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Ingrid Midd Jul 2018
Why build a wall just to spit over it?
You think I cannot reach to return your phlegm...
Flinging arrows reach and then fall into empty space.
They land. Limp and lifeless.
My denial and best wishes pull the wind from your heavy sails-
My refusal to raise my aim stifles your empty screams...
You read.  You decipher.
Your lack of ammunition stalls you.
Ingrid Midd Jul 2018
Wind back to when you wooed me,
Itinerary read fun, no falling,
You took my pen and crossed away
It hit me without warning...
Like the tide creeping in,
My dipping toes retracted,
Then beautifully distracted-
I dropped my pen and swam.
Ingrid Midd Jun 2018
Frying pan to fire,
Escape into a trap,
Of course the grass is greener,
'til you stop and lay your hat.
She monitors your phonecalls
and every move you make -
You will always say it's greener
In your prison with no break.
Ingrid Midd Jun 2018
Pre-occupation - an addiction,
A consuming odd fixation,
Venomous reflection,
Filters through,
Word by word.
You spit your toxic *******,
Declaring jurisdiction,
For a purposeless obsession,
Just to make sure you are heard.
Ingrid Midd Jun 2018
You wanted me to hate you, to attack you, to berate you,
Pen an evil letter, poisoned words to elevate you,
Slander social media…
Spew a midnight scream…
I rise above you in my silence -
It is louder, so it seems…
Sometimes a dignified silence works so much better than words of retaliation.
Ingrid Midd Jun 2018

Treasured and tortured but I couldn’t fix you,
From sweetness to sordid, moved forward, it tricks you,
Calamity, chaos authority takes you…


Treasured and tortured but I couldn’t halt you,
Shock and betrayal took flight, how it slams you,
Plunged to the depths, trust destroyed, nearly damns you…  


Treasure, you’re tortured and it’s time to lose you,
Waved at the door, my last hope, wrapped up in you,
How, in a year, those you love travel through you…

I went from being in a family of for to just me in 18 months.  I could never have predicted it or imagined the loneliness that ensued.
Ingrid Midd Jun 2018
The pathway, making headway,
Clandestine caresses at my door,
Opening, unravelling, trusting without trusting to explore.  
Building and meandering,
A plethora of questions
and I question you once more…
Your last love, your lost love
Why not sign the line to close the door?
Leaving behind a relationship is hard - especially after many years. Some are very quick to cut the ties and others leave things undone - for whatever their own reasons.  Sometimes we may question why.
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