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Dec 2020 · 75
Hey You There
IggCob27 Dec 2020
Hey you there with the colored hair
Ring in you’re nose and feet that are bare
What’s wrong with you

And how about you standing by the building
With holes in the clothes that you’re wearing
Yeah we’re staring at you

What about you old man with the cup in your hand holding a sign that says Vietnam and
Begging for food

Get the hell out of here black face you’re race ain’t allowed in this place and if you have a problem with my space I’ll get out my mace and
Spray you

Oh dear look at Mr. and Mrs. Queer yeah get over here but not too near cause I’m gonna bust you’re ear so you can hear
What my God said about you

Yeah man there’s pain all around
If you just put you’re feet on the ground
It can be found
So many people down
And if you don’t make a sound
And listen
You will see it

If everybody could just be kind
And not worry about taking the time
To give someone a piece of the pie
Just to see the look in their eyes
Just for the feeling

And just maybe
one by one
We can make a difference
And then everyone
Take stock in mans lot
Uncover the plot
Of the people on top
To keep
Status quo

And then all the faces of the world can have acceptance have something more
and everyone everywhere and everyplace can live as one human race
Could you imagine that place

What a world
That would be
One humanity
As far as the eye can see
Maybe someday we
Can have it in our country
So start right now
Get up and get out
Make a difference somehow
There’s no time to take a bow
Once all man is allowed
To be proud
To be equal then we as people will know there’s no more hurt and no more pain and that it will always remain
forever in gods name
only right there and then
Can we rest and savor in
Knowing what we did and what it was worth
and that everyone is truly equal at birth and will be
Dec 2020 · 62
Another Day
IggCob27 Dec 2020
Fear, interrupted by happy, sad, funny, awful, and mostly morose
If only I were just one of those
To capture myself and to know where will I go from here
Not sure how I got here
There’s always been fear
Even when I think it’s to the rear I know it will appear
Can’t you hear the turbulence out there
I sure can
In a fleck of sand it can not stand to be ignored
It will rush in like a storm
To keep it out I wish the norm to be
That’s just not how it is for me
Worry brings it back every time
Stress, pain, glee, terror, and euphoria
In my mind
But never contentment
The state I wish to find
Been so long I can’t rewind to the time when I had it
When something didn’t sap it
But I will go on
The only hat I can pin it on
I will survive, overcome and strive to stay alive
It’s the only way to find my place
Even if it’s in some distant space in time
For the day I’ll know right where I’m at
And have
Peace of mind
Mar 2019 · 121
Heaven Sent
IggCob27 Mar 2019
You ever fight the one you love
I mean really tear em up
Dig deep into their soul
And rip their heart in two

Not let up
And tell em what you think
Until there’s nothing left
For either one of you to do

And when it all stops
You go your separate ways
And the tears start streaming
All down your face

Sitting in the silence
You think about what you said
And it hurts you deeper
Then it could ever hurt them

The numbness fades away
You think I hate myself right now
You wanna run back and say

I wanna show you some how

That I’m so sorry
I didn’t mean to say those things
And I know that I
Will never have wings

I really wasn’t thinking
Don’t know why I get that way
Was in a bad mood
Just wanna start another day

If you’ll please forgive me
Let me have another chance
It won’t happen again
It was just the circumstance

You mean everything to me
Went where I never should’ve went
I would never hurt you
On purpose or accident

Yes I love you

Cause you were heaven sent

And then the morning comes
And you review the damage done
Try remembering all the things
you rehearsed the night before

But it’s all a blur
It’s all gone forever
So you get out of bed
and walk out the door

You see them later on
You can’t look at each other
The wounds still fresh
Not enough time to recover

And it’s so silent
You think about what you said
It hurts you deeper
Then it could ever hurt them

It all comes back to you
You think I hate myself right now
So you come out and say

I wanna show you somehow

I’m so sorry
I didn’t mean to say those things
And I know that I
Will never have wings

I really wasn’t thinking
Don’t know why I get that way
Was in a bad mood
Let’s just start another day

If you’ll please forgive me
Let me have another chance
It won’t happen again
It was just the circumstance

You mean everything to me
Went where I never should’ve went
I would never hurt you
On purpose or accident

Yes I love you

Cause you were heaven sent
Feb 2019 · 109
It’s Over
IggCob27 Feb 2019
I resent you for what I’ve become
I resent you for all I could be
I resent everything and everyone
Who took it out of me
Why does everyone tell me who I should be
I’m just so tired of you and me

I used to have dreams they were so grand
I used to have a life I could still have
I used to know that something I was gonna be
But now I’m just tired of you and me

You took me like a piece of clay
You took me and molded me your way
You took me and made what you wanted me to be
I’m just so tired of you and me

You with your vanilla ways
the white fence and day to days
I really wish that’s who I could be
I’m so sorry it’s over for you and me

Please don’t think I don’t love you because I really do
Don’t think I don’t wish both our dreams could come true
It could have been anything that we could be
But now I’m just so tired of you and me

— The End —