back,
Feel warmth in your heart, a familiar track.
Sync heartbeats to the song, a connection intact,
Hold your breath, stay in, before it all goes slack.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
In my dark room, staring into the void,
Without her, a dying flower, unable to avoid.
Life's pause, only her eyes can hit resume,
Tears cascade, aching for her in the gloom.

Her eyes, her smile, cheeks, lips, and laugh,
Warmth and perfume, a memory to grasp.
My soul falters, survival alone a presumed doom,
In the night, a dark planet without its moon.

Adorable in every conceivable way,
Holding hands, attaching to my jacket, innocent play.
Tears as companions, surrendering to sleep soon,
Dreams of her, perhaps, a honeymoon.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Morning's embrace, oh sunshine divine,
Radiate your hundred-watt smile, let it shine.
May your day unfold in a way so fine,
An abundance of joy, each moment to twine.

On cloud nine, linger throughout the day,
In every thought, you find your way.
You're not an escape, nor a fleeting bind,
In my mind, you're a constant, a welcome kind.

I make no effort to erase, you're not left behind,
For you, a unique kind, in every thought enshrined.
Insisting you surpass the flowers, so refined,
In the verses I type, the most beautiful find.

Embark on your morning's vibrant scheme,
An anticipation for our talk, the evening's dream.
As you go about, may all be bright,
Looking forward to our conversation tonight.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
From my first high five to teaching me to drive,
You've been by my side, my guide through life.
Always had my back, in joy and in strife,
From the smallest decisions to choosing a wife.

You tied my ties, a constant in two decades of time,
Without you, I wouldn't know how to climb.
Standing tall, strong, and wise,
Surviving life's storms and highs.

Appreciating every sacrifice, every piece of advice,
You know better, your wisdom, my priceless device.
Even if you repeat, I hear it once or twice,
Grateful for your reasoning, always precise.

Teaching that mistakes are a pathway to speak up loud,
Heads held high, you made us proud.
Best father without a doubt,
Being there when times were hard, a constant guard.

Thank you for the credit card and bedtime stories,
Playing in the snow, sharing glories.
UNO games and lessons on how to glow,
Keeping up when things moved slow.

Letting me be the star in my one-man show,
Dad, I love you more than you know.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
An email from my old music school arrived,
Missing another concert, not feeling revived.
Keening for the first piano, played from my core,
Can't be there anymore.

Missing the feeling of freshly printed scores,
Orchestra setting, violins left, cellos right, on the floor.
The conductor nodding, counting to four,
Memories, a timeline's reminder, galore.

Photo with my guitar on the wall so fine,
Part of that place, a memory that's mine.
My music imprinted, a bit of my soul's design,
Post-class sodas with lime.

Playing in summer, autumn, spring, and in the rain,
As if the clouds heard, playing Chopin, crying again.
Raindrops enjoying our music, on their transient lane,
Instruments, perhaps, missing me, a refrain.

Hard to leave, always a grief,
One more hour, to play there, a belief.
Being naive, it's far away, but my piano is near,
Playing all night, hoping the walls might hear.
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