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Until one is born-again of true morality
& perfect literacy

Only then can he/she flawlessly
move in the perfect connectory
& best of luck
that karma (law of cause & effect) empowers fate (the development of future event) with
while exploring destiny & purpose,

effortlessly balance in standard
(stable in quality)
Joyfully enjoying the fruit of perfect
(correct intentions, proper clock & right action) obedience of essence & equity eternally while flowing in functionality.

Yes, make supplication
until you become a spotless Philosopher,
a smooth Revivalist
absorbed with the absolute,
then you'll walk eternal
in the stainless path of a Saint
  as a flawless Monk.

Your hindsight will become foresight,
your love languages
will always match,
calmness will comfort you,
hurt will forever be far from you,
distance, time, death & space wouldn't separate a thing from you.

You'll become a perfect world
of rich & beautiful tapestry
a connection without err.
Eternal light;
time tells, listen
"I am true prosperity"
pay attention,
for it is my only currency
One can only become a fountain of life if he dress me,

like the ant;
let's build a positive frequency
a perfect vibration
waves flowing rightly in transmission

a timeless energy beyond space
satisfying all lives,
and still sufficient
a light that's forever shining

For God is love
& love is the first frequency (vibration)
through which everything was
  created in the perfect state of mind.

Only two things matters in life
Literacy & morality
but also learn this truthful lesson
the only way to forgive is understanding
the only way to forget is genuine loving
then true wisdom to shield evil will be bestowed
& the peace we all cryout for shall then unceasingly flow

Only then can we rock & roll
in this boat called forever
without getting cut off
or carried away from the team

Living eternal in the zone called;
"you're safe with me"
Where karma produces satisfaction (happiness)
& Fate fulfillment (contentment).

This is the narrow route
where your soulish strength desires is restored, mind reasoning power is purified, spiritual conscience-will might is santified, emotional passionate energy is redeemed & impulse observational pressure is saved everlastingly.

Read this again, thank you.
By wisdom a house is built,
through understanding its foundation is established;
through common sense everything is put in its proper place.

By counsel value becomes recognise,
through acknowledgement it's worth becomes spotless & ageless
by knowledge it's room is filled with rare and beautiful priceless treasures,
& when nature is fully known essence becomes eternal.

love is the frequency that turns a house
into a home;
for a home govern through righteous upright principle is ageless in beauty,
& through peace it is balanced forever
reigning in everlasting providence,

Home; the fulfillment of the bedecked Paster Noster
where Holy Obatàlà abode eternally
making sure we have no single worries
but perfectly taking care of everything
even unto the little things.

Home; were a day feels like a thousand years,
& a thousand years like a day,

Home where abundance &
everlasting remains.
Sidewalk through the narrow path
don't ever lie
It reveals every signs leading to eternal life
& saves all lives,

For the spirit of Holy Orun-mi-law is a Wheeled will
& the word of Adam-Hū is the truthful way
when judgement is established
with perfect justice
we will all see clearly
"Life's Innocence"
& It's universal providence
when intimate with righteousness.

Whilst I was in the wilderness
the parched deserted wasteland
besieging as deep callth unto deep
I was caught up in thin air
into the invinsible O-realm of
Baba-A-law Edé'n

And I saw the Word of the Creator transformed
into supernatural armies mantles.
filled with perfect Literacy & true Morality
Absolutely absorbed in Spiritual stability.

Then I was caught up to Sheol & Hades
that forbidden exile
which gate is ancient
& path forgotten
which leadth straight
to the eternal lake of damnation
Émourn Amon.

& I beheld the beast & it's 7-seal
as one beholding himself
in a mirror crystal clear,

But I dread no evil
for I am as a psalms that sees
I am as a psalms that's well equipped
my weapon is living & active
sharper than any double edged sword,

I speak of roots and truth
revealing visions
I do not worship aimlessly
nor do I fellowship as one shadow boxing
no, my locks are 7 lucks
never tempered with blades
from birth
I was born ready to wrestle against
every weapon fashioned by D-evil,

Understand the riddle
a deep allegory
it's metaphysical
there's no lie in my story
only mysteries & mystic deep,
one that can only be unlocked
by one fully oriented in incantation,

Life is as a game of chess
& I speak of the eternal end
the beast and it's 7 heads
what it all represents
& it's antidote;

Unicorn(disgusting lust- Psalms) Dragon(irritating seduction- Revelation) Lion(sorrowful iniquity- Ecclesiastes) Sharkwhale(disgraceful illiteracy- 10 Commandment) Dinosaur(tormenting poverty- Lamentation)
Eagle (fear of Time- Scroll of Adam/Job)
Phoenix (shameful death- Scroll of Enoch)

The confusing sound & voices of their secret cemented illiteracy, and how they worship materialism, and despised enlightenment; the beautiful awaken state of perfect consciousness, choosing rather to break spiritual communication wherefore losing their holy form and transforming into demons, having the heart of a ****** rock, laying net's for the souls of men as fishers, misusing the powers of the dark realm causing blackness in the holy place.

