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Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
If in America

If a tree falls in a forest,
does it make a sound?
. . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
My best friends love me and I love them too.
They are like my sisters and like my cousins.
We go together to school and do homework
We watch tv together and we sleep together
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Independence Day 2010
Can be cracked or am that       you didn't
consider me or I thought so
recovering in a nap     You took the 4th . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Inordinate Desires
He set out on the innocent exodus. He went at Easter
In a lengthening dawn, and he did not count the days.
He was young. With the wooden comb his mother made him . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
I spied my shadow slinking
Up behind me in the night,
I issued it a challenge,
And we started in to a fight.

I wrestled with the shadow,
But it wasn't any fun,
I tried my very hardest
All  the same,my shadow won
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
When the summer sun is blazing,
I pick daisy after daisy,
I toss them to my elephant
It makes him slightly crazy.

I gather chrysanthemums
When fall is in the air,
I toss them to my elephant
It makes him stand and stare.

I harvest bright poinsettias
In winter ,when it's chilly,
I toss them to the elephant
It makes him sort of silly.

I pluck bouquets of tulips
When they blossom in the spring,
I toss them to my elephant ...
It always makes him sing
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Jellyfish stew,
I'm loony for you,
I dearly adore you,
Oh,truly I do,
You are creepy to see,
Revolting to chew,
You slide down inside
With. Hullabaloo.

You're soggy,you're smelly,
Ou taste like shampoo,
You bog own my belly
With oodles of goo,
Yet I would glue noodles
And punes to m shoe,
For one oozy spoonful
Of jellyfish stew
Iraira cedilllo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Just tell you that you are my bestest friend I had. When I started school from the beginning of the year you didn't let me down and you defend me from others and I defended you fom others you have friends I have friends your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. I love you a lot you are like my cousin and sister (sis) love you a lot
By iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Jessenia you are my best friend forever,you never let nobody let me down you defend me and I defend you that's why I became your friend.You're jus the way you are with me I love you sis
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Almost everybody has one, but what little thought we give them.
We drive our cars to work and school but even then we don't give our cars much thought.
You go from one exteme to the other, one guy might pay about $20,000 for a car, while another may pay $150,000 for a car. read more »

Sean Bitikofer
4.Rocket Race Car
I was born for driven dirt race car's
I'm not made for pavin long roads
I ain't cut out to climb high line poles
But I'm pretty good at driven my race car's read more »

chester wellborn
5.Happy Dog 2
I’m a happy dog in a car
Hope we’re not going far
I walk up and down the back seat
At each corner I’m rocked off my feet read more »

Flying Lemming
6.***** Car
What smoke, that is choking us
The people ask, nobody knows what it is
An old car that is honking
With tricycle tires and a motor that is backwards read more »

Mercedes Zoller
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
141 to 160 of 3251 Poets
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Cecilia Vicuña

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Patrick Rosal

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Jeffrey Yang

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Rachel Contreni Flynn

The Yellow Bowl
Dana Bisignani

Bankruptcy Hearing
Gary Metras

Jeff Worley

On Finding a Turtle Shell in Daniel Boone National Forest
Lucille Lang Day

Tooth Painter
Nancyrose Houston

The Letter From Home
Lyn Lifshin

The Other Fathers
Joette Giorgis

Tim Nolan

At the Choral Concert
Kathy Mangan

The Whistle
Michelle Bennett

Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
161 to 180 of 3251 Poets
«78910»Viewsshow detailshide detailsSort by  
Margaret Kaufman

Photo, Brownie Troop, St. Louis, 1949
Deborah Warren

Regan Huff

Occurrence on Washburn Avenue
Anne Marie Macari

From the Plane
Gerald Fleming

There are no poems by this poet on our website.
Sebastian Matthews

Barbershop Quartet, East Village Grille
Charles Harper Webb

The Animals are Leaving
Zozan Hawez

Jose Angel Araguz

Russell Libby (1956–2012)

