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Apr 2018 · 158
Psychosis Vision
IV Apr 2018
Infested with perspective from all point of views.
Blurred realities merging together.
Overwhelmed by my thoughts, my mind is quite the character.
Focused on what is real, it’s hard to determine.  
Open my eyes it’s always a different version.
Lucid dreams that proclaim truth.
My head hurts, my head hurts.
To much commotion going on, make it stop.
Apr 2018 · 138
Sour vein
IV Apr 2018
Dysmorphic tendencies runs in my veins flawed by default contoured by hate.
Can not justify my means to dissent consigned to a mind that is always sick.
Amity relations always fade dysmorphic tendencies runs my brain.
Neurotic impulses I can’t explain.
Overwhelmed by my space.
Numbing my mind to be at peace.
When loneliness is a factor observation proceeds.
The more you see, envy is soon to follow.
It’s hard not to wonder if my next life will be better.
Curiosity kills.

— The End —