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Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the dance of deception, your steps entwined,
A betrayal veiled, a sinister design.
In shadows, you orchestrated my demise,
A symphony of deceit, a mask of lies.

Initially, you wore decency like a guise,
Yet, lessons taught you well in love's demise.
Heartless, you stand, a creation untamed,
No justification, a soul unclaimed.

Regret echoes in the aftermath's haze,
A dance floor memory, lost in a maze.
Why cheat, I thought the only rival was me.
Each sunrise, questioning what we could be.

Crazy, I am, unraveling the threads,
Did you care, or just fill empty beds?
Shoot my heart, revel in the blast,
Moon tears fall, a heart trapped and cast.

In squares of ignorance, lies, and despair,
Tied with sides of sorrow, depression, and care.
I walk away, weak and weary,
In the noon's darkness, an ocean's dreary.

Trapped heart, searching for love to consume,
In the depths, a silent, mournful gloom.
Now I ponder what truly matters,
Unspoken, the rescue from love's shattered splatters.
Feb 2019 · 161
"Behind Closed Doors"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Behind my door, a refuge I find,
Wooden floor bears scars of love's cruel grind.
An injured soldier, love's aftermath,
A knife in my soul, a silent warpath.

In love's battles, no victor emerges,
Memories linger, the pain converges.
Recovery's facade, a cracking core,
Discarding memories, a relentless chore.

Shadows of oaths, loyalty's ghost,
Strength in silence, hurt the most.
Behind closed doors, emotions secure,
A sanctuary for the heart's obscure.
Feb 2019 · 234
"Unexplained Realms"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the stuff we can't explain,
Pain silently weaves its intricate chain.
Complaints seem odd, but the heart's refrain,
Insanity reigns in the mind's terrain.

Calm exterior, a deceptive veneer,
Inside, a hurricane of thoughts unclear.
What you call a spark, to me, a flame,
Not lame, just not playing the same game.

I endure for a while, but limits attain,
Love transcends mere entertainment's domain.
Duties to deliver, rights to claim,
In the realm of love, authenticity's name.
Feb 2019 · 142
"Stuck With Me"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the confines of our shared space,
Imperfect yet genuine, our moments embrace.
Fun we find in our own decree,
A conversation weaving its unique glee.

You yearned for a drive, a stolen key,
I suggested mischief, you opted for TV.
Piano notes echoed, counting silently,
One, two, three, a tempo in harmony.

Now, boredom lingers, a wish to be free,
As a bird soaring or a honeybee.
Dreams of faraway places overseas,
A thousand destinations where you'd rather seize.

Top of a mountain for a ski,
A quiet spot with somebody,
A picnic with friends, biscuits and tea,
Yet here you are, stuck at home with me.
Feb 2019 · 123
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
You claim a strong heart, resolute and bold,
Yet, all women's hearts, tales of clay unfold.
Perhaps a departure left scars to replay,
Or love's nuances painted life in shades of gray.

Whether you've loved deeply or stayed away,
Your experiences shape the words you convey.
Love's a dance, sometimes a disarray,
A rhythm you navigate, night and day.

In our brief exchange, a glimpse on display,
One facet revealed, in a conversational relay.
Sweetheart, you're a gem, no need to betray,
Envy may linger, for the lucky one in your array.
Feb 2019 · 282
" Lost in Love's Orbit"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Oh my, Oh my, soaring in the sky,
Yearning for wings, a wish to fly.
Mountains climbed to say Hi,
Chasing highs, reaching the sky.
Worth the journey, my joy supply,
Forever glued, I'm August, she's July.
But our love's tie, oh how it could die,
Rushed, goodbye missed, oh my, oh my.

Gravity, a growing cavity,
In search of her, a painful reality.
Loads of agony, changing normality,
Sounds like insanity, fueled by vanity.
No weapons but anatomy,
Cream making youth a rapidity.
They crave physicality,
Ignoring love, devoid of spirituality.

Crossing worlds, expending energy,
Here she is, Hey, it's me.
Pardon? Lost memory,
Years after the treasury.
Love's treasure lost in amnesia,
Won't give up, a lover's anesthesia.
Centuries may pass, still, I'll plea,
To win her back, restore love's directory.

Destiny sent a helpful friend,
Grateful, he aids the mend.
Reunited, chemistry blend,
Life's melody, a love to tend.
Ups, downs, and instability,
Yet love grows exponentially.
Great love, great ability,
Stronger than gravity, with credibility.

They say you can't fight gravity,
Yet, love stronger, rewriting history.
Love altering the course, a mystery resolved,
Inspired by "Upside Down," our story evolved.
Feb 2019 · 123
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Listen, can you hear it too? I love you,
Do you truly have to go? Already missing you.
We'll find each other, okay? You smiled,
Patiently waiting, for you, reconciled.
Here you are, eyes in the distance,
Why not coming my way, in this existence?
Can't you hear my heart play,
The symphony of our love, written to stay?
Someone takes her away,
More than love, it's my soul they sway.

Two parts of you growing inside,
The seed named "you," roots deep reside.
A million under our love's sun,
And a part of your soul, merging, begun.
I can't help but stay away, so sad,
Lost control, thoughts gone mad.
Rushing away, where am I now?
Told I lost him, opening my eye, somehow.
A piece of me died,
For ten years, calm on the outside.
Every night, his presence near,
Feeling his little palm, so dear.
Sure he's alive, a hopeful strive,
But the truth eludes, can't take a dive.