Applied Geometry
Robert Haight

How Is It That the Snow
Early October Snow
Dan Lechay

Ghost Villanelle
James P. Lenfestey

Robert Hedin (b. 1949)

The Old Liberators
My Mother's Hats
John Maloney

After Work
Kaelum Poulson

The Crow
Stuart Kestenbaum

Prayer for the Dead
Emmett Tenorio Melendez

My name came from . . .
Gary Dop

Father, Child, Water
On Swearing
Berwyn Moore

Driving to Camp Lend-A-Hand
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
13.Travel Haiku - Harbour Island (Eleuthera, Caribbean)
Pink Sand Beach yoga
on and on I chant with the sea
seeking nirvana read more »

john tiong chunghoo
14.I Am The Beach...
As we walked along the beach, crashing waves
thundered in our ears and a light, salted mist,
dampened our lips. read more »

(brief renderings) Joe Fazio
15.The Power Of The Beach
As we walked along the beach, crashing waves
thundered in our ears and a light, salted mist,
dampened our lips. read more »

(brief renderings) Joe Fazio
16.Under A Blanket Of Stars
As we walked along the beach, crashing waves
thundered in our ears and a light, salted mist,
dampened our lips. read more »

(brief renderings) Joe Fazio
17.Under A Blanket Of Stars...
As we walked along the beach, crashing waves
thundered in our ears and a light, salted mist,
dampened our lips. read more »

(brief renderings) Joe Fazio
read more »

Aldo Kraas
19.Travel Indonesia Haiku - Batam Beach View Resort
Batam Beach View Resort
holding up the sky
the bull horn chalets read more »

john tiong chunghoo
20.On This Beach...
Life is a beach.
There are jellyfish. And sea urchins…the painful bumps along the road that we all encounter in life. On this beach.
In life..and on a beach there is warm water-like times, when we are happy, and have good times and enjoy living. On this beach.
We also have times, like a beach, when we have cold water times; when we are sad, or upset about losing someone or something. On this beach. read more »

Dark Fallout
Oh, to be lying,
On a beach,
With sand in my toes, read more »

Linda Harnett

On the beach, egrets sleep, peacefully curled together.
Waves roaring and waves wildness wipe on the beach. read more »

Darryl K. Porter
I am here,
Sitting on the beach
Viewing the wave
Rolling up your name read more »

nice pinky
24.Shell in the Beach
a mother tells a story to her son
'there are three men
one of them went to the beach
and found a beautiful shell in the beach read more »
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
181 to 200 of 3251 Poets
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Joelle Biele

To Katharine: At Fourteen Months
Veronica Patterson

Marry Me
Rick Campbell

Mary-Sherman Willis

The Laughter of Women
Sharmila Voorakkara

For the Tattooed Man
Max Mendelsohn

Ode to Marbles
Jonathan Holden

Car Showroom
David Tucker

The Dancer
Today’s News
Marianne Boruch (b. 1950)

It includes the butterfly and the rat, the ****
Some dreamily smoke cigarettes, some track
Trish Dugger

Spare Parts
Carrie Shipers

Medical History
Love Poem for Ted Neeley In Jesus Christ Superstar
Steven Huff

Lee McCarthy

Santa Paula
William Kloefkorn

"I stand alone at the foot "
Jackson Wheeler

How Good Fortune Surprises Us
Steven Orlen (1942–2010)

Three Teenage Girls: 1956
In the House of the Voice of Maria Callas
Steven Schneider

Chanukah Lights Tonight
Jessy Randall

Superhero Pregnant Woman
Anne Pierson Wiese (b. 1964)

Inscrutable Twist
Columbus Park
Regina DeSalva

Snip Your Hair
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
9.Show It At The Beach
Oh they won't let us show it at the beach no they won't let us show it at the beach
They think we're gonna grab it if it gets within our reach read more »

Sheldon Allan Silverstein
10.the sea
when you're at the beach you might see
surfers riding out to sea

when you're at the beach you might see read more »

Matthew Smi
11.Santa Monica Mountains..Kanan Dume
Santa Monica Mountains....Kanan Dume the distance...and one day soon
.......I'll be on the Malibu read more »

James B. Earley
12.At the Beach
At The Beach

You roll down the window
And even before you see it read more »

Khalid Icanttellyou
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Now children may
Go out doors,
Without their coats,
To candy stores .

