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Oct 2015 · 387
I love you dear
Tyrus Jester Oct 2015
There is a problem dear
I love you
you know this to be true
but I don't only love you
I love my boyfriend too
you have been here longer
yes I know this is true
you love to say
that I belong to you
but my boyfriend claims me too
I am split between you two
I love him
but I love you too
what should a girl choose
A nerdy fan-boy
or you
There is a problem dear
I love you
you know this to be true
but I don't only love you
*I love my boyfriend too
Oct 2015 · 334
I'm not you.
Tyrus Jester Oct 2015
They see my attitude,
my style,
and my sexuality.  
It seems they believe
my punk style is
for rebellious reasons
I have heard them say
"she just wants attention"
"it is just a phase"

This is false.
My attitude is my opinion.
My style is my comfort.
My sexuality is my love.
Why does it matter to you
what I say or do?
I am living in my sphere,
like it or not I don't need you.
I'm not you,
you are not me.
you judge me,
why not you judge you
If you want to come
and enjoy the ride with me,
please do.
I welcome you
Oct 2015 · 790
Tyrus Jester Oct 2015
I may look tough
but I am flower
my petals do break
quite easily too
you don't bother me
I won't hurt you
but this flower
can also be a deadly thing
with thorns and vines
poison that stings
I pack a punch
I know what I want
you try to walk on me
I'll eat you up
that's would they call me
just a fragile plant, you see?
Dec 2013 · 436
the river
Tyrus Jester Dec 2013
we follow the river
to a safer place
where the sun shines
and warmth hits my face
we follow the river
to a peaceful world
where the birds sing
and the animals play in the spring
we follow the river
away from our homes
away from devices and our phones
we follow the river
not of water, it is made
but of the blood we have spilled
follow the red river
to our paradise
follow the ****** river
away from the non-believers
follow the floating body parts
to the other lands
follow your guts
as i cut them out
and throw then in
the river of pretend
Oct 2013 · 485
in depth pt.1
Tyrus Jester Oct 2013
People speak
of love and hate.
do they really know what this means
or did society tell them what it was?
do any of us think for ourselves
or do we let everyone do that for us?
is your style
really your style?

Don't we all let everyone decide what is good
vs. what is good for us?
the world is crooked
yet we listen to it

Is it to fit in?
or is it the way our minds are wired?
do we not see the freedom we have
or does the cage of civil acts hold us back?
I don't know what you may think
but i say i will take the

and not fit in.
Oct 2013 · 520
Tyrus Jester Oct 2013
I seem alone
no one around
no voices that you hear
no living bodies but me
just me

But look again