No matter how long it takes,
Down in a dark ocean, the soul awakes.
Too dark to see any motion,
Yet, I can listen, a devoted devotion.
Ten years have passed, love persists,
I still need you, I still insist.
I'll find you, but how?
Last time, I listened, I remember now.
Hearing a sound, growing louder, the echo,
Positive, I know, in this dark tableau.
Whose playing our symphony, the little kid! Bravo,
Oh, she's here too, the love's crescendo.

That's the sound of our love's decree,
Could it be?
He held my hand,
Found me, as we planned.
We found him, in the echo's key.

Inspired by "August Rush"
Feb 2019 · 103
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I despise the ease with which they see,
Gazing at you so effortlessly.
Into your eyes, they dive eagerly,
Captivated by your heart's melody.
Believing they've found their chemistry,
Aiming to make you their destiny.
Endlessly dreaming about you,
Yet, you wouldn't grasp what I go through.

I understand the chaos, the entropy,
Caused by eyes fixed on you, inevitably.
But you wouldn't comprehend, not today,
The turmoil within, words can't convey.
In their dreams, they chase you endlessly,
While I grapple with my own jealousy.
A silent battle, you can't perceive,
Yet, it's my heart they try to thieve.

You, an unknowing muse,
Igniting passions they'll never lose.
In the shadows, I watch and dismay,
As others long for what's already at bay.
Jealousy, a bitter symphony,
Playing the chords of my silent agony.
You wouldn't understand, anyway,
As they seek you in the light of day.
Feb 2019 · 116
"Heavenly Melody"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She's the most adorable sight, cheeks so sweet,
Heaven leaks, creating a beauty discreet.
Spectacular symphonies in her voice,
Masters the art, leaving no choice.
Smiles, a technique she uniquely peaks,
Natural as views from mountain peaks.
Beauty, kindness, the friend's ideal,
A shifting moon, her appeal.
Wishing nights stay till noon,
Precious as an ancient golden spoon.
Life's musical piece, people the bass,
And she, the tune, in a harmonious embrace.
Feb 2019 · 105
"Voyage of Mr. Cloud"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Goodbye, Mr. Ocean, it's happening, wohooo!
Let's go, guys, keep up the motion.
Emotions I can't describe, a journey so divine,
Pools, tanks, underground pipes left behind.
Up in the sky, racing the crowd,
In minutes, they'll call me Mr. Cloud.
Finally, the honor, forever proud,
White and fluffy, oh, so lucky.

Busy looking up, missing the view,
Earth's green and blue, a mesmerizing cue.
So high, birds flying through,
Wind blows, changing paths to Peru.
No, to France, maybe Spain, my chance,
Paris, city of love and romance.
Pass by Rome, sea beside Greece, take a glance,
No rush, enjoy the ride, a cosmic dance.

After Italy, flowing south, Mediterranean sea,
In a distance, the Mediterranean's Bride I see.
Such pleasure, such pride, descending in Egypt,
Feels just right, a dream intercept.

With every mile, can't help but smile,
Above Cairo, the magic starts, free for a while.
Thirty past three, when I was free,
Here comes the rain, down goes the pain.
Up goes the spirit's gain, hiding, but those two girls,
Everyone thinks they're insane.
Oh, they're smiling, playing a little, then we'll drain,
Deep down we'll remain, until someone finds us,
Maybe to help grow some grains.
Hopefully, one day, we'll go up again.

Inspired by A Friend's Status 18/11/2013
Feb 2019 · 99
"Friendship Essence"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Not ordinary, a rare friend so dear,
A lexicon of virtues, crystal clear.
Lovely, smart, and one of a kind,
Comforting, understanding, a heart aligned.

Supportive, caring, energetically magnetic,
Encouraging, sympathetic, truly poetic.
Lived a lifetime, liked only a few,
Found you, special and true.

Talking with you is simple and smooth,
Art, music, and knowledge, you behoove.
Listening with a special mission,
Changing the definition, a whole vision.

A tree of kindness, offering free,
True advice, a shadow for me.
Generous with time, like a helpful tree,
Everything a friend could be.
Feb 2019 · 82
"After Midnight"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Love falls after midnight's descent,
On the range of my heart, its event.
She won't escape my heart's satellite,
Chatting, talking, living, every transmitted byte.
Candlelight's charm now takes a backseat,
Staying up late, a new love feat.
Texting, sending emotions, mobiles aglow,
Bright rooms with laptops, love's soft glow.
Laying on beds or desks upright,
Being together, such a delight.

After midnight, love flames ignite,
Lovers side by side, the fun takes flight.
Interrupting sleep, it overrides,
Love, an ocean with moonlit tides.
The night has its ups and downs,
A notification lifts your ceiling, opens skies.
A late reply keeps you with sleepy eyes.
A text, a twice-read delight,
Or another, cold as ice.
Tears and smiles, from close to miles,
Love's journey spans varied styles.
Feb 2019 · 92
"Do Re Mi"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
D, C sharp, G flat, or an E,
Touches each key, a melody so free.
An old tune, a cherished memory,
Holds a part of me, captivates my legacy.
Sound, chaos energy it might be,
Can make you smile, dance, frown, or cry.

Major scales, the happy trails,
Leave nothing but pain, why?
The last piece played before goodbye,
A seed of joy, deep through cells it flies.
Puts you on top like a king,
Happiness it brings, pleasure's sweet sting.
G major chords, back to the ring,
Patterns played, can't help but sing.

Bass notes, winter chills in spring,
Low long violin notes, goosebumps cling.
High notes take you where you've never been,
Age, color, women, or men,
Heart synchronizes with the drum's beat,
Legs tapping, neat band feat.

