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Feb 2018 · 152
Bella Feb 2018
The prompt was write something that you feel deep down to your soul

The words appeared nearly of thier own volition...

She makes me feel inadequate.

Feb 2018 · 531
The Girl He Didn't Know
Bella Feb 2018
I became a girl he didn't recognize
With a voice he had never heard
And I stopped walking on water

I outgrew being his easy girl
His ever understanding wife
And suddenly,  I could do plenty wrong

I learned things
A whole new vocabulary
Ethical non monogamy

Words and definitions that felt like home to me
But perhaps they felt like rough, rocky terrain to him

I discovered a love of things long lain dormant in my soul

I filled my life with people who loved the same

I became inspired

Fell in love with the life I thought we might create

And my life became more my own and less a support of his

I started becoming more of all of me
Less just his wife
Less just the kids' mother

I found a girl I didn't know I had lost
Who I think, maybe, he doesn't like too much
He just doesn't know what to do with that girl or how the hell to love her.

Feb 2018 · 212
An Untrue Life
Bella Feb 2018
The prompt was to write a poem about your life in which there is no truth

An Untrue Life

She created a life she loved living.

Feb 2018 · 383
Just Need a Moment
Bella Feb 2018
I just need a moment
I just want to breathe
I just can't find the faith I've lost in all things heavenly
I just need a word, a divinely inspired thought
I just want to believe what is taught
I just can't imagine how I got this lost
I just need a minute
I just need a break
I just want some reassurance that it isn't more than I can take
I just can't be certain, it feels like death to me
I just need a second
I just need a promise
I just need a breath
I just need to fall
I just need to slip
I just need to lose it all
I just need an hour
I just need a drive
I just need a car and some gasoline with the music up and the windows down
I just want to drive till the road runs out and see where I'm found
I just can't stay here anymore
I just need moment
I just need a breath
I just need the pressure to let up
I just need some joy
I just need the way
I just need some light, some direction
I just need my someday
I just need a breath in my soul
I just want the enemy to let go
I just need to not drown today in this place of despair
I just need to not lose my faith in the face of my fear
I just need a breath
I just need a moment
I just want to breathe again
Feb 2018 · 176
Brave Girl
Bella Feb 2018
The writing prompt was - Write a Poem in Which Nothing is True


She drove away
From the life she had outgrown

The wind in her hair
The miles behind her had flown

She let go
everything and everyone

Driving away
her fear, faded into the sun

— The End —