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115 · Mar 2021
The Beauty of A Child
The beauty of a child is a curious thing
Untempered, like solar flares- Aurora Borealis
Naive and innocent
so pure
the white of their eyes

The glow they exhume when they smile
And how honest they question the world around them

It is a wonderful scene to behold
Heartbreaking- for it is not to last

Sunshine and rainbows
Colours and shapes
They only last but for a moment

Saddening, as we all wish to remain a child
To be beautiful
To see beauty in everything, in everyone

To be curious and careless
To smile and refract light
To cry and raise frenzy
With a gesture the world moved

Painfully, it is not meant to be
For there is darkness in this world
The night and many terrors
Hell- the devil and demons work too hard for any brightness, whiteness or beauty to last.
102 · Mar 2021
Curse yourself
Curse your roots and your tree
Curse your father and his father
Curse the world and the day you came into it

For they made you who you are
They made you not enough
Just enough to fall short

Curse it all
Wail and gnash in agony for the world will always lie just beyond your fingers
And the stars will dazzle to remind you of everything you cannot have

Oh you wretch and wretched existence
Penury and pennilessness
Names and forms you have become
Shame and shamelessness

So go on
Curse them
Yourself, your father and his father
Your roots and tree
94 · Mar 2021
Men I Love
I know many a men in this world
A thousand, maybe ten thousand
These men I love profoundly
These men have brought joy to my life
Experiences, adventures and nigh simple things like conversations

But there are a few men in this world
Men I will go to war for
Hell i'll start the war for them
Men I will gladly loose my life or a limb for

Men linked to me not by blood
But by the strength of bonds
Bonds stronger than all the manifestations of matter
Such is my love
Discriminatory and selfish

— The End —