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4d · 27
Cant you see?
I'm dying right on front of you
My bones showing
Hair falling
I'm dying

Just the thought of food makes me sick
I want to puke at the taste of it
This has nothing to do with beauty
I never cared about that, it was just a bonus

I wanted to be gone
And it turned into something more
I cannot stop it now
I can barely eat anymore
So I starve
6d · 54
Failed escapism
She lost herself in fanatsies
Escapism at its finest
Dreaming and hoping for something that does not exist
A savior who would come just to save her

A naive, foolish girl struggling
Because deep down she knew the world wasn't sunshine and rainbows
The fanatsies lasted for years

Years of waiting
And waiting
And waiting

That's when she knew it was all a dream
No one will save you
Not even your fantasies
Because at some point you'll wake up and see the world for what it is
No fanatsy can hide it

You cant escape.
Feb 18 · 11
IsabellaVE Feb 18
My life ended before I ever got to live it
Now its like I'm a floating ghost
Forever doomed to stay here
Watching everything that could have been
What greater torture is there than longing for something you'll never have?
Feb 10 · 76
Once more I see you
IsabellaVE Feb 10
Its the last time
Your face is fading away
Slowly, and now it almost gone
Once more I see you when I close my eyes

Soft sounds that used to be your voice
Slowly turning into an etarnal void
I long for you
Clinging to what little of you that's left

You're nothing but a memory
A memory that will soon be forgotten
It's like I'm losing you all over again
But this time you're gone forever

