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Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Listen, can you hear it too? I love you,
Do you truly have to go? Already missing you.
We'll find each other, okay? You smiled,
Patiently waiting, for you, reconciled.
Here you are, eyes in the distance,
Why not coming my way, in this existence?
Can't you hear my heart play,
The symphony of our love, written to stay?
Someone takes her away,
More than love, it's my soul they sway.

Two parts of you growing inside,
The seed named "you," roots deep reside.
A million under our love's sun,
And a part of your soul, merging, begun.
I can't help but stay away, so sad,
Lost control, thoughts gone mad.
Rushing away, where am I now?
Told I lost him, opening my eye, somehow.
A piece of me died,
For ten years, calm on the outside.
Every night, his presence near,
Feeling his little palm, so dear.
Sure he's alive, a hopeful strive,
But the truth eludes, can't take a dive.

No matter how long it takes,
Down in a dark ocean, the soul awakes.
Too dark to see any motion,
Yet, I can listen, a devoted devotion.
Ten years have passed, love persists,
I still need you, I still insist.
I'll find you, but how?
Last time, I listened, I remember now.
Hearing a sound, growing louder, the echo,
Positive, I know, in this dark tableau.
Whose playing our symphony, the little kid! Bravo,
Oh, she's here too, the love's crescendo.

That's the sound of our love's decree,
Could it be?
He held my hand,
Found me, as we planned.
We found him, in the echo's key.

Inspired by "August Rush"
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
I despise the ease with which they see,
Gazing at you so effortlessly.
Into your eyes, they dive eagerly,
Captivated by your heart's melody.
Believing they've found their chemistry,
Aiming to make you their destiny.
Endlessly dreaming about you,
Yet, you wouldn't grasp what I go through.

I understand the chaos, the entropy,
Caused by eyes fixed on you, inevitably.
But you wouldn't comprehend, not today,
The turmoil within, words can't convey.
In their dreams, they chase you endlessly,
While I grapple with my own jealousy.
A silent battle, you can't perceive,
Yet, it's my heart they try to thieve.

You, an unknowing muse,
Igniting passions they'll never lose.
In the shadows, I watch and dismay,
As others long for what's already at bay.
Jealousy, a bitter symphony,
Playing the chords of my silent agony.
You wouldn't understand, anyway,
As they seek you in the light of day.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
She's the most adorable sight, cheeks so sweet,
Heaven leaks, creating a beauty discreet.
Spectacular symphonies in her voice,
Masters the art, leaving no choice.
Smiles, a technique she uniquely peaks,
Natural as views from mountain peaks.
Beauty, kindness, the friend's ideal,
A shifting moon, her appeal.
Wishing nights stay till noon,
Precious as an ancient golden spoon.
Life's musical piece, people the bass,
And she, the tune, in a harmonious embrace.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Goodbye, Mr. Ocean, it's happening, wohooo!
Let's go, guys, keep up the motion.
Emotions I can't describe, a journey so divine,
Pools, tanks, underground pipes left behind.
Up in the sky, racing the crowd,
In minutes, they'll call me Mr. Cloud.
Finally, the honor, forever proud,
White and fluffy, oh, so lucky.

Busy looking up, missing the view,
Earth's green and blue, a mesmerizing cue.
So high, birds flying through,
Wind blows, changing paths to Peru.
No, to France, maybe Spain, my chance,
Paris, city of love and romance.
Pass by Rome, sea beside Greece, take a glance,
No rush, enjoy the ride, a cosmic dance.

After Italy, flowing south, Mediterranean sea,
In a distance, the Mediterranean's Bride I see.
Such pleasure, such pride, descending in Egypt,
Feels just right, a dream intercept.

With every mile, can't help but smile,
Above Cairo, the magic starts, free for a while.
Thirty past three, when I was free,
Here comes the rain, down goes the pain.
Up goes the spirit's gain, hiding, but those two girls,
Everyone thinks they're insane.
Oh, they're smiling, playing a little, then we'll drain,
Deep down we'll remain, until someone finds us,
Maybe to help grow some grains.
Hopefully, one day, we'll go up again.

Inspired by A Friend's Status 18/11/2013
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Not ordinary, a rare friend so dear,
A lexicon of virtues, crystal clear.
Lovely, smart, and one of a kind,
Comforting, understanding, a heart aligned.

Supportive, caring, energetically magnetic,
Encouraging, sympathetic, truly poetic.
Lived a lifetime, liked only a few,
Found you, special and true.

Talking with you is simple and smooth,
Art, music, and knowledge, you behoove.
Listening with a special mission,
Changing the definition, a whole vision.

A tree of kindness, offering free,
True advice, a shadow for me.
Generous with time, like a helpful tree,
Everything a friend could be.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
Love falls after midnight's descent,
On the range of my heart, its event.
She won't escape my heart's satellite,
Chatting, talking, living, every transmitted byte.
Candlelight's charm now takes a backseat,
Staying up late, a new love feat.
Texting, sending emotions, mobiles aglow,
Bright rooms with laptops, love's soft glow.
Laying on beds or desks upright,
Being together, such a delight.

After midnight, love flames ignite,
Lovers side by side, the fun takes flight.
Interrupting sleep, it overrides,
Love, an ocean with moonlit tides.
The night has its ups and downs,
A notification lifts your ceiling, opens skies.
A late reply keeps you with sleepy eyes.
A text, a twice-read delight,
Or another, cold as ice.
Tears and smiles, from close to miles,
Love's journey spans varied styles.
Islam Marzouk Feb 2019
D, C sharp, G flat, or an E,
Touches each key, a melody so free.
An old tune, a cherished memory,
Holds a part of me, captivates my legacy.
Sound, chaos energy it might be,
Can make you smile, dance, frown, or cry.

Major scales, the happy trails,
Leave nothing but pain, why?
The last piece played before goodbye,
A seed of joy, deep through cells it flies.
Puts you on top like a king,
Happiness it brings, pleasure's sweet sting.
G major chords, back to the ring,
Patterns played, can't help but sing.

Bass notes, winter chills in spring,
Low long violin notes, goosebumps cling.
High notes take you where you've never been,
Age, color, women, or men,
Heart synchronizes with the drum's beat,
Legs tapping, neat band feat.

Attached to every part, getting their heat,
Warming the soul, making you complete.
Background sound of an orchestra, boson, and horn,
Takes your soul away, reborn.
A combination of notes, Do Re Mi,
Exactly seven, your own heavenly spree.
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