I speak figuratively of the 10 crowned horns of Zion.
Of Babylon, ***** & Gomorrah, Philistine, Hella's, Medes & Persia, Chaldean, Tyre & Sidon, Rome, Kemet, Kush.

Although the righteous one may
fall 7 times before he conqueres
but the Father Lord-God & King
by his Holy-Icon101 already prepared
a beautiful pleasurable bed
for every pit in 7 places
I speak of;

peace, understanding, wisdom, love, knowledge, counsel & acknowledgement
representing the 7 heavens
of God

Yes, I fought & conquered the
D-evil one
through whole stream baptism;
Restoring the soul
purifying the mind
sanctifying the spirit
redemning the emotion
Saving nerve fibre

whilst rebuilding man's fallen State
to its original glory;
where love doth not sleep
peace doth not rest
wisdom is never weary
& understand never dies,

I seek for (wisdom) & I found, knocked at (loved) door & it was opened, asked for (peace) & I was given, called for complete (understanding) & was answered.

The becoming of the Son of man
& the coming of the Son of God
I speak of err & imbalance
& how it would never again,

Balancing the science & art of living
measuring art with slavery pains
& science by the blood from wars in our veins

then purity & essence will forever remain,
putting an end to strife & greed
ending turbulence from times machine to Clock wise data.
Life is a circle
& we all marely exist
only a few truly learn, lives & impact.

We are purpose design
destiny oriented being
Predordained by devine conscience Will to transmit waves of frequency in sequence everlasting,

But how we spend our time
determines our fate,
for everything changes under cause & effect
but nothing truly dies,

The wind is our Universal camera
capturing every moment before
they disappear,
& in her whisper she sings...

Seduction is as sweet as death
that's why it leads to the grave
poverty a bitter hell,
pity those who feel the pain.

But he who gathers every gale of the wind & wrapped up the clouds in his cloak is rebirth;
becoming master over consequence
& It's poisonous sting (distortion)!

Flowing freely
imbetween high vibration
& low frequency
& their twist & turns perfectly
In sequence,

With his spirit
as young as morning dew
soul as old as the sea
emotions well tamed
as the rainbow hue
mind like ounces of gold
purely refined
& nerve fibre as cool as the breeze

living in forever essence & value
free from noise, disturbance, distraction & distortion

having eternal drive;
comfortably balanced
in the standard of
his purpose & destiny,

Having excellent desires
processing devine thoughts only
tending supreme observation
transmuting waves of passion
In sequence
& becoming a perfectly design conscience Will of his ORISHÀNLÀ 101
Emotional debt;
emotions and depth,
I owe myself the very best
but learning comes with a lesson
I have to pass the test

each day is a blessing
for the breathe it brings,
but in-between
there's always a lesson
that we must learn

Some days blend well
with smiles and songs
and the passion of love
leaving swishing whirlpools inside

Some days settle down
as dregs in a teacup
the bitter dross
sticking to the froth around the edge
and the residue coming to the surface
as if constantly stirred

Some days, the mind’s slits open
and fancies sluice down
like a dam with shutters removed
or like birds fleeing away from a cage

Some days, I feel so alone
stretching me on the rack of pain
then I shut myself from the outside world
like a periwinkle withdrawn to its shell
hoping nothing,
sinking under dead weight
unable to feel if dead or alive

Everyday we're swinging through between time's and mood
but grace is always sufficient
for we know him who has overcome,

Walking on the stormy rivers of the soul,
telling the inspirational wind of the impulse to be still,
burying the impurity of the mind in the firery lake & ascending to the cloudy heavens of the spiritual realm
where the emotions is properly dressed as the rainbow.
In your room of meditation
be empty and still
seek the form of water
and flow undisruptabley as a fall,

In your moment of fellowship
be conformed as the wind
free from voices, noises & distortion
becoming one with the word.

In your atmosphere of learning
become a re-furnace fire
grappling only essence & value
for the only true knowledge is virtue.

The nature of the fallen man
is one who is ruled by his emotions
controlled by his Mind
slave to his passion
dead to his soul
numb to spiritual enlightenment.

Do not therefore seek a master
but be master of Self,
& flaws will be your willful-slave
like Abraham
you'll be your creators friend.
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