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Apr 2020 · 97
Take On
Tommy Scoggins Apr 2020
I take a jaunt into the unknown
Every moment

I find it difficult not to experience love
And I licked death on the cheek
I never seen color away from its form
And they still tell me by fires
Keep them hot and it will keep you warm
Without keeping score

You feel terrified of a place you call inside
And you seem to think the dark has something to hide

You dreamed up reasons and ghosts
Points that don’t exist
Keeping a tick tock score dragging that heavy list

Blow it up my friend
You’ll never stop waiting for an end
It comes every moment
Or maybe it goes
I can’t remember
Jan 2020 · 88
Tommy Scoggins Jan 2020
There were thoughts asleep
Nightmares of strange things
Of fingers and rings
Stacks and stacks of
Untold facts

A story without a campfire
Dec 2019 · 99
Right now
Tommy Scoggins Dec 2019
Right now
More than ever
Always more than ever
Lovers are getting hungry

Suggestions split their casts
and fled from railed races

The herky-jerky movements prove that mongrel Lust
is evident.
It wades in water and waits in streets for traffic
to halt in grotesque dated witness.
It moves for no progress. It just displays rebellion
In slow motion,
zigzagging through the parallels
like a large heron with a satanic billboard for its body.

At this moment
As we speak
Woman are standing to ****

and letting their ******* spear!
with out concern for ambiguous mix ups.

Rude awakenings are epidemic for fine lasses
who stray from the menu for dinner.
They are towering exponentially and running down the remains of obsolete virgins.

The daughters are shaving their heads
while letting the pastures of their bodies become overgrown.

The life style is being sold ****
And the men are downloading it for free.

In our towns
The babes are mighty

Their Proud and aerodynamic pompadours become lose
to remind top detectives they cannot stop certain crime waves..
Smeared makeup is being worn with out correction to signify something unsure.

In this era a woman can drag a man to bed by his nostalgic hair-do.
And what man would not appreciate the free ride?
Right now, more than ever, the lovers make way,
In exodus for the young and aware.
Jan 2019 · 207
Tommy Scoggins Jan 2019
And so then.
A continued perpetual reach toward a critical mass.
Always sufficient and far, hoped to implode.
It’s reached for.
One life or maybe more.
Eternity has been sectioned and assigned VIP
Points invented.
To say there’s some place to where we can never go back and
Here, where we are, is an empty parking lot.
Here, where we arch
Down to look but never past our laps.
Short tried gazes expendable and cheap.
Our pupils have become tiny.
We’ll never again see in a dark gone extinct.
We’ve been beaten beyond recall,
Aged different,
And no one can seem to remember what was ever even called.
The city doesn’t move.
Here, the babes are weak.
Where we are.
For one life or maybe more.
Dec 2018 · 130
On Florida and Sleep
Tommy Scoggins Dec 2018
There’s something hindered.
And that’s what makes it tough to place.
A decision was made.
Mood-caused eras rise up.
The world is smoothed over and
Serene and you’re clenching your jaw.
Your heart pounds you quiet and fast.
It rattles.
Your body aches and it leaks.
We apparently have to remind ourselves to breath.
There’s an absence in your basics.
In your follicles and marrow.
You won’t be this way very long.
A mind run dry.
Tense without trying.
Muscles flex like there’s someone left to impress.
Don’t talk to me about Zen.

— The End —