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Apr 2017 · 1.2k
Stand Still
Dana Colgan Apr 2017
A bleak sky halting the high.
Droplets bounce and illuminate minds.
Slipping south surrounded by sighs.
The trees give up, watch on, and die.
Monotoned musings falter at times.
The Earth looks on with a cheshire smile.
Suffocating in air as the world goes by.
Then look up and ask...why?
Mar 2017 · 1.9k
Dana Colgan Mar 2017
Blurry finds a place to close her eyes.
Head swells up with a demons lies.
Drowsy stops when the evil dies.
Body loosens up and begins its rise.
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Dana Colgan Mar 2017
Sentiment with each and every move.

Leaving me in a dizzy kind of mood.

Selling your soul for all thats smooth.

Limp with the fear of anything new.

Strengthening as I feed from you.

Leeching on everything that you do.


Mar 2017 · 771
Dana Colgan Mar 2017
Sometimes you don't realise
that all these eyes just distract your mind
with sensations of being unaligned.
Jan 2017 · 881
Dana Colgan Jan 2017
Watching over the charade below
Rich in empathy and sorrow.
Just to be struck by the realisation
That she is me
And I am lost.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Dana Colgan Nov 2016
Pink skies looked upon by tired eyes.

Black lines splitting up a conflicted mind.
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
Newtons Cradle
Dana Colgan Nov 2016
I see you.
When the ecstasy implodes.
I see you.
Nov 2016 · 739
Dana Colgan Nov 2016
Spasms of pain controlled by the brain.
Hitting the ground without a sound.
Itching to see if you'll hear my plea.
Trusting the dark to leave its blue mark.
Nov 2016 · 740
Make time
Dana Colgan Nov 2016
Doing things for me:
1. Sleep
2. Love
Be productively happy.
Nov 2016 · 1.8k
Dana Colgan Nov 2016
Keeping up appearances,
Shutting the dark vibe down.
Keeping up appearances,
Putting on a crown.
Keeping up appearances,
Make a smile out of a frown.

Keeping up appearances,
But quietly you drown.
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
Dana Colgan Nov 2016
All the temporary aloneness
Doesn't feel so alone now.
The sickening darkness
Seems enchanting.
Curling into a ball
Then being free.
All down to you
Down to me.
Jul 2016 · 2.2k
Soul Seeker
Dana Colgan Jul 2016
Peering through crimson curtains,
Into the life of someone new.
Peeling away their layers,
Until all becomes black, just like you.
Jul 2016 · 1.7k
This year.
Dana Colgan Jul 2016
Do it to african musk.
Roll it like finely carved dust.
Hold it like dynamite just.
When angels fall, damage must.
Together bind it with trust.
Yet time goes on without rust.
Jun 2016 · 6.6k
The Forces
Dana Colgan Jun 2016
Strobes of light bounce around you
And the forces keep pulling me in.
Im out of my depth in this moment,
But the forces keep pulling me in.

The mystery compels me forward
And the shadow keeps me away.
Out of the darkness you appeared
To take me to solace once more.

Passion seeps from your words,
And the forces keep pulling me in.
Im scared to let myself go,
But the forces keep pulling me in.
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
Dana Colgan Feb 2016
I long to be between thy skin. Lust and desire are beyond my sense.
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
Dana Colgan Feb 2016
The internal pain
Has struck me again.
Turning me blue
Hating everything I do.
Taking me down
Hearing me drown.

But **** it,
I will never submit.
Jan 2016 · 2.5k
Dana Colgan Jan 2016
Sickness listens to us sigh.
Sniggering snidely as we die.
Seeking our soul as we comply.

But still I live
And yet I am not alive.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Safe in your skin
Dana Colgan Jan 2016
When youre feeling safe in your skin
Maybe we'll meet again
Title Fight - Safe in your skin lyrics
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
No more.
Dana Colgan Jan 2016
Lethargy follows the facade
But I can no longer pretend.
This is how it has always been.
How it always will be.
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Carry On
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Miles of road ahead of her,
With miles and miles behind.

Exhausted from the journey,
All aid and kindness declined.

Clouds above get darker,
Where once the sun shined.

On and on she will travel,
Until all becomes aligned.
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Thats OK
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Ive given up
on you,
on me.
On you and me.

For you will
Be for me.

And thats
Or at least
it will be.
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
You see
the problem is
i'm drowning
in my
ideal of you.
Dec 2015 · 1.4k
Im Trying...
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Up and down I go
From high to low low low.

Happy in the day
but sad in every way.

Hurting from the inside out
masking what im all about.
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
I dont like this
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Passion in the midst,
Hunger is what it is.
Determined to make a change.
Scared for those in pain.
Pride wont let them stop,
Fighting with all they have got.
Acceptance of what is right.
Freedom for those in plight.
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
It follows you around
the unwanted shadow.
Pulling you to the ground
the unwanted shadow.
Dec 2015 · 1.9k
A foolish girl
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
An overgrown pathway she takes,
A smile plastered on her face, so fake.
Deeper down does detail disquieting doubt.
As she stumbles and searches for a sign of the way out.

Entwined in thorns she now becomes,
As the overgrown pathway, the night succumbs.
Hovering hornets the only sound,
Pretending to enjoy the escapade, how profound.

A shattering noise halts her stride,
But the tranquil look stays in place, what pride.
How foolish a girl to continue on,
How foolish a girl to act as though nothing is wrong.
Dec 2015 · 894
What a shame
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Wholely addicted to the thrill she gives you.
But can't you see,
shes tearing you apart.
Dec 2015 · 657
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Dear Serenity,
Won't you come back to me?
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
For you
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Temptation to reach out
and touch his pain
to ease his worries
with all that I have.

But I am broken too.
And maybe I need someone
Just like you do.
Dec 2015 · 694
Dana Colgan Dec 2015
Cascades of numbness suffocating the ecstasy.
The ecstasy you gave and
Took so thoughtlessly.

Bright lights dont dazzle anymore but blind.
Calm water doesnt sooth me now but triggers my fears.

And hope, hope lyes wallowing in the ashes of the past.
Waiting once again for the future to be different.
But hope will die.
Once again.
Hope will be a thing of the past.

— The End —