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May 2018 · 97
something quick..
Hurrikaharri May 2018
Am I the secondary presence, an abscess where nobody understands  my essence, my purpose.

I cant comprehend the idea of surplus, the quintessential need to feel included by all of humanity, disengages us all from our own journey
May 2018 · 85
Hurrikaharri May 2018
Cigarette on the floor.
Tying knots with your thoughts,
Yet your feelings drape loosely.
You've been here before,
But these are fresh curtains.
So again starts this journey,
But you will succeed you know this for certain
May 2018 · 82
Hurrikaharri May 2018
Cigarette on the floor.
Tying knots with your thoughts,
Yet your feelings drape loosely.
You've been here before,
But these are fresh curtains.
So again starts this journey,
But you will succeed you know this for certain.
May 2018 · 111
For my parents,
Hurrikaharri May 2018
I really cant find words to replicate your love,
it would be foolish.
I hold a piece of both of your hearts,
I will never lose them.
May 2018 · 64
Hurrikaharri May 2018
Its hard to question something you don't understand
An abnormal feeling that manifests within you
Your true self fighting to break through
The old demeanour and feelings will soon rise again
Somebody in the world has to suffer like this
The equilibrium cannot be changed by the pursuit of happiness of one man
But one man can aspire to change his own life
The tenderness and warmth i possess will prevail
I will live to tell the tale
I love you
May 2018 · 75
Hurrikaharri May 2018
The view from this peak.
Looking over the kingdom of disassociation.
Easiest to climb yet impossible to descend.
Bring together ever last fibre of your being,
Keep your head up.
Ignore the weakness in your vertebrae,
Stand tall.
There is strength, it radiates from you.
Benevolence shines, not wavered by any obstacle in its path.
Soon your perseverance will serve you well.
A free mind,
Rest and regrow my friend.
Your life will be yours again.
May 2018 · 70
Hurrikaharri May 2018
Trying to emphasise wont help,
I'm alone in this,
Please don't look at me,
I don't know how to look back,
Strong like White Oak but unaware of my strength,
Living like a ghost, watching, but cant feel the sun shine above me,
I cry for respite,
Beg for my soul back,
My roots are strong but i cant laugh at the storm,
Please stop staring,
I cant cope no more,
I have nothing to offer,
Hopefully next time we could indulge in  laughter.

— The End —