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Nomen May 2020
write some spry haiku
post it on the internet
you are reading this
Nomen Apr 2020
robbed spiritually blind by the habitually disingenuous
exiled in the holy land, daring to feign interest
custom tells the story of a storied sort of past
ordered through and thoroughly, each step from first to last
grasping at whatever straws may perhaps be brought
clumsily recounting this and that Scripture has taught
indeed, it can be deemed
fatuous, ******, scarcely seen
this attempt to set a scene
oh, how bitter the taste seems..!
when proper sequence is strictly followed
for traditions true and hallowed
Merry Passover!
Nomen Apr 2020
Is this substance really so hard to control
What you may not present as pure vitriol
Just as addicted to this or that
As any average Republicrat
We'd best admit
Voting's not worth too much of such
Dried out *** for tat
Nomen Apr 2020
Your pathetic attempts at appearing a measure
Of something approximating worthwhile specimen
Remind me why despots use torture for pleasure
As well as why lawful that "great court" made abortion
Furthermore, your very presence appalls
Nauseates, irritates, vexes and galls...
All conscious entities
Worth their weight in anything
Shudder to think of your continued existing...
Yet alas!
Live you still do!
An unfortunate fact that leaves one stricken dumb
Infantilized thoroughly, ******* at thumb -
Indeed, so boggled's a mind
With misfortune enough to appear at a time
When so wretched an entity as you is about
You **** *******, cretinous, lecherous lout
That it thinks:
Here must be a miracle made manifest!
Yes, the Heavens created you as a test!
For no other reason
Can at all be imagined
For your continued existence...
No, it just cannot be fathomed..!
This is all said in (presumably) good faith...
Nomen Apr 2020
In ironic innocence
These spirits never knew
How close they'd lain
Upon each other
And well within the grasp
Of a stranger
Lacking mind
For an action
Cruelly timed
If only what could be divined
Had instead been manifested
In a fashion plain and dry
Instead of some idle notion
Related to a faux devotion
And rest, perhaps..?
May these spirits find
In the wake
Of an approximate catharsis
More or less
Give or take

— The End —