The apple branches
And the pear
May float their blossoms
Through the air,

And daddy may
Get out his ***
To plant tomatoes
In a row,

And, afterwards,
May lazily
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
There's no one mean as mean Maxine,
She smells like old cigars,
her brain is smaller than a bean,
I wish she'd move to mars.

Some day I'll list the things I hate,
And that is where I'll list her,
I'd like pack her in a crate
Too bad Maxine's my sister.
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Miraculous Mortimer ( master magician)
Has sawn his assistant in two.
He can't recall how to reverse her condition
Has anyone here any glue?
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
My baby brother is so small,
he hasn't even learned to crawl.
He's only been around a week,
and all he seems to do is bawl
and wiggle, sleep. . . And leak.
By Iraira cedillo plissé follow me
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
She's my best friend forever I had in my life
She is like my sister I love her with all my heart J.A
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Jessenia is my bestests friend forevering cuz she is like my sister I have I love her like my sister we go together to school and we do our homework together we chat together and we are friends together
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
My Brother My Wound
He was calling in the bulls from the street.
They came like a dark river — 
a blur of chest and hoof —  . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
My brother's head should be replaced,
it's lighter than a feather,
he's trying to use tomato paste
to paste tomatoes together.
By:Iraira Cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Friends are enjoyable they are si fun they support you they do a lot of things. They support you like your mom they are like your sisters everyone have friends for to play we love friends a lot
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
2.On The Winter Beach
On The Winter Beach

I walk on the winter beach
from here to there read more »

Suchoon Mo_
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
No one loves news
Just the old people
Children don't love news
News gives you information.
Information is just bored no one loves news
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Night Work
All summer, the city engine's low
roar capsizes our bodies into sleep,
groans, . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Notes for the Cactus Poem

The teddy bear cholla and the fat fat

. . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Notes for the Cactus Poem
The teddy bear cholla and the fat fat

. . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Bowen ounce and Owen bounce
fell off a speeding train,
both were rather fortunate,

Owen bounce,who weighed an ou ce,
Was cushioned by soft shrubbery,
Bowen ounce just bounced and bounced,
for he was round and rubbery.
Please follow me!!!
By:Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Poem About A Friend Gone!
By Stephanie M. Wendorf
Emotions ran through my head
I found myself wishing I was dead
All because you were moving away
I knew I would never see you another day

You got in your car and waved goodbye
and ..........
Votes: 198,  Rating: 4.38
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By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Poem For A Friend Forever
By Sandra Rosene
Though it's only been a short while I've never had a friend like you
But soon you will be leaving me
And I don't know what to do
Your love and understanding
Have brought me a new ..........
Votes: 423,  Rating: 4.37 , 17 Stories
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Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Poem About Friends For Life
By Angelica N. Brissett
We are Friends
I got your back
You got mine,
I'll help you out
To see you hurt
To see you cry
Makes me weep
And wanna die
And if you agree
To never fight
By Iraira cedillo
To jessenia amaro
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Poetry loves me
I live with poetry
We take a shower together
We eat together
We sleep together and we go to school together she loves me and I love her too we chat we live together
We read together
I love poetry
We live together

     The end of poetry
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Poetry Is a Sickness

You write not what you want,
but what flaws flower from rust
. . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Who likes school
I don't
You learn
And you are bored
Bu I hate school
I think
No one
Likes school
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Several Altitudes of Not Talking
You are part of other people but not
like them. You live in a little wooden box
and wake up with your face . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Something silky, scarily there,
Ghostly and diaphanous,
Stole our socks and underwear,
And had a ghastly laugh on us.
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Spring sillies
I think I'm coming down
with the spring sillies
My dafty thoughts are budding,
I'll call them daffodilly

My thighs muscles are stronger
As if they now  prepare
To bound and leap in meadows
Like the mad march hare.

