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7d · 67
Raven 7d
Oh god, Why you chosen me to do that
In that fight, I would be first one to tap
You gave me wrong fight, cut me slack
Wanna fight no more, I raise white flag

God, why you gave me that, what is your plan
It's not fight no more, an execution of a weak man
Answer me, God, It is not a prayer, I demand
Why my fight and I always been such a mismatch

Yes I am weak and coward , I cannot fight
I am weak and coward, I cannot bring light
I am weak and coward, you made me a knife
Answer me why? God, why I am in this gunfight?
Feb 7 · 53
Raven Feb 7
I am going mad, please leave me alone
Give me a silent world, I can be on my own
Your crimes, In my head they always echo
Even in despair, your sins I can never let go

You threw me under the bus just to be safe
Now you want others to take on your blame
Others were also thrown under, yet you claim
Others threw me, just to defame your good name

How dare you claim others have ruined your name
When you always have been a two faced snake
Run, before you get burned in my hateful flame
I am going mad, mad me, even I wouldn't able to tame
Feb 7 · 61
Raven Feb 7
From the day I was born, I chased a devil
Now, is it too late? I know I am already evil
He always raged, showed me his dark soul
Following him, I jumped in a dark black hole

Although devil, he loved me as one of his own
He just did not know, how to treat a human soul
Now, my soul is ******, in the darkest pit of hell
I don't know why, the darkness feels like my home

The devil crying, asked me for forgiveness
I would have if he destroyed his darkness
Since the devil couldn't change himself
I'll **** him and my evil will **** myself
Feb 4 · 317
No More Sorry
Raven Feb 4
Don't say you are sorry, don't feed me lies
Speak your truth,for once speak your mind
Your sorry is your escape just in a disguise
Sincerity in your apology, I still couldn't find

Took everything from me, you always abuse
You don't recognize your sin, still you refuse
In your world you are kind, I'm the real issue
Still cry,you say the word you always misuse

You are a sadistic maniac, in my point of view
I don't care about your love, I truly hate you
I'm done with you and your repeating sorry
You believe your lies, you believe your story
Feb 3 · 51
Performing Justice
Raven Feb 3
The victims of conflict never care about our true justice
They want a place to belong, they just want a little peace
In a warm room, we argue what is right and what is wrong
In a war, everything is fair, weak is wrong and right is strong

We protest, we write, we sympathize with the victims
We think we are fighting, going against a flawed system
We feel brave,we are fighting to give them our true justice
The victims are fools, don't know the meaning of true peace

Do we really stand with them, sympathize with the victims
Or we just act, must show society, we are good human beings
Whatever, let's keep protesting, writing to attain true justice
Let's argue about right and wrong, let's analyze some conflict
Jan 30 · 368
Raven Jan 30
My eyes are tired, my brain can not sleep
I'm exhausted, I just want to see a dream
Even nightmare is okay, I really don't care
I just want to rest before Sun starts to glare
Jan 27 · 51
A Cursed Night
Raven Jan 27
In a cursed dark night , I was driving
I thought life is all about the winning
I was high , Braindead , I was smiling
To me , race of life  was most exciting

In that dark road, an angel was standing
I didn't saw back then but he was waiting
Seeing my car, quickly he started walking
I couldn't  hit the brakes, he was bleeding

In deathbed , the angel started screaming
He said, he was there to give me meaning
Killed him, just to enjoy  little bit of speeding
That night, even lost fake purpose of living
Jan 27 · 51
Let Me Be
Raven Jan 27
Look at  my dance, please, don't look into my eyes
Don't listen my story, please, keep hearing all my lies
Go away,  go away, please, don't stay in my life
In isolation, please let me find peace, before I die

I don't want,no, never, anyone one in my life
I am tired of your worry, If I am really alright
Even if I ain't, you can't help me in my fight
Your sympathy,won't make me feel I'm alive

Please, give me space, give me some time
To me, your kindness don't worth a **** dime
I am really sorry, I am being this rude to you
I just don't want to drag you in my mess too
Jan 26 · 33
Raven Jan 26
I need to live again and fight again
Survive again, before I get lost
In a demon's hand I got caught
He took away my soul from its spot
My brain, no more working, it stopped

Yo buddy,
What are you doing, searching for your soul?
Wanna fight me?fine, get ready for hellhole
Let me tell you, your body is me, only I can thrive
I just ate your soul, in my belly it no longer shine
I already took your brain, can say, took your life
Gonna use your heart? Haha ,knife in a gunfight
Stop acting,cocky,I am the one who is tough
You can do nothing, stop your useless bluff

I need to live again and fight again
Survive again, before I get lost
In a demon's hand I got caught
He took away my soul from its spot
My brain, no more working, it stopped

