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120 · 2d
Rochel 2d
What they say must be true
That absence makes the heart grow fonder
Since these days my mind seems to wander
To the girl I said I was
Since all of this is beyond her

Tell me I am worth an aching heart
Tell me I am worth someone's letters
Tell me me this pain gets better
So I am not alone during January
Wearing no one's sweater

I am no beauty in the valley
So I hope my song compensates
And the field I dominate
With my rambling words
Each word I agnominate

Please don't laugh aloud
About the puddles of my tears
They are filled with so many fears
And genuine disappointment
When the devil reappears

Cancel my empty meetings
For the things I find pleasing
Life has come to no meaning
And all that I've loved
Is ever decreasing
Rochel 2d
Loud background
And a louder setting
My heart thumps loudly
The sound I’m forgetting
26 · 2d
Rochel 2d
Saturated in lies
Your hands are soaked with tears
I have held up your spine
For far too many years
You blame trust on your home
The past hurts your head
But somehow every word
Is about something someones said
Can't see your own flaws
Yet you hate them so much
Doesn't really matter
if problems are left untouched
Your fingers always point
You would die if you reversed
Its eating up your flesh
Choose which will **** you first
And I know stones are heavy
And you might not be ready
But it’d be nice if you could start
My hands will soon fall apart
Rochel 2d
There is a blade within my heart
And through my tears
I cannot see what poison lies atop it
What is contained within the green stain
Perhaps the birth givers screams
Perhaps the taunts of the children
Perhaps the pills in the orange bottle
Perhaps the heritage in my blood
Perhaps the snakes I called confidants
Perhaps the scars apon my body
Perhaps the lifelong letter markings
Perhaps the city and it's streets
Perhaps the changing temperatures
Perhaps the lonely lunch table
Perhaps the girl who shoved my chair
Perhaps the boy I can't forget
Perhaps the sisterhoods stolen
Perhaps the 7 story garage
Perhaps the food within my teeth
Perhaps the distance of disease
Perhaps the three digit number
Perhaps the tunes I have not heard
Perhaps the numbers I stare down at

There was never any poison on the blade
The green illusion a distraction

For when my tears clear
I find what I should truly fear
Is the reflection on the sword
25 · 2d
Beast Alone
Rochel 2d
How utterly terrifying it is
To think this beast in the mirror
Will die alone
While they're all holding hands
And discussing future plans
It's a deep disparity
Deep into my denial
Deep into my hope
I'm deathly afraid
I'll be staring at books
Instead of a longing gaze
With a honeymoon phase
I'll be singing my own vows
Towards the beast in the mirror
21 · 2d
Rochel 2d
I invest my love in dark corners
Hoping i might bring them light
I am no diffrent than the sun
Rising each morning
Hoping to turn the shadows light
But that will never happen
Because the tree overhead
Will never leave
Casting it's shadow on the ground
So I rise like the sun
And fail everyday
To turn a lost cause forward
Forward And up
Forward to the light
That I find so beautiful
20 · 2d
Rochel 2d
Pale gasses
Circle barren branches
And the wind will swoon
For a beautiful quiet room
17 · 2d
Rochel 2d
Creep along the lines
Of the boundaries I've made
And pound on the walls
You have no regard for these margins
That I set for protection
Against that inevitable spiral
When I think you're a beauty
And no one else is right for me
And my crys won't make a sound
When I let those barriers down
For the 100th time in a row
16 · 5h
Rochel 5h
All you do is sit
sit and cry
sit and mourn
sit and panic
sit and stare
You sit when your legs ache from sitting
Where are you sitting?
In the dome you've encapsulated yourself in
You have nothing better to do than sit
Sit and breathe
Sit and hide
Sit and avoid
Sit and tremble
Why can't you see what the rest of us do
That you're running out of air in there
We reach for you
So you might get up
Because you constantly sit
Sit and rage
Sit and mope
Sit and pretend
Sit and reject
What is the cement made of
Holding up your capsule
Your fears and vulnerability
Proof you built these walls
Proof youre the only who can change this
I pray you stand
Stand and maintain
Stand and relax
Stand and bond
Stand and feel
Because all you do is sit.
Some people can't see the sun because they are looking down
Rochel 2d
Is the sun setting faster in summer
Or am I just sinking below the horizon
Sinking into a metal
The color of wine
The viscosity of syrup
The taste of an iron fist
The scent of regret

Are the days going faster in autumn
Or am I just falling away from time
Falling into a space
That looks like a grave
That feels like an abyss
That tastes like tears
That smells like a storm

Do the winds die faster in winter
Or am I just fading far from the tempest
Fading into a pain
So twisted and rotten
So dreadful and thick
So bitter and distasteful
So putrid and stale

Why should love end faster in spring
Or am I just descending away from reality
Descending into an obscurity
Of light and darkness
Of heat and chill
Of sweet and sour
Of pleasant and horrid

Every solstice and equinox is like a new hurdle
16 · 21h
I am a flaw
Rochel 21h
My words are filled with promise
Promise I will soon forget
To keep the Weight of commitment
Far from my consciousness
And far from compunction

Distractions are my new friend
A friend I might resent
For keeping my will repressed
And building habits
That are so hard to break

Blaming is like breathing
The remedy to my illness
Similar to lobotomies
And trepanation

I take quiet footsteps
Past all my mistakes
Can't let them wake up
Last time that happened
I never talked to him again

Doubt chases me
When I am not moving
Especially when I'm feeling tired
When my hands are shaking
And it's Sunday night
Kinda just some things that I struggle with on a too often basis
5 · 2d
Rochel 2d
There's a precipice I reach
Everyrime you cross my mind
Like a beckoning to be happy
But I'm not sure what lies at the bottom
Of this coaxing cliff
So I don't think I'll get any closer
Unless my heart pushes me over the edge
Which I fear it might do

— The End —