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Raven Jan 9
There is a beautiful couple, they are hope and despair
With children , live happily, raising kids,they help each other
Not only lovers, ,they're besties, promised to always be together
They're  just like beginning and ending, One cannot live without other

Despair is the man of the house, extrovert, bully his children, make them feeble
Hidden love, It's all just an act,he must teach the young ones, must make them humble
Hope, a gentle, loving woman, introvert, Smart, so doesn't intervene her husband's work
When it's time, children becomes tough, overcome struggle, complete father's all given task
Her motherly side intervenes, feeds them, shows them the road, clear their hearts from the rust

Kids, misunderstand, rebel against  their father,
Don't hate but don't want to accept their quiet mother
Kids, one advice , know father, his punishment are  important lessons
When the time comes, quite mother will speak, answer all of your questions
Raven Jan 5
Today's traitors,
Tomorrow's heroes.

Tomorrow's heroes,
Next day's leaders.

Next day's leaders,
Next century's traitors.

So what's the difference,
All just berserk.
Raven Jan 4
Can not remember the last time you answered
Maybe  when he  still was innocent,a lot closer
before he rebelled,  ran towards heavens edge
Although evil, sin and he somehow got merge
All knowing,  it's only you, whom he still search

Questions to you keeping him awake, everyday constant
Whom he should blame, himself , devil or you, omnipotent?
He Tried to avoid sins, believed loving you is his only duty
Suddenly he saw only greed for heaven, in his life of piety

Why he is greedy ,his faith so fragile, why he is so flawed,
Is he supposed to be this?Is it you who made him a fraud?
Didn't you create him , God? don't you love him,  almighty,
Or is he just a pawn, struggling in the endless divine war
Between you and yours once favorite Lucifer, the evil deity

Although corrupted, you gave him  more than he deserve
Despite knowing all, you overvalued this flawed fool's resolve
What a shame! Lost soul, He lived by the rules of  pleasure,
He thought earthly lust , gluttony, pride are his only treasure

Devil is his fake friend, shown this fool good life,fake happiness
He felt comfort is everything, worshiped Belphegor, life of laziness
Asmodeus show  how to live, the fool happy ,living life to the fullest,
Inside he is empty, still he keeps laughing, grace gone, still clueless

God, all-knowing, you know all , so can you tell him?
Are all of your lovers pure or their souls just like him?
Can  they love you without the condition of a return gift?
Or if the table turns, if the  devil rise up as the new God
The love, faith,devotion to you  would  fall, create a rift

If he throws you in hell , ask  whom to they bow down
Would they change?he wonders, if their loyalty  would be gone
Would creation turn, go against you?  Will you be all alone ?
Or they would follow you , they would go to pit of the hell too
Doomed, still smile,  accept hell , your feet , where they belong
Would they  reject him? reject the gift of heaven without you
Would they still  believe?  you are the reason they were born
Would they  bow down just because once you were God?

God save this fool , he kept dancing with the devil,
Still he is yours , there still a soul in this lustful evil
God,  the fool has  lost faith, doubt himself ,  doubt you
Still, God, at night , deep inside, this fool search for you

God forgive this fool, for pride , for arrogance,
Forgive this fool ,  for doubts,  for his ignorance
He has endless flaws ,Save him from the devil
God,save him, cleanse his soul from his own evil
Before he dies, and before he  break all your laws
Let him love you, bow down to you, our only lord

This is my, the fool's plea to almighty,
all powerful, the divine light
At least give me  some answers almighty
In the path of this dark night .
Raven Dec 2024
Why do we enjoy sin? Why do  we smile
The moment of redemption, Why make us cry?

Do we have souls? Or we just lie
Humanity is  Drowning,
I still wonder why
Is it our  sin, or it is just life

Are we free?  Can we really decide?
Or we just hamster in a wheel
The decision are unreal
Amuse the entity that we call Divine

Why? Who are we?
We bleed,  it proves we are alive?
Or  we just a dream in some alien's eyes
There is no way to know the truth before we dies

Yet we argue,  we fight  ,We search for an answer
Why are we  alive?
Raven Dec 2024
What is your  purpose? To become happy?
What is your dream? Leave a legacy?
What is your goal? Live in glory?


Your glory? that will fade
legacy? Time will make them forget
Happiness, Well; matters no more that I'll bet

Why we forget ?

When the story ends
The very moment we all die
We feel empty, Nothing Matters no more
All of us become afraid, we regret; we all just cry
Raven Dec 2024
I wonder ,
How many days gone how many remain
Is she still young or she, an older woman
Is there glow in her eyes , her skin still smooth
Or she became an old hag, rude, lost her tooth
Is she live in peace have everything, often smile
Or she is broke , tired eyes, everyday she cries

I heard ,
She is a mom now, countless children growing
She broke her body , she is tired of feeding
She is tense, in pain, her breast milk is  drying
She can't produce more, still the kids are crying

Her kids?
All of them know, they need her
Still some don't ,  a few love her,
Loving kids are good kids  ,they trying their best
They want to Lift up the burden from her chest
Others? bad kids , playing god, playing brave
All they want is to chain her, make her slave

My sweet love,
I can't remember how long since we have met
Oh love,  Please love, Take care of your health
Why only them ,the bratty, selfish kids  are in your mind
Your beauty has gone, my love, you have gone blind
you think , good kids will help when you are  in pain
They love you only cause you give and they can gain
Oh my foolish woman, please take care yourself
I heard  even your good kids are planning to bail.
Raven Dec 2024
God, give us  time
Let us see the river dry
Let us  see the mountain rise
Let us see the universe fall
God, why can't you make us divine

Or , God,  walk among us
Make yourself a part of us
Feel the hate that we felt
Make mistakes
Fall in love like we felt
Seek lust
Fall in despair like we felt
Get corrupt
When this is all over
God, come die among us

God,  why you want us to unite
Why you sit on the throne all alone
You hid, told us to search for you
When  he found, finally understood you
Why you took  away his  grace for loving you
When someone wants to be  free from you
Why you throw them  in fire for hating you
You  gave us a choice, set us free
Why You created hell, made us afraid
God, why you praise,  only the slave!!

God, Can you judge you?
You God! All knowing?
Don't make me laugh
Your Love for creation!
It is nothing but your bluff
You judge me??
I judge you
You are a hypocrite.

— The End —