Attached to every part, getting their heat,
Warming the soul, making you complete.
Background sound of an orchestra, boson, and horn,
Takes your soul away, reborn.
A combination of notes, Do Re Mi,
Exactly seven, your own heavenly spree.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Finishing carrot cake, spraying cream with grace,
Kettle whistling, steam flying in a heated race.
Tea leaves racing, shades of orange downstream,
Perfect she sits, watching your morning dream.
Depth of her eyes, a theme of pureness,
Flawless moment, or so it seems.
A second later, a dream, feelings extreme,
Beneath the ceiling, a silent scream.

She's gone, it's the end,
Lover back to a friend.
Fooling the mind to sleep, hoping for an extent,
Not possible, you lost your queen, the silent lament.
Show over, red curtains on the screen,
Again, what time is this, the fifteenth?
It hurts, giving up sleep, caffeine's sheen,
Not a machine, but it's always her, in your bloodstream.

Learned from dreams, boat or mountain ravine,
Places don't matter, her presence, the perfect scene.
Feb 2019 · 99
"Heart's User Guide"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
You lied, tried to weasel from my heart,
Not smart, this isn't a game to restart.
No hardware, not a restart,
People like you need a lover's manual to chart.

WARNING: The heart you're about to handle is fragile,
Not a toy, commitment needed until the aisle.
May break if left without care,
History protected, in a file to share.
Multiple breaks reformat you out,
Love won't compile, filled with doubt.
Approach softly, don't revile,
Detects fake tear or smile.

Still daring to ask about warranty,
Broke every point, saw through the mystery.
Clear now, you were acting as if non-existent,
Now Kryptonite, my survival is distant.
Time to leave, no longer your knight,
Can't survive another night.
Apologies if bluntness lacks in this write,
You must depart, I'm no longer your knight.
Feb 2019 · 111
"Cello Serenade"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Crossed my sight, cello in play,
Adorably beautiful, dressed in yellow array.
A second, yet time moved ever so slow,
She took my mind, hands still moving the bow.
If we could skip the pages, end the show,
Find a way to make her stay, oh!

My cello calls her name, unknown,
Bar after bar, playing, praying, she won't go.
Now at the chamber's door,
She left, I can't see her anymore.
Desperately playing, my score,
Curtain closed, symphony no more.

End of the story, or so I supposed,
Little did I know, fate juxtaposed.
Months later, quartet plays Beethoven's 131,
Out of the blue, she enters, a welcome rerun.
Heart dancing, a one-man show begun,
Off the stage, I flew, yellow dress, the same one.

This time, she stayed beyond the clapping,
After whistles blown, in yellow, still captivating.
Feb 2019 · 98
"Melodic Confession"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Beside my dark wooden bed, I sit,
Melody escaping my clarinet.
Lost in love stories, since we met,
Imagination swirls, what future to beget?

Wondering about the path ahead,
Can't stop thinking, her smile widespread.
She lingers in my thoughts, can't forget,
Like a guitar's seventeenth fret.
For a beginner in love, she's hard to get,
Like a new guitarist, sticking to the first fret.

Elegant like an architect,
Swaying in her dress, shades of red connect.
Each shade complementing her cheek's pink,
Every look makes my heart sink.
No eye on her can blink,
No mind can even dare to think.
Her essence indescribable by a writer's ink.

If I don't speak now, regrets forever,
Took a breath, getting myself together.
Won't play smart or act clever,
It's not a one-time chance, a pirate finds treasure.
I'll try now, tomorrow, and forever,
No pain, no pleasure.
She's an angel, no worries or pressure,
With time, I'll be a love professor.
Feb 2019 · 107
"Celestial Love Palette"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the night sky of navy blue,
A sparkling rose diamond, over you.
Blushing like peach flowers,
A beauty with superpowers.
She's an angel in the navy hue,
Captivating for hours and hours.

In mornings, the elegance of dark brown trees,
Olive green leaves, a serene tease.
One look captures souls, leaves,
Painting grey, erasing griefs.
Nothing but smiles and happy tears,
By sunset, warmness in the orange shears.

Doesn't knock, just comes in,
Sun borrowing shades of pumpkin.
In music, every note of a gold violin,
A twinkling smile makes heads spin.
Lose track, asking what happened, when,
A feeling taking over, love my friend.

The start of the end, love always an end,
Happy, sad, or a blend.
Fell for her, cupid's arrow descends,
Or she'd rather be your friend.
A blend, nature disapproves,
But a real lover can undo.

You know so little, my heart,
Her smile is just the start.
She hands you a paper, it's blank,
Loves coloring with all colors, except black.
Feb 2019 · 94
"Decency In Black"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She holds all the decency of black,
Confident but doesn't brag.
Real, no mask to track,
A million thoughts, a face of blank.
Life without her, a potential heart attack.

Meeting her makes you wish,
Life could go back, a beautiful dish.
If only there was a life hack,
She's a flower swaying like a flag.
Moved by the wind, yet carries the flag's prestige,
Something pulls you towards her, no resistance, no fatigue.

Is she human or an angel, you lag,
No human this pretty, no angel in the city.
Then you realize how silly,
In a world with sweet chili,
There must be an angelic young lady.
Feb 2019 · 178
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Five years since we became peers,
Joking around, choosing careers.
From circuit labs to communication's spheres,
Making memories, laughing through the years.