Once more I see you when I close my eyes
I slowly let go of you as I say my last goodbyes
The rest of you fading away into the skies
Feb 7 · 42
Remember me
IsabellaVE Feb 7
Everyone and everything will be forgotten
It scares people
Makes them feel like they have no purpose
People need purpose
What is life without it?
Everyone fights to have a piece of them remembered
It doesn't matter if its good or bad
They just want to be remebered
The history books in school
Or hall of fame
I too want to be remembered
But not for something bad
Or be a famous movie star
I want to be remembered for making an impact
I dont care about reaching millions
Just one
Just one is enough
Knowing that I made an impact or made one person feel something
That's more than enough for me
Feb 6 · 44
IsabellaVE Feb 6
I have ambition
Always on a new mission
Working hard to get far
Burning like a star
But stars eventually burn up
I can barely move now
My body turning its back on me
Falling down all the stairs I climbed
Back at the beginning
Just because I'm back at the beginning doesn't mean I never tried
I try
I have tried
I have tried my whole entire life
Tried to be something I'll never be
Feb 1 · 42
IsabellaVE Feb 1
I always wanted to move away
The other side if the world is where I'll stay
But I'll miss my family if I barely see them
I wonder if that's how my mom feels that way
She left her country and family for my dad
She barely gets to see her family
Does it make her sad?
She calls with her sister
She must really miss her
I hope we can visit her family soon
It will be nice for the family and my mom too
Jan 31 · 28
Her fear
IsabellaVE Jan 31
She tells me how she feels
I know I have to heal
I can't make her fear come true
That would be awful of me to do
I cant let her have a dead big sister
So I stand tall, just for her
How my heart shattered at her words
Has it been this obvious how much I've hurt?
It must have been bad for her to tell me
Her biggest fear is me dying by my own hands
But I wont leave her, not a chance
Jan 29 · 44
Growing up
IsabellaVE Jan 29
It all used to be so clear
The colours of the world so fair
The beautiful light
Everything was bright
How peacful it was to be blissfully unaware
But as you grow
The true colours starts to show
Slowly turning grey
Watching the beauty around start to decay
Seeing the world for what it is
Growing out of the childish bliss
Jan 27 · 30
Who am I?
IsabellaVE Jan 27
Who am I?
I guess it depends on the eye that sees
Or how well you know me
In reality I barely even know myself
So who am I?
Do I base it of others opinions?
My failures?
Accoplishments I've made?
In the end how much does that really tell about me?
I'm just here
Just like everyone else
Jan 26 · 47
Burned out
IsabellaVE Jan 26
Assignments piling up
I used to be at the top
Burned out potensial is the worst
It feels like i'm cursed
The guilt of not being able to do the work
School comes first
My lungs arge going to burst
I cant breath
Math sheets and tear streaks
Science rapports
Weekends too short
Once at the top
Now I struggle to get up
Jan 25 · 130
Life of a dancer
IsabellaVE Jan 25
Muscles aching
Feet sore
I cant stop
I have to dance some more
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Comfortable clothes
Pin your hair so that it holds
Around and around
Bruises and ice packs
Snacks and spear clothes in my back pack
Practice makes perfect
In the end its all worth it
Jan 24 · 48
IsabellaVE Jan 24
My body grows colder
The warm feeling running out of me
It hits the floor
Drip drip drip
I'm not scared anymore
I feel no fear
I feel no pain
Jan 24 · 132
IsabellaVE Jan 24
Always connected
But no connections
Glued to every screen
Its all we ever see
What's the use of waking up?
Everyone else is still stuck
Stuck in a world far from this one
Escapism at its finest
I cant really blame them
I do it too
But sometimes I wish you could wake up
Talk to me
Talk to me in real life
You're not brave if you need to hide behind a screen to talk to me
Jan 23 · 40
Spit in my face
IsabellaVE Jan 23
Street lights
Morning and nights
Back and forth from school
Minding my own buisness like I always do
Then there is you
Walking past
My peace wont last
Disgusting liquid from your mouth
This all makes me want to shout
But i'm scared that if I do
I know there are much worse things you'll do
So I let you
I ignore it
Then i wash it off from whereever it hit
I just want to be able to walk in peace
Now I have to watch out for you spitting at me
Just a few weeks after moving to the city there were men that started spitting on me when I walked to or from school. They would either try to spit on me when walking past me or slow down their cars and roll down their window just to spit on me and drive away. Yes, It was and is scary and disgusting.
Jan 23 · 44
Backseat of the car
IsabellaVE Jan 23
I'm in the backseat of the car
Watching my life pass by in the windows
The car is on autopilot
I dont know how to stop it
But I know it can end anytime
It almost ended today
On the crosswalk
In someways I wanted it to end
I wanted to feel free
No more backseat in the car
No more car at all
Just nothingness
Jan 22 · 52
Not my fault
IsabellaVE Jan 22
Its not my fault
Yet every accusing finger points my way
I did what I could
It wasn't enough to stop the monster
The monsters hands
Down goes my pants
I couldn't scream
My voice lost as I try escaping the horror
Now you make me carry it
The darkness in my stomach growing
I never wanted this
Now everytime I look at this thing
All I see is him
The monster
The truama
This thing was not made by love
But society would blame me
Make me the monster
While the real monster is still walking free
Doing unspeakable things
Jan 21 · 56
Powerful is the voice
IsabellaVE Jan 21
Scream until they listen
We cant stay silent now
There is no use in normal conversation
They dont listen
They dont want to listen
So our only choice is to make them
Scream until your throath is sore
Scream until they listen
Dont you ever let them take away your voice
Your voice is powerful
Its time you use it
Jan 21 · 44
An end.
IsabellaVE Jan 21
Drown in the darkness
Let it wrap its cold hands around you
Its warmer than any hug from this world
I'm not afraid of the darkness anymore
Because this time I know I'm alone
Alone with me, myself and I
Drowning in my own thoughts
The air leaving my lungs
One last breath
Feeling my heart beat slowly come to an end
Jan 21 · 370
Eyes open
IsabellaVE Jan 21
Chaos and disaster
Right on front of our eyes
They dont want you to see it
They dont want us to defeat it
This is all in their favour
Not for ours
Keep your eyes open
We have to see the problem to change it
Keep your eyes open
Jan 19 · 40
IsabellaVE Jan 19
If its selfish of me to leave
Then its selfish to make me stay
The person in pain continues to carry it
Just so that you wont have to
How is that any less selfish?
Everyday you see them
Half a ghost walking around
You want them to stay
Yet you do nothing to help
Guilt and dilemmas
Pain and gain
Day in and day out
You cant make someone stay
if they dont want to
You can try
But there is no garantee it works
Jan 19 · 64
Hole in my stomach
IsabellaVE Jan 19
Food was never the problem
Neither was overweight or sosial media
It was something wrong with me
I was the problem
The older I got, the sadder I got
So being hungry, ruining my body
It was all a way to hurt myself
How my body looked didn't matter
I just wanted it to suffer
Watching myself decay
The hole in my stomach growing bigger
Never getting filled
Yet it was never noticed
One thing I know for sure
I will never be the same again
Jan 19 · 60
Hoping to find you
IsabellaVE Jan 19
I search for you everywhere
You were supposed to stay here
Every stranger
Every flower
Every time I go to sleep
I search for you
Even the smallest sign that you're here
Is enough to keep me going
Deep down I know you're not really here
But I know I'll always keep hoping
Hoping to find you
IsabellaVE Jan 18
You can wish upon a star
But that doesn't mean you'll make it far
To get to the top and into the spotlight
You've got to do more than work
You have to fight
To earn that special spot among the stars
I've tried it, once, twice, trice
I always burn up before I get to shine
Wasted potensial of a dreamer who doesn't know when to give up
I hope one day I'll make it to the top
IsabellaVE Jan 18
Love isn't supposed to hurt

My face in the mirror
Bruised, swollen and unrecognizable
I keep telling myself you care
Every blooming bruise
Followed by another 'i love you'
Every hit and punch
Followed by the softest caress
Every insult spat at me
Followed by beatiful flowers
Love isn't supposed to hurt
Yet the smallest acts of love makes me stay
I love him so much that I'm unable to see the hatred he has for me

— The End —