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Sandra Melton Mar 2019
The streets roam on for miles
Its pitch black leaving only the flickering street lights to pave the way
I am running so fast my breath filling the silence with awful ragged gasps
What is behind me?
Faster and faster I run the stars twinkling above my head
It is so hard to move as the roads and buildings pass in vocational silence
I hear a voice so familiar I cease my run and stand lonely on my crossroad
It's so familiar to my ears
Soon a figure is standing in front of me but her face is cloudy
I reach out to touch but she is ghostly cold yet warms me in awful ways
She is crying out and I still can't understand her far away voice
The woman is gone and I am left running again
Running into a light so bright I wake up
Rolling over I see the face of my beloved
She is smiling as I am gasping for air to fill the hole
Soon I whisper softly
“So close yet so far away...Why do I run from my soulmate?..”
Sandra Melton Mar 2019
It wraps me up in its comforting arms
The ache inside is just as fresh as it always was
Leaving me in constant wonder and hurt as I flounder in emptiness
Please don't leave me this way I beg of you
Can it be anymore careless with another
My lines are faltering and I can't seem to bring them back as I always had
Those arms break my fall each time and I can't seem to escape it
Thinking to myself
Asking why you left me so suddenly leaves me in tears
You were my future so bright I seem to have lost my grasp
Grasp on love and reality that I so wanted to escape
I beg of you dont let those arms find me no more
Loneliness is something that might as well **** me
I cant handle the deafening loss of my alone time
Your kiss leave scars that might as well never heal
For each ache and pain reminds me that I am so alive
But so empty inside that it is not fair
I miss those moments of light and laughter
I and as I whisper I love you
I'll tell of how bright those eyes are
How easily I fell for them
And of how little you say and how much that little meant to me
Or when you would laugh and oh how that laugh made me smile
That would me my story to all
But behind those words I will wish I never met you
This heartbreak is something I dont need
I just wish you would finish that game you play
I give up my part
In hopes that it will ease the hurt you seem to inflict
So let those bright eyes fade away
And let me return to my wholesome
Will I ever be as I was
Not after giving up my other half and you spinning it away on that game you play
So leave me be my love
And maybe someday I will be whole again
Sandra Melton Mar 2019
Here she is
Back again with that haunting smile and those lovely lips
I am yet again under that spell like no other
Play with my heart like it is nothing in your eyes
Keep up that pretty facade and I will no longer mean anything to you
Can I ever tell you how you treat me like I am but a plaything
And yet my love for you is unhindered in its haste
Please don't leave me again
For I don't think I will ever survive it
And even if you were mine
I forever chase something that will never be mine
Not even those pretty words of yours will sway me
A nomad heart and a emotionless smile
I run forever to nothing and it keeps me aloof from the pain
You can use me to your heart's content but in the end
I will never fully be yours to play with
Love will forever elude me and I constantly crave for it
You can't be mine as I will never fully be true to you
So here she is
Back again and asking the same as she always had
Will I give her what I always had?
How does one so easily give what they don't have?
My love for her crushes me
And yet again she ignores what she has done and said
So again I am on my knees begging for the end to just beat down
I welcome more the pain more than I do her blatant disregard
Back again she asks the same thing
Yet I complain as such I do everytime
I give her all for I have nothing left to refuse or lose
As she is back again
Sandra Melton Mar 2019
Meet me in your dreams of love and passion
Meet me behind my facade and find a world of love
Find me with those eyes I have longingly searched for
Reach for me with those tender hands and soothe my pain
Tell me of your love and I will never abandon you
Fight with me and I will raise you higher
So meet me with love and I will return my dear
Meet me with words of hope so I never falter
I am tired my love and giving up is the notion I fancy
Can you lift me up to see the hope?
Meet me with gentle memories of such a lovely past
Wipe my tears away with a future in mind
So meet me my love and see my real self undress
Sandra Melton Mar 2019
Like the sky dances once the sun starts to set
My heart dances when I am near you
Leaving me breathless for your presence
Yet as the sun sets
So must my love for you until the sun rises again
But now I am like the tundra
My sun won't rise anymore now that our season is done
I will miss your warmth and your laughter
Just like how the trees miss the sun and the warm breeze

— The End —