A cheeky imp is glinting
In my left eyeball
Calling me to frolic
With the April fool

There's happy hope in spring growth
Nature's clever ploy
And I'll not let any April showers
Dampen down my joy!
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Stenciled Memories
There was always fabric in your lap
and a whistle in your heart. A sweet
sap to be ****** waited in the garden. . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Stringbean small was tall and trim,
Basketball seemed meant for him,
At eight foot four,a coach's dream ,
And yet he failed to make the team.

It seems at practice ,string bean  small
Began to chew the basketball,
The coach screamed,"Stop! Don't nibble it!
I want you to dribble it!"
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Apr 2014
Oh, what a sweet child I'd Hannah Hyde ,
Oh, how thoughtful,oh, how nice,
To buy a hat with brim so wide,
It gives shade to the frogs
And the worms and the mice.
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
That Bright Grey Eye
The grey sky, lighter & darker
            lights between & delicate . . .
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
The beauty
The beauty
Beautiful beauty
I love beauty
Everyone loves beauty
Girls love beauty
Dogs love beauty
God loves beauty
Everyone loves beauty
Just everyone in
The world
By Iraira  cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Come! Supper is ready
Come! Boys and girls now,
For her is fresh milk
From the good molly cow.

Have done with your fife
And your row de dow dow,
And taste this sweet milk
From the good Molly cow

Whoever is fretting
Must clear up his brow,
Or he'll have no milk
From the good molly cow

And here is Miss *****;
She means by mee ow,
Give me too some milk
From the good Molly cow

When children are hungry,
Oh who can tell how
They love the fresh milk
From the good Molly cow

So when you meet Molly
Please say, with a bow,
"Thank you for your milk,
Mrs.good Molly cow."
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
1.The Greatest Artist
God is the greatest artist
To whom no one can compare,
Streaking sunsets very beautiful,
Painting rainbows in the air. read more »

Udiah (witness to Yah)
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
Poems by Shelbie Hale : 19 / 18 « prev. poemnext poem »
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The Heart Of A Friend

There is a place inside us all
Where we can go to hide
From all the bad we've ever done
And from our injured pride

This place is called the heart
The only place we can confide
When we feel hurt and alone
We choose to keep our thoughts inside

It does little good, though
To go it alone in the end
If you look hard enough, however
You'll find comfort in the heart of a friend

It is the kindness of others
That brings forth the best in us
We learn many different things
How to love, share, and trust

As we continuously move forward
Time will heal all wounds, they say
Helping mend our broken hearts
Every day is brighter, we pray

You see my friend, have no fear
For you are never truly alone
Do not despair in times of hardship
You have the heart of a friend to call home
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell on earth I know not where...
And the song from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
The mole is blind, and under ground,
Snug as a nest her home is found;
She dwells secure,nor dreams of sight
What need of eyes where all is night!

The eagle proudly soars on high,
Bright as the sunbeams is his eye
To lofty rocks he wings his way,
And sits amid the blaze of day.

The mole needs not the eagles eye,
Unless she had his wings to fly
The light of the day no joy would give,
If under ground she still must live.

And sad 't would for the eagle be,
If like the mole,he could not see,
Unless you took his wings away,
And shut him from the hope of day

But both live happy in their way
One loves the night and one the day
And god formed each,and formed their sphere,
A d thus his goodness doth appear
By Iraira cedillo
Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
The neighbors are not fond of me,
I've little doubt of that,
For when I near their door,I see
They hide the WELCOME mat.
By Iraira cedillo
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