Springs, falls, summers, rocking this hemisphere,
Whatever happens, we run the laughing gears.
Cool as it takes to be electrical engineers,
Even in the stillness of Computer Architecture.

Survived every lecture with 9gag and Twitter,
No quitter, one word: 16-bit subtractor.
Drawing nuclear reactors in gates, a daring feature,
Software for industry, a brain-fraction fracture.

Studying for midterms, vending machine cuisine,
Driving to ADNOC at 6 am, caffeine.
Breaking every boring routine,
Selfies, events, stories, each a vivid scene.

Our friendship, a tale that will extend,
Not the end, memories transcend.
A few years feeling like centuries,
Him mocking me with my guitar melodies.

TAQA's Hybrid Electrical car,
Female drivers black flagged, leaving a scar.
Shampoo, soap, bath gel, toothpaste (LOL) in a jar,
Wondering how to calculate the buffer from afar.

Memon made us suffer, but in the end,
Now I have a brother, a lifelong friend.
Feb 2019 · 104
"Eyes of Art"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Her eyes, masterpieces of art,
Sweet like blueberries, cheeks of cherry, playing a part.
Good looks and smart, a sweetheart,
Changed the parameters, beauty redefined from the start.

At first, she seemed imaginary,
From another world, another dimension, quite contrary.
Capturing attention, breaking down walls, no adversary,
An expert in every direction, a world-class visionary.

Walked every corner, a performer,
Fell and felt like a beginner,
Turning tables, not always a winner.
Losing for her is still a victory, a love spinner.

It's not always about numbers or what you weigh,
A sketch colorful even if it started grey.
Never about the start, it's the end of the way,
A rose fallen from paradise, heaven's display.

She's from heaven, describing her imprecise,
A chance at precision, a glance would suffice.
Feb 2019 · 91
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Grey, a miserable day,
When she's away,
Heart refuses to sing or play.
Smile takes a holiday,
Time suffering a slow delay.

Living in a soulless way,
She touches something in your soul.
When she's there, something beautiful unfolds,
Like the moment before a goal.

Her eyes, a captivating spell,
With one look, into them, you dwell.
They fly you to the moon,
Most adorable eyes, a precious boon.

In other words, they color your life,
The most beautiful in the universe, beyond any strife.
When she's away, you feel low,
Day turns grey because she's your rainbow.

Colors life, colors your world,
In her absence, a monochrome swirl.
Feb 2019 · 116
"A Thought Of Her"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
A thought of her sets me on fire,
In my heart, a growing desire.
Butterflies, a singing choir,
My joy supplier.

Every beep of my notifier,
Wishing it's her, my joy amplifier.
Adorable smile, magical twinkling eyes,
Captivating from a mile.

A year passes, feels like a while,
Dreaming of her every bedtime mile.
Falling every morning and night,
Tradable with nothing, her smile's light.

Innocence in her smile conveys,
Her face not made to frown, always.
Whatever it takes to keep,
Her angelic smile, precious and deep.

She smiles a silent tune,
Beautiful as a full moon.
Scented with an odorless perfume,
Wonderful like a blossom in bloom.

Simply, she is awesome,
A living daydream, so fearsome.
Feb 2019 · 142
"Architectural Beauty"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She's in the charm of Hagia Sophia's interior,
Finesse of Alhambra's palace gardens, a visual superior.
Far surpassing Andalusia's arches,
Her laughter, the cheer of gothic stained glass marches.

Beauty drawn with Islamic decoration's details,
Prettier than any in worldly trails.
Her eyes, a meditation's peaceful retreat,
Outshining the Greek Parthenon's seat.

Combining Doric simplicity with Corinthian glamour,
Marvelous as the Pantheon's interior.
In blue and yellow Arab decorative geometry,
Her name whispered gently, a silent symphony.

Look, search, and see,
She's the masterpiece of the past centuries, undoubtedly.
Feb 2019 · 203
"Beyond the Ceiling"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She gives me that feeling,
Beyond my ceiling, so appealing.
Totally endearing, admiration revealing,
Her gorgeous smile, always in style.

Combining purity of a white Lily,
Scented Tulip, and an artistic pink Rose so frilly.
Elegance of Saffron, grace of Jasmine,
Gentleness of Daisy, innocence, and hymn.

Beauty of a million Alyssum,
With the simplicity of a dark purple Violet's kingdom.
Not sure if I've captured her essence yet,
But she lives in every happy thought I get.
Feb 2019 · 104
"Stellar Eyes"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Her eyes, stars from outer space,
One look, a journey with no trace.
Heart plays rhythms, quickens its pace,
Helpless smiling, a wondering embrace.

Thought you were stronger, but not the case,
Surrender to her eyes, your only brace.
Close as in cold winters to a fireplace,
Her hair falling with elegance and grace.

Stylishness of flowers in a vase,
All the comfort in the world she can embrace.
Erasing memories, keeping only that look on her face,
Sweeter than desserts, muffins, brownies, and chocolate cakes.

Crossing oceans, seas, and lakes,
Diamonds in front of her break into flakes.
Traveling through the Milky Way,
Wishing upon a shooting star, a hopeful array.

A rocket, an astronaut, or a telescope to keep,
Looking at her eyes, a journey so deep.
Feb 2019 · 113
"Celestial Symphony"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Angels, they say, reside in the sky,
But since meeting her, that seemed a lie.
Describing her as a person won't apply,
She's an angel, no need to clarify.

Anything touched by her soul does purify,
In our conversations, time would swiftly fly.
Seconds from "Hi!" to a swift "Goodbye!"
Fuels up the spirit, reaching the sky.

