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 Jul 2020 Insertnamehere
I see you
Lost and confused
The battle is over
But Where are you
I see you in the sky
Awaiting for your next battle
A war in pause
You seek to destroy
but what is left is a empty battle field
No threat Is here, but you.
You were born from depths of fire and war
It’s all you know
But the war here is won
Put down your mighty sword
You have more battles to overcome
However, they are not the wars you’ve come to know
This war will lead you to doubt
The enemy bares a different threat
Leaving deep scars unknown
Mighty Valkyrie
Take off your armor
it will do you no good
It’s just a burden of weight
Your heavy armor will weigh you down and pull you into an abyss of dark nothings
Fierce Valkyrie
You need to be weightless
You need no sword
You need to trust your instincts more
In this battle you will be blind
You must know yourself to win

— The End —