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Arsala Apr 2023
Accepting that life is cruel
That that’s just the way it is
And that humanity doesn’t deserve happiness
It’s just a cop out
For not taking responsibility
Because if you realize you can have it
If you realize that life can be beautiful
And that you really can be happy
Then all those wasted years
Might crush you beneath their weight
And the suffocating heaviness
Of realizing you were in control all along
Is something you’re too afraid
To hold on your own two shoulders
But listen up baby
Because what I’m about to say is the truth
You are strong enough to carry it
You are strong enough to choose it
Choose yourself
Choose happiness and love
You’re the only one who can make that true
And I promise you
The weight is not unbearable
You can shoulder that grief
All those years lost to worry or pain or trauma
You can shoulder it because
It is temporary
And it is worth it
The reward you reap
From choosing yourself
Is well worth the weight
That isn’t quite as heavy as you fear.
Arsala Apr 2023
She finally found peace inside the storm that was her soul
And it was no longer about someone coming to rescue her
And saving her anymore
It was now all about her...
Saving her own **** self...
It was now all about her ....🥀
Arsala Apr 2023
Battling depression and anxiety,
My thoughts in a turbulent sea.
A mental prison that I cannot flee,
The darkness devours me.

My spirit feels so drained,
The pain I feel so contained.
My voice is left unheard,
My mind is left unstirred.

But deep down I know,
I have strength to show.
So I fight through my fears,
And take on the tears.

Though depression and anxiety may try,
I will never let them win the fight.
I will be brave and strong,
For I know I can carry on.
Arsala Apr 2023
Time, a strange concept that humans try to define,
A notion of passing, an ever-changing line.
A thing that never stops, an unstoppable force,
It can't be beaten, no matter the course.

We try to use it to heal our pain,
But it only creates a constant strain.
For time never can heal our wounds,
It just gives us time to process the gloom.

We try to find joy and sorrow in time,
But all it does is spread an invisible line.
It's never a cure for the issues we face,
Just a reminder of the troubles we must embrace.

Time is a tool, not a cure,
And it's something we must endure.
So don't think it will heal your heart,
For it only can give you a place to start.
Arsala Apr 2023
The beauty of flowers is something so grand,
It can make us happy, take us to a different land.
It's like looking up at a starry night sky,
Filled with colors that no one can deny.

The beauty of flowers can show us a different world,
A place of joy and peace, free of worry and swirl.
It's like a breath of fresh air,
So much more than colors of pink and fair.

The beauty of flowers is like a dream,
It can enchant us with its spark and gleam.
It's like a love story, unfolding slowly,
Something that can never be fully told by me.
Arsala Apr 2023
The beauty of the moon is like nothing else,
It can make us stop, mesmerized by its spell.
The beauty of the moon is a mystery,
It can make us pause and feel the history.
It's like a distant light in the night,
A timeless beauty that will never take flight.

The beauty of the moon is a mystery,
It can make us pause and feel the history.
It's like a dream that never fades,
A beauty that no one can ever evade.
It's like a symbol of hope and peace,
A beauty that will never cease.

The beauty of the moon can make us dream,
It's like a whisper, a story that never seems.
It's like a symbol of hope and peace,
A beauty that will never cease.
Arsala Apr 2023
The emptiness inside me grows,
As I miss you more and more,
My heart aches with every beat,
For the one that I adore.

I long to hear your voice again,
To see your face and feel your touch,
But all I have are memories,
And they're just not enough.

The world keeps turning, day by day,
But time stands still for me,
For all I can think about is you,
And how much you mean to me.

The distance between us feels so vast,
Like an ocean we can't cross,
And I'm left here in this lonely place,
Feeling like I've lost.

But still, I hold onto hope,
That someday we'll be together again,
Until then, I'll keep missing you,
And longing for the time when.

The day will come when we'll embrace,
And all my sorrow will fade away,
Until then, I'll keep holding on,
To the love that won't decay.
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