Her sweet smile, those twinkling eyes,
Or her personality, appealing and wise?
It's generated from somewhere inside,
Her mind, conducting a symphony with pride.

A beautiful field with a uni-pole,
Her fabulous mind plays a vital role.
Mastering everything, smooth and under control,
Generating a spiritual energy, taking its toll.

From high to low, energy's flow,
Filling you up, a life-changing show.
A special energy, strength in tow,
Passion, love, vitality in its glow.

Not the energy we're familiar with, you see,
But something unique, as precious as can be.
Feel it through your bones, down to a tee,
She provides the equation, solving the mystery.

Listen closely, she broadcasts in tones,
Frequencies of love, and energy zones.
A few hours and minutes, but beyond time's limits,
Moments that resonate with feelings and spirits.

Though words may have been few,
The conversations were a parallel view.
In a universe where she's the only star,
A princess unstoppable, reaching afar.

Late at night, a cover she sent my way,
"Happy" by Boyce Avenue, a musical display.
The feelings described in that melody,
Simply put, she's Mrs. Perfection in reality.
Feb 2019 · 103
"Forever Joy"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Happy until forever, immeasurable pleasure,
Tapping legs, dancing, light as a feather.
Smiles controlling the weather,
Favorite record playing, better than ever.

Same music from the dream, danced together,
By a Parisian waterfall, a memory to treasure.
Sitting for iced tea to Nutcracker's leisure,
Time stopped to her glamour, rainy day's pleasure.

Reborn out of laughter, moments we measure,
Falling for the smiles she so skillfully masters.
Just a dream, but every moment counts, dreams matter,
Conversations and every word, a lovebird's chatter.

Dreaming of her, where nothing's ever shattered,
Her voice, the best symphony, my world is flattered.
A single call flips my world, all curled,
Happy, joyful, delighted, in her love swirled.

Scientific papers cite her, my happiness knighted,
Breaking into my life uninvited.
Knows her way through, no need to be guided,
Leaves, and I'm still all excited.

Feeling drifted, in another land,
Where no other man had.
She may not know, address unplanned,
The only one with the pass in hand.
Feb 2019 · 102
"Love and Mythes"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Love, the biggest myth, no magical kiss,
Exaggeration, a world in bliss.
No eclipse, just losers with bricks,
Life is awesome, no need for tricks.

Shooting stars won't grant a wish,
Life's not a roll of dice, no need to relish.
Love does exist, but not teen's fantasy,
Real love is sure, room for more, a symphony.

Find the one you'd die for,
See them every day, every hour, evermore.
Life's weight, relationship's fate,
True love withstands, don't hesitate.

Propaganda aside, love is no teen's riddle,
When it's true, no need to twiddle.
Your heart's beats, a connection's feat,
Feeding existence, love's heartbeat.

Hands around her waist, a dance's trance,
Tweeting birds, a life enhanced.
True love, change of plans,
Magical words, wisdom in her glance.

Not just falling for her eyes,
True love goes beyond blue skies.
Magical words, wisdom-wise,
A soulmate who never compromises.

Angels exist, wisdom at five,
Seeking a partner, not raising a baby hive.
Deep, keeping you alive,
A wife, not a fleeting knife.

Love from the heart, mind in flight,
Think more than twice, share your life.
Feb 2019 · 113
"A Friend From KG"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I recall the days of sharing cookies,
You pulling me from my hoodie,
Kindergarten memories, oh, so silly,
You, my childhood buddy.

The fortress beneath the table, a tale,
White sheets draped like a sail.
Barbecues, parks, wherever we'd meet,
Childhood moments, oh, so sweet.

Separated at a mall, families split,
In every memory, your presence lit.
Parents shared stories, but I knew,
Our bond was strong, forever true.

Playing, studying, sharing tests,
English lessons, I did my best.
From lasers to infrared,
Dreams of an engineer, the path we tread.

Helping you grow, learn, and invest,
A dentist's journey, different but blessed.
You could have been on the west,
Yet, our friendship stood the test.

Proudly, you claim the title,
My first friend, our bond so vital.
Longest friendship, a cherished connection,
A journey through time, our shared affection.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In our togetherness, love's mysteries unfold,
A hundred years' worth in days, we're told.

Expressions of affection, diverse and grand,
Our love's potential reaches outer space and land.
Meant to amaze, in every gaze,
Blessing each spot where our love plays.

Like a peaceful dove in flight,
We are great, awesome, a million blossoms bright.
The heat of our love outshines the sun,
Together, we're pure fun, every love song spun.

Passionate spirits, souls of gold,
Our love, though new, feels incredibly old.
Bound in a timeless embrace, we hold,
A love story eternally told.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the realm of our magical wedding,
Your perfection painted everything, from the radiant lights to the crystal and flowers' elegant setting.
As I beheld you in the white dress, it felt like the first kiss, a moment unforgettable and beguiling.
We descended together, joyous tears from our loved ones, and my heart waltzing to the melody of yours, a dance so enthralling.

In your eyes, I melted, amidst the cheers of the crowd,
A witness to a love so profound.
It's time for everyone to see,
That you are mine, as destined to be.

"If you desire, a star from the sky I shall bestow,"
As we sway in a slow dance, emotions from head to toe.
Take me away, my love, let's explore the unknown,
Exotic feelings, a journey we've just begun, yet already it's overflown.

In your arms, I found solace, like the beginning of chocolate chips dough,
Dancing, eating, laughing, the night's magical flow.
Before we depart, a promise I had to fulfill,
Our song sung with all my skill.

