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Raven Jan 27
Look at  my dance, please, don't look into my eyes
Don't listen my story, please, keep hearing all my lies
Go away,  go away, please, don't stay in my life
In isolation, please let me find peace, before I die

I don't want,no, never, anyone one in my life
I am tired of your worry, If I am really alright
Even if I ain't, you can't help me in my fight
Your sympathy,won't make me feel I'm alive

Please, give me space, give me some time
To me, your kindness don't worth a **** dime
I am really sorry, I am being this rude to you
I just don't want to drag you in my mess too
Raven Jan 26
I need to live again and fight again
Survive again, before I get lost
In a demon's hand I got caught
He took away my soul from its spot
My brain, no more working, it stopped

Yo buddy,
What are you doing, searching for your soul?
Wanna fight me?fine, get ready for hellhole
Let me tell you, your body is me, only I can thrive
I just ate your soul, in my belly it no longer shine
I already took your brain, can say, took your life
Gonna use your heart? Haha ,knife in a gunfight
Stop acting,cocky,I am the one who is tough
You can do nothing, stop your useless bluff

I need to live again and fight again
Survive again, before I get lost
In a demon's hand I got caught
He took away my soul from its spot
My brain, no more working, it stopped

Yo demon,
Shut the hell up, escape before I rage
My soul in your belly? It is not shining?
It is working to throw your soul in a cage
My body is yours? You're gonna be my slave
I am the last one you hurt, my body is your grave
You didn't eat my heart it is your biggest mistake
It has power to destroy,all  your poisonous snakes
You are just afraid, don't want me to say, enough
I know you , you are nothing, all you do is bluff
So shut the hell up,run, before my heart gets tough
If I catch you , don't tell me, tortures are too rough
You better escape, before my heart shake your soul
If you Stay, You will wish you could go  in dark hellhole

I will hope again and love again
Thrive again, what ever it cost
In my hand, demon will get caught
My soul will get back its own spot
The demon will be caged, it'll stop
Raven Jan 24
Life just slow down a little bit
I want to catch up , find my gift
Is there even a gift I got from heaven?
Or I got left out, the angels had forgotten

Life just slow down a little bit
I want to catch up, don't want to quit
Is it  even possible to quit without dying?
Or, even in despair , I have to keep trying

Life just slow down a little bit
I want to catch up, before death visits
Is it even possible to catch up, am I too late?
Or there is still chance for me, I just have to wait
Raven Jan 21
Although we never really met, we have met
I just don't remember, our journey in the heaven's gate
We were supposed to come together, we raced on the same track
The only difference is the perfect timing, I was the only one to crack

Fellow winner, you didn't get chance to see this world
You just got back to heaven, before you were even born
Let me assure you, didn't miss much after you got lost
There isn't much in this world to see, all there is just fuss

I hope to see you again, when I met my end
Like those nine months, we will share the same bed
I don't but I hope you remember the time we have shared
After all, before all these , You and I were two brothers, one pair
Raven Jan 20
Some stories, words can not define
Tales of those, to whom world wasn't kind
Their stories sounds random, without any cause
When they want to share, others just make them pause

More I learn those stories, more I get mad
In their life, how come everything is this bad
A friend of mine had some of those untold stories
He never talked, smiled, lied, his fake dream of glories

He was careful not to share his untold stories
Never raised his voice, he always talked slowly
Before he hung himself I never knew his untold stories
His cold body told me truth, among us, he always felt lonely

There are countless stories, no words can ever define
I don't even know if their stories ever can be refine
Words to those who have those untold tragic story
Know this,can not do much,for you , I feel sorry
Dedicated to a dear friend who passed away  in 2021.
Raven Jan 20
History never lies
The biggest lie
Dead can not speak
So, Winners thrive

Want to know the truth?
Go to battle ground
See the savages in them
Until they got the crown
Raven Jan 20
Burning Netherworld makes me afraid
Eternal happiness makes me bored
I wish, when I pass on
I would just be gone

Time, It is time to hear
Time, make me fade away
My eyes can no longer stare
They seen too much darkness
Got burnt in many bright happy days

I want, my life, to be forgotten
Just like my name
I wish,my soul get eaten
Just like my flesh

I'm tired of seeking
My meaning of existence
I just want to sleep
On the lap of mother emptiness
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