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659 · Sep 2018
I D Lowrance Sep 2018
Lips turned right side up but heart's upside down
Smiling eyes hold hidden disappointment
Teeth grind in the back of my mind like grains of sand on paper
Time is lost and cannot be found
Eyes are burning; blood is churning,  anger at the peak of its constraint
Face is calm, composed, stoic
Blank, like a canvas
Shall I use something sinfully colorful and curse you, she and him?
Or a complete contrast and laugh though I'd rather sneer?
Truth is, satisfaction would mean knuckles bare
But I just sit and stare
Trying to restrain and drain the contents in my brain
The silence is overbearing as waves of anger rise and crash down in my ears
The torment and frustration built up over years
But I refuse to let it out like water from a spigot or a spout
I refuse to scream and shout, letting the whole world know what I'm about
I refuse to seem sad, pitiful or weak so I hold tongue in cheek while sinking waist deep
Into the silence...
495 · Sep 2018
New Day
I D Lowrance Sep 2018
Tic. Tok. Tic. Tok. Tic. 6:45am.
It's time to go.
I zoom out the door.
A wisp of fresh air welcomes me as it brushes off the smell of the musty apartment.
I look up at the scene in front of me-
The courtyard empty.
Silent,  save for the family of birds singing in their nearby nests.
Their cacophony gently egging me to step out into the new day.
The trees gently sway back and forth as if they were dancing.
I step out into the new day.
The sun shining on my back,  egging me on.  I breathe in, exhaling a new day.
487 · Sep 2018
Bright Girl
I D Lowrance Sep 2018
Bright Girl walks down the hall
Head up, eyes filled to the brim with false hope
Sunshine found in the forced smile placed gently on her face
And though she tries, the weight of her invisible burdens appear in her strides-
Shoulders slightly hunched
Feet dragging through molasses fields
Big dreams fill her small head but are forever P.O.W.s
Prisoners Of Wisdom,
Locked down by the chains of reality waiting to be set free

Bright Girl clings to the darkness which she holds close as if it were a precious picture of a family she left behind or, a memory locked into a shape of a heart around her neck
Outshining the shadows of misery  that continue to grow like cancer in the corners of her mind

Bright Girl gets cheated, lied to and used by those who claim to love her but have abused her like a drug
She meets a misery lives company friend who tells her this isn't how her story has to end and to reach beyond the stars for something that will make her glitter, like the stars only found in her home country

Bright Girl walks down the hall,
Eyes filled to the brim with blue sadness that spills over into a pool of hope for the future
379 · Sep 2018
I D Lowrance Sep 2018
My fAmilY is bRokeN into PiECes.

What would you do if I told you
I caRry them around on my poCket as a sad attempt to put them back together aGain?
Sometimes I do get hUrt...
Often I find myself reAching into the pits of my pockets so eaGerly I forget just how ShArp and how hUrtFul those PiECes could be.
It seems nobody knows just how dEEp those PiECes could reach
They don't see the blOod as it seEps
DoWn, into the fibers of my being.
And no matter how haRd I try to waSh the stains of paiN away they stAy.
They may fade with time, but I know those feelings will aLways be in my miNd.
My FaMily is bRokeN into PiECes
PiECes that were'nt meant to fIt back toGetheR again...

— The End —