Yo demon,
Shut the hell up, escape before I rage
My soul in your belly? It is not shining?
It is working to throw your soul in a cage
My body is yours? You're gonna be my slave
I am the last one you hurt, my body is your grave
You didn't eat my heart it is your biggest mistake
It has power to destroy,all  your poisonous snakes
You are just afraid, don't want me to say, enough
I know you , you are nothing, all you do is bluff
So shut the hell up,run, before my heart gets tough
If I catch you , don't tell me, tortures are too rough
You better escape, before my heart shake your soul
If you Stay, You will wish you could go  in dark hellhole

I will hope again and love again
Thrive again, what ever it cost
In my hand, demon will get caught
My soul will get back its own spot
The demon will be caged, it'll stop
Jan 24 · 176
In Life’s Fast Lane
Raven Jan 24
Life just slow down a little bit
I want to catch up , find my gift
Is there even a gift I got from heaven?
Or I got left out, the angels had forgotten

Life just slow down a little bit
I want to catch up, don't want to quit
Is it  even possible to quit without dying?
Or, even in despair , I have to keep trying

Life just slow down a little bit
I want to catch up, before death visits
Is it even possible to catch up, am I too late?
Or there is still chance for me, I just have to wait
Jan 21 · 42
Raven Jan 21
Although we never really met, we have met
I just don't remember, our journey in the heaven's gate
We were supposed to come together, we raced on the same track
The only difference is the perfect timing, I was the only one to crack

Fellow winner, you didn't get chance to see this world
You just got back to heaven, before you were even born
Let me assure you, didn't miss much after you got lost
There isn't much in this world to see, all there is just fuss

I hope to see you again, when I met my end
Like those nine months, we will share the same bed
I don't but I hope you remember the time we have shared
After all, before all these , You and I were two brothers, one pair
Jan 20 · 53
Stories Never Spoken
Raven Jan 20
Some stories, words can not define
Tales of those, to whom world wasn't kind
Their stories sounds random, without any cause
When they want to share, others just make them pause

More I learn those stories, more I get mad
In their life, how come everything is this bad
A friend of mine had some of those untold stories
He never talked, smiled, lied, his fake dream of glories

He was careful not to share his untold stories
Never raised his voice, he always talked slowly
Before he hung himself I never knew his untold stories
His cold body told me truth, among us, he always felt lonely

There are countless stories, no words can ever define
I don't even know if their stories ever can be refine
Words to those who have those untold tragic story
Know this,can not do much,for you , I feel sorry
Dedicated to a dear friend who passed away  in 2021.
Jan 20 · 99
Untold Truth
Raven Jan 20
History never lies
The biggest lie
Dead can not speak
So, Winners thrive

Want to know the truth?
Go to battle ground
See the savages in them
Until they got the crown
Jan 20 · 88
Surrender to Silence
Raven Jan 20
Burning Netherworld makes me afraid
Eternal happiness makes me bored
I wish, when I pass on
I would just be gone

Time, It is time to hear
Time, make me fade away
My eyes can no longer stare
They seen too much darkness
Got burnt in many bright happy days

I want, my life, to be forgotten
Just like my name
I wish,my soul get eaten
Just like my flesh

I'm tired of seeking
My meaning of existence
I just want to sleep
On the lap of mother emptiness
Jan 19 · 296
I Follow
Raven Jan 19
My life, Long time ago
A flock of birds, I follow
I was a chicken's chick
I had imperfect wings

I really wanted to fly, fly ,fly
I tried and I died, died, died

Another life, not long ago
A Pack of wolves, I follow
I was a rabbit's kit
Running, my habit

I really wanted to fight, fight, fight
They saw me, I just went-run, run,run

My new life, a few days ago
A herd of deer, I follow
I was a cub of tiger
Growing fighter

I just said Hi,Hi,Hi
They ran, didn't even say bye,bye,bye
Jan 18 · 59
Public Judgment
Raven Jan 18
Public Opinion
The cheapest ****
Every human she sees
She really wants to F**k
The ***** don't care about rights
Public opinion, she never judge right
Jan 17 · 85
Surface Love
Raven Jan 17
I never believed you are the one
It's only your voice, your songs, just those were my fun
It's only your lustful eyes that made me arouse
Your love, care ,late night text, sorry, I tried to live without

I never believed you are the one
It's your stories, melodrama, just those were my fun
It's your unwatchable dance, I always enjoyed
Your flirting, holding hands, sorry, I always tried to avoid

I never believed you are the one
It's making love to your body, where I found my  fun
It's your soft lips that I always wanted to kiss
Bye, my fake  love , although fake, you will be missed
Jan 16 · 98
Rebirth from Ashes
Raven Jan 16
I want to drop my pen,  pick up a gun
Don't care about your peace, I want war
I want death of millions, I want end of the world
In my war,my violence, my words would offend none

In the war , I would spill blood of every kids
I wouldn't let them burn in the hell we have build
I would burn or drown every society,city, nation I see
No one would have the  reason to fight to become free

The war would build fighters, millions knight ,
In the end of the dark tunnel, there would be light
I,you,we would suffer,die and  our mothers will mourn
My war will bring peace , my dream is to  see earth reborn.
Jan 16 · 157
Battle in My Mind
Raven Jan 16
The voices in my head, please go a.w.a.y
The voices in my head, please give back my brain
The voices in my head, find someone else to feed your h.a.t.e
The voices in my head, please let me be m.y.s.e.l.f

You are jealous, that's not o.k.a.y
You are lazy, yet always you c.o.m.p.l.a.i.n
You act victim, yet you are first one to draw the b.l.a.d.e
You eat my brain, yet you act you keep me safe

The voices in my head, you are the one I t.r.u.l.y hate
The voices in my head,Go to e.t.e.r.n.a.l hell
The voices in my head, you are a c.o.w.a.r.d, hiding in my brain
The voices in my head, I wish to see you d.e.a.d
Jan 14 · 58
A Sadist's Desire
Raven Jan 14
I want to evolve, discover a darker way
Become  antagonist of life, the greatest play
Fill an empty river with fire, dance on it's bay
Want to be the being,  you reject in your pray

Why are you running, I wouldn't let you get away
Beauty,hope, light, to me all of them are just cliche
I will throw you in fiery river, shape you with my clay
I came for a hunt, every part of you are mine to prey

Feed my desires *****, you are my brand new slave  
I'm thirsty, I'm discovering myself, my time to elevate
Cutting your wings, ******, time to throw you in cage
I'm consuming, stop crying *****, it's already too late
Your love, smile, song, hahaha, everything I will take
Hate, fear, revenge is my medicine, want to medicate
Jan 13 · 50
Raven Jan 13
The things you have seen, I never truly felt
What I truly felt? you can never relate
You seen only the surface, all the lies I sell
Yet, you believe you know me so well

You seen me happy, sad, All things I faked
You weren't there when I was really shaked
You seen my happiness, the moment I rose
You gone blind, before seeing the real cost

You seen me happy, sad, All things I faked
You weren't  there when I was really shaked
You seen me sad,  lonely, the moment I fell
You never realized the true reason I escaped

If you seen the real me, if truth I ever tell
Still you wouldn't understand what I really felt
I hope this never happens, I hope you never relate
I just want you to show my fake self like everyone else
Raven Jan 9
There is a beautiful couple, they are hope and despair
With children , live happily, raising kids,they help each other
Not only lovers, ,they're besties, promised to always be together
They're  just like beginning and ending, One cannot live without other

Despair is the man of the house, extrovert, bully his children, make them feeble
Hidden love, It's all just an act,he must teach the young ones, must make them humble
Hope, a gentle, loving woman, introvert, Smart, so doesn't intervene her husband's work
When it's time, children becomes tough, overcome struggle, complete father's all given task
Her motherly side intervenes, feeds them, shows them the road, clear their hearts from the rust

Kids, misunderstand, rebel against  their father,
Don't hate but don't want to accept their quiet mother
Kids, one advice , know father, his punishment are  important lessons
When the time comes, quite mother will speak, answer all of your questions
Jan 5 · 253
The Cycle
Raven Jan 5
Today's traitors,
Tomorrow's heroes.

Tomorrow's heroes,
Next day's leaders.

Next day's leaders,
Next century's traitors.

So what's the difference,
All just berserk.
Jan 4 · 92
A Fool's Plea
Raven Jan 4
Can not remember the last time you answered
Maybe  when he  still was innocent,a lot closer
before he rebelled,  ran towards heavens edge
Although evil, sin and he somehow got merge
All knowing,  it's only you, whom he still search

Questions to you keeping him awake, everyday constant
Whom he should blame, himself , devil or you, omnipotent?
He Tried to avoid sins, believed loving you is his only duty
Suddenly he saw only greed for heaven, in his life of piety

Why he is greedy ,his faith so fragile, why he is so flawed,
Is he supposed to be this?Is it you who made him a fraud?
Didn't you create him , God? don't you love him,  almighty,
Or is he just a pawn, struggling in the endless divine war
Between you and yours once favorite Lucifer, the evil deity

Although corrupted, you gave him  more than he deserve
Despite knowing all, you overvalued this flawed fool's resolve
What a shame! Lost soul, He lived by the rules of  pleasure,
He thought earthly lust , gluttony, pride are his only treasure

Devil is his fake friend, shown this fool good life,fake happiness
He felt comfort is everything, worshiped Belphegor, life of laziness
Asmodeus show  how to live, the fool happy ,living life to the fullest,
Inside he is empty, still he keeps laughing, grace gone, still clueless

God, all-knowing, you know all , so can you tell him?
Are all of your lovers pure or their souls just like him?
Can  they love you without the condition of a return gift?
Or if the table turns, if the  devil rise up as the new God
The love, faith,devotion to you  would  fall, create a rift

If he throws you in hell , ask  whom to they bow down
Would they change?he wonders, if their loyalty  would be gone
Would creation turn, go against you?  Will you be all alone ?
Or they would follow you , they would go to pit of the hell too
Doomed, still smile,  accept hell , your feet , where they belong
Would they  reject him? reject the gift of heaven without you
Would they still  believe?  you are the reason they were born
Would they  bow down just because once you were God?

God save this fool , he kept dancing with the devil,
Still he is yours , there still a soul in this lustful evil
God,  the fool has  lost faith, doubt himself ,  doubt you
Still, God, at night , deep inside, this fool search for you

God forgive this fool, for pride , for arrogance,
Forgive this fool ,  for doubts,  for his ignorance
He has endless flaws ,Save him from the devil
God,save him, cleanse his soul from his own evil
Before he dies, and before he  break all your laws
Let him love you, bow down to you, our only lord

This is my, the fool's plea to almighty,
all powerful, the divine light
At least give me  some answers almighty
In the path of this dark night .
Dec 2024 · 80
Questions without Answers
Raven Dec 2024
Why do we enjoy sin? Why do  we smile
The moment of redemption, Why make us cry?

Do we have souls? Or we just lie
Humanity is  Drowning,
I still wonder why
Is it our  sin, or it is just life

Are we free?  Can we really decide?
Or we just hamster in a wheel
The decision are unreal
Amuse the entity that we call Divine

Why? Who are we?
We bleed,  it proves we are alive?
Or  we just a dream in some alien's eyes
There is no way to know the truth before we dies

Yet we argue,  we fight  ,We search for an answer
Why are we  alive?
Dec 2024 · 244
Why We Live
Raven Dec 2024
What is your  purpose? To become happy?
What is your dream? Leave a legacy?
What is your goal? Live in glory?


Your glory? that will fade
legacy? Time will make them forget
Happiness, Well; matters no more that I'll bet

Why we forget ?

When the story ends
The very moment we all die
We feel empty, Nothing Matters no more
All of us become afraid, we regret; we all just cry
Dec 2024 · 61
Raven Dec 2024
I wonder ,
How many days gone how many remain
Is she still young or she, an older woman
Is there glow in her eyes , her skin still smooth
Or she became an old hag, rude, lost her tooth
Is she live in peace have everything, often smile
Or she is broke , tired eyes, everyday she cries

I heard ,
She is a mom now, countless children growing
She broke her body , she is tired of feeding
She is tense, in pain, her breast milk is  drying
She can't produce more, still the kids are crying

Her kids?
All of them know, they need her
Still some don't ,  a few love her,
Loving kids are good kids  ,they trying their best
They want to Lift up the burden from her chest
Others? bad kids , playing god, playing brave
All they want is to chain her, make her slave

My sweet love,
I can't remember how long since we have met
Oh love,  Please love, Take care of your health
Why only them ,the bratty, selfish kids  are in your mind
Your beauty has gone, my love, you have gone blind
you think , good kids will help when you are  in pain
They love you only cause you give and they can gain
Oh my foolish woman, please take care yourself
I heard  even your good kids are planning to bail.
Dec 2024 · 84
God Is A Hypocrite
Raven Dec 2024
God, give us  time
Let us see the river dry
Let us  see the mountain rise
Let us see the universe fall
God, why can't you make us divine

Or , God,  walk among us
Make yourself a part of us
Feel the hate that we felt
Make mistakes
Fall in love like we felt
Seek lust
Fall in despair like we felt
Get corrupt
When this is all over
God, come die among us

God,  why you want us to unite
Why you sit on the throne all alone
You hid, told us to search for you
When  he found, finally understood you
Why you took  away his  grace for loving you
When someone wants to be  free from you
Why you throw them  in fire for hating you
You  gave us a choice, set us free
Why You created hell, made us afraid
God, why you praise,  only the slave!!

God, Can you judge you?
You God! All knowing?
Don't make me laugh
Your Love for creation!
It is nothing but your bluff
You judge me??
I judge you
You are a hypocrite.

— The End —