The wedding concludes, and you are now truly mine,
My heart echoes, a symphony so divine.
In this quiet moment, just you and I,
You, my beautiful daisy, and I, on the throne of the world high.

Let's embark on the adventure of the unknown,
Home feels like home, the warmth you've always known.
From the first time you became my own,
My dream, my love, my heart's gentle tone.

Forever Yours
Feb 2019 · 107
"Last Winter"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the memories of last winter's embrace,
A blend of green tea, lemon, and ginger, delicate in taste.
Not the burning timber, but a warmth so tender,
Life's hues transformed, becoming richer, surrender.

She gracefully stepped into the picture,
A radiant figure, gold-plating what was once silver.
Snowflakes danced in a symphony of delight,
Each moment extended, a canvas of winter's light.

Underneath the cold, a warmth profound,
Echoes of laughter, a love unbound.
In the gallery of time, this winter's treasure,
A tale of joy, a symphony beyond measure.
Feb 2019 · 200
" Eternal Love's Lounge"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In the lounge of your love, completeness I find,
A power surging through, making me elite, love's bind.
A year ago, destiny paved our path to meet,
On that day, I sensed my first heartbeat.

Life, once a mystery, turned undeniably sweet,
Our initial conversation, a burst like Christmas eve's fleet.
Yet, I kept it discreet, a simplicity to evolve,
The first encounter, a quiet resolve.

I wished to assure you, "I'll take it from here,
Relax in the backseat, let love persevere."
You brought chilling peace, a warmth with ease,
My heart, a canvas, you painted with grace and finesse.

In the gallery of my mind, you were an envisioned masterpiece,
My dear wife, the missing piece.
You stole my heart swiftly, a thief in the night,
Cupid's arrow, the love police, locking you in, sealing our plight.

Now, in this timeless moment, let our kisses release,
An eternal dance, as time itself shall freeze.
Feb 2019 · 105
"Love's Calendar"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
My lover, a white lily, and I, a lime so bright,
In our unique blend, everything feels just right.
Between us, a journey in a short span of time,
September's meeting led to a Valentine's climb.

Deeper into love, as Spring began to sing,
By April's second, I proposed with a diamond ring.
A forever promise, till death do us part,
She said, "Yes!" igniting love's vibrant spark.

It's always been about her, the world matters less,
Soon, she'll wear a white dress.
Marriott will witness our love's finesse,
Impressing every guest.

Love will fill the air, romance will ignite,
In our dance, we'll rock the night.
For a night of love in advance, I'll pay the price,
The best night ever, a glimpse into paradise.

Yet, for now, work awaits, honeymoon plans unfold,
Live music, flowers, and dance floors of gold.
Every detail meticulously we must hold,
A year of love, a story beautifully told.

From a girl I saw, to someone premier,
After finding you, everything became clear.
Though distance separates, our souls draw near,
To you, my lovely lady, always sincere.
Feb 2019 · 107
"Melody of Resignation"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Cello music resonates, piercing my heart's core,
A solace for the night, as tomorrow looms unsure.
Anticipating a dawn with feeble light,
The sun may rise, but the outlook isn't bright.

Yearning for a visit to my piano, a source of might,
To confess my sorrows, hidden in the shadows of the night.
Whispers of regret, echoing through the keys,
In a world where my spirit finds no ease.

Why awaken my cells to a morning so bleak?
In a realm where I feel like an outcast, an antique.
Incomprehensible minds, unable to grasp,
The complexities within my spectacular mental clasp.

A world I detest, where I seem to misfit,
In the depths of my unique, intricate wit.
They pluck at my patience, a hypocritical display,
Now, it's time to revise, to find my own way.

Watch as mastery unfolds, a feat of a little kid,
In the air it soars, a resilient spirit undid.
Draw the sword against a lousy hypocrite,
I can't endure, I quit, I quit.
Feb 2019 · 97
"New Bond"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
You embody the essence of love, and even more,
In matrimony, a bond like never before.
Yearning to be with you is my sole desire,
In your embrace, my heart finds solace, a calming fire.

Your touches, an artful elegance,
Each one, a melody, a tender resonance.
From the very start, every moment shared,
Apart, happiness is scarce, a truth declared.

You're as sweet as a strawberry ****,
Without you, life's challenges hit hard.
Let's live together, in every endeavor,
Shopping for dinner, side by side, forever.

A nearby mart, our frequent retreat,
Watering trees, a garden so sweet.
Watching flowers bloom in the month of March,
Every moment with you, a treasure, an everlasting spark.

Living, savoring every piece,
Our journey, a harmonious release.
Feb 2019 · 109
"Eternal Yearning"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
And still, tears stream down my face,
Until my eyes exhaust every trace.
Odd, perhaps, for a man to cry,
Yet, an empty sky can't deny.

How I wish to hold your waist,
On the dance floor, with elegance and grace.
Swaying steps, lost in your eyes,
The pain of goodbye, a hurtful surprise.

You vanish from my sight but not my mind,
Missing you is a challenge, a love that's hard to find.
My heart goes into a state of disarray,
Creating pain, love's strange display.

Nothing is the same when you're not near,
Happiness eludes, replaced by fear.
Attempts to find joy seem in vain,
Chained by a love, an unbreakable strain.

Even after vows were shared,
To witness you becoming my life, my declared.
Still, no right to keep you close,
The wait persists until our own house.

A future where leaving is no more,
Together, in love, our spirits will soar.
Feb 2019 · 110
" A Grateful Heart"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In gratitude, I extend my sincere thanks,
For raising a gem with virtues and ranks.
An astonishing young lady, elegant and sweet,
In your guidance, she grew complete.

Sarcastic wit and grace she acquired,
In your care, her essence transpired.
Grateful for the purity and faithfulness instilled,
From chaos to stability, she skilled.

Every facet of her radiates an ideal glow,
A real-life princess in this tale we know.
I promise to keep her safe and sound,
Forever, in love, our hearts are bound.

When your blessing crowned our union,
Honor and joy, a harmonious communion.
Your daughter enriches my life each day,
In your legacy, we find our way.
Feb 2019 · 99
"Be Mine"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
A dream held long, now unfolds in view,
Becoming official, a journey with you.
Marrying you, the pinnacle of truth,
Life sheds its artificial, welcomes the youth.

Seconds pivot, embracing the new,
Ten months of beauty, a love that grew.
Together we thrived through every mood,
A tapestry of moments, deliciously good.

In days to come, suits and dresses we'll don,
Approaching your father, a question to spawn.
On cloud nine, I shall reside,
As you become mine, in love we'll confide.

Wearing the title of husband and wife,
Embarking together on this journey of life.
A union sealed, bound by time,
Forever yours, eternally mine.
Feb 2019 · 98
The Final Breath
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
What if I drew my final breath,
All that built me embraced by death.
Feelings, thoughts, and pride subside,
A vanishing echo of the soul's last ride.

No remnants of laughter or tears I cried,
Childhood memories in oblivion hide.
Playgrounds and hideouts no longer a guide,
Leaving a void where I once did reside.

Everything dissipates, a swift disappearance,
No value remains, no trace of existence.
Skills and status lose their relevance,
In the face of the void's sheer prevalence.

Cool or wired, poor or royal,
Loyalty or deceit, in death, they foil.
Dreams and hopes, uncompleted ventures,
Erased in a realm where nothing enters.

What if life's a ladder, an endless climb,
We linger on hope, for the aftertime.
Endless chapters, stories we scribe,
Yet, fading away, we eventually imbibe.
Feb 2019 · 88
"Holding Her"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She nestles her head upon my shoulder,
In the gentle embrace, I hold her.
As winter's chill around us grows bolder,
Wrapped in warmth, our love unfolds.

Fitting seamlessly within my embrace,
A hundred degrees, yet I'll hug her with grace.
Endless summer, her kiss I'll trace,
In her embrace, everything finds its place.

At the culmination of a kiss, the world aligns,
Her kiss, a melody, the prettiest it shines.
More cheerful than a tweeting bird's rhymes,
A symphony of love, echoing through time.

Heaven served us this harmonious blend,
Beethoven and Mozart, in her kiss transcend.
Like an angel, she gracefully descended,
Kissing her, an experience splendid.

A journey to find her, worthwhile and profound,
She fell from heaven, in elegance unbound.
Her smile, a beacon that brightens around,
In anything she wears, beauty is crowned.

In arguments, she's adorable and rare,
A caring soul, beyond compare.
Perfect moments by the sea, so fair,
In her absence, "miss you" fills the air.

In this universe, she's my sole decree,
The only one my eyes long to see.
With her, life finds its melody,
A symphony of love, in perfect harmony.
Feb 2019 · 100
"Keep My Heart"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Take my heart, let it be yours to keep,
I've never loved you less, in love, we leap.
Love grows mightier, a secret we'll always keep,
Especially when you wear that black dress so sleek.

Every move, curve, and bit, you rock with grace,
Not loving you would be a chaotic maze.
Your love, a blessing, my heart's warm embrace,
Alive and better, with you, life's a blissful phase.

If you felt that way, my love, I'm sorry,
Words, at times, create an unnecessary worry.
Tiny faults in our grid, please don't hurry,
In your head, love remains, a constant flurry.

Our future shines bright when I look ahead,
No more frowning, let's ignite the spark we've bred.
Tears shed, replaced with joy instead,
Together, forever, with love that's widespread.

So, keep smiling, my love, let's embark,
On a journey of love, leaving no room for the dark.
Our flame, like the beginning, a constant spark,
Living life with you, forever, leaving no room for stark regret.
Feb 2019 · 84
"Loving Us"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
In every stage, my love for us prevails,
Cherishing your love, as it gracefully sails.
Witnessing your beauty as it steadily trails,
Each day with you, life's story never pales.

That initial feeling, a sweet crush's blush,
Falling for your smile, a radiant rush.
Countless moments shared, a significant plush,
Our love story, a tale that's far from hush.

From then till now, and the much that's to come,
Never enough, our love continues to hum.
With accelerations and masses, like orbits that thrum,
Under starry carpets, our love's kingdom.

Escape to your eyes, life's transient pass,
In your mysterious world, time's hourglass.
Dance to slow jazz, let the memories amass,
Live, love, laugh, in each other's grasp.

Now incomplete alone, you're my other half,
Our love symphony, an unending riff and staff.
Feb 2019 · 84
"The First One"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Her magic lingers between my lips,
Her hug warms my ribs, love's gentle sips.
Engagement rings, a symbol that equips,
Her best smile born after the kiss eclipsed.

Craving her angelic lips, sweet and divine,
Missing the touch, holding her hand entwined.
Obsessed with kissing, an intoxicating sign,
Tongue and lips tasting like strawberry wine.

Paradise lies in her heart, hugged to my chest,
Sliding hands, touching her waist, love's zest.
Her reflection radiates perfection, so blessed,
From another dimension, she's love's conquest.

With undivided attention, she touches and cares,
Special techniques, love that sincerely glares.
Taking away rust, love that endures and dares,
She keeps me going, the sweetest ****** that flares.

The closest confidante, a trust that's true,
Her love, a crust to delve into.
Tickling my heart, blushes anew,
Growing like a flower, love so overdue.

Reducing me to a little kid, though tough,
Sweetness so profound, never enough.
Her love, an elixir, a potion to quaff,
In the symphony of our eternal love.
Feb 2019 · 96
"Thousand Lines"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
If it brings you joy, I'll write a thousand lines,
In your eyes, a feeling so fine, like aged wine.
Your smile, a melody, takes me to cloud nine,
The moment you smiled, my heart knew you'd be mine.

In your presence, girl, like a vintage bottle of wine,
You're there, and my world learns how to shine.
Without you, life tastes like a briny brine,
Your prettiness defines, a love that intertwines.

Your heart captivates me, a design so crystalline,
Blessed by love since the day you were Valentine.
If it weren't a crime, I'd kidnap you, make you mine,
Sipping soda, lime, looking into eyes that brightly shine.

I love you with the power of my soul, a love so whole,
You complete me, the main role in life's grand scroll.
You're everything I dreamt, forevermore,
Close to my heart's core, you're the one I adore.

Let's start a life together, no more to explore,
A story of love, pages and pages to store.
Show the world how love should be, forevermore,
Living peacefully, leaving the rest of the world at the door.

Eyes not just for looking, but for exploration,
Finding love's peacefulness, ending any altercation.
Names written, love exposed, no hesitation,
Building our world, ignoring any expectation.

I'll be your husband, poet, and musician,
In our love symphony, no need for precision.
Our life together, joy and endless pleasure,
No pressure, just love, a bond without measure.

Once in the game, you'll never leave, forever,
In our infinite love symphony, always together.
Feb 2019 · 107
"The One"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
From the very start, it felt like you were the one,
Life with you promised endless, joyous fun.
Just winning your heart, my life's goal is won,
With you, I have it all, every moment, every sun.

Without you, breathing feels empty, air in my lung,
Apart, I'm numb, but with you, my heart's song sung.
Seeing you, heartbeat like a rolling drum,
Talking to you, happiness in every word, like a hum.

Holding hands, strolling as we walk,
If God made anything more beautiful, in heaven it's locked.
You, the most beautiful on earthly block,
Every curve, a masterpiece, like a timeless clock.

Even if loving you were a curse,
No force could take away this love, in the universe.
I'd dive the deepest oceans, for you, I'd traverse,
Always by your side, through life's diverse.

I'd pay my life to be by your side,
Blindly agree, in love, we'd confide.
The first time I saw you, an angel in my midst,
Not just a pretty girl, but an angel, I insist.

In my heart, you're always missed,
You, coming into my life, the greatest plot twist.
Feb 2019 · 87
"My Old Man"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
From my first high five to teaching me to drive,
You've been by my side, my guide through life.
Always had my back, in joy and in strife,
From the smallest decisions to choosing a wife.

You tied my ties, a constant in two decades of time,
Without you, I wouldn't know how to climb.
Standing tall, strong, and wise,
Surviving life's storms and highs.

Appreciating every sacrifice, every piece of advice,
You know better, your wisdom, my priceless device.
Even if you repeat, I hear it once or twice,
Grateful for your reasoning, always precise.

Teaching that mistakes are a pathway to speak up loud,
Heads held high, you made us proud.
Best father without a doubt,
Being there when times were hard, a constant guard.

Thank you for the credit card and bedtime stories,
Playing in the snow, sharing glories.
UNO games and lessons on how to glow,
Keeping up when things moved slow.

Letting me be the star in my one-man show,
Dad, I love you more than you know.
Feb 2019 · 92
"Without You"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Without you, I'm nothing, a mere silhouette,
With all my heart, love's surge I'll never forget.
Towards you, I'll always be rushing,
Your smile, a spell that leaves me blushing.

No one looks as pretty, so charmingly touching,
Each glance at you, adoration is clutching.
Cute and stunning, every aspect,
Your presence creates an electrifying effect.

Every touch doubles my heart's beat,
I'd trade half my life for a moment so sweet.
We make a couple, a perfect blend,
Kissing you feels like a conversation, love's trend.

Hugging you, life's finest art,
From the start, it's the best part.
Everything about you, I desire,
Love you to galaxies, passion's fire.

Your voice, a soothing balm,
Everything you did, a calming psalm.
Dipped in love's fountain, my heart's washed,
All sadness erased, emotions rehashed.

Your touches, soft and affectionate,
Cute and hot, a perfect mate.
Your smile, a radiant thousand-watt,
In your love's embrace, everything's sought.
Feb 2019 · 113
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Adorableness that cradles my heart in sweet release,
Cheeks as pretty as late spring peaches, a masterpiece.
Cozy warmth akin to a sunset on sandy beaches,
Eyes where the allure of heaven perpetually reaches.

Lips that grow sweeter with each lingering kiss,
An angelic presence, oh how I miss.
Every second without you feels like waste,
In your embrace, my heart finds its place.

Darling, your waist, a marvel to embrace,
With you, every moment, my heart finds its pace.
My soul realized it was misplaced,
With you, dear, it stays, forever encased.

In your love, I'm continually dazed,
Kisses tasting of honey, sugar-glazed.
You, a sweet concoction, a delight,
In your adorableness, my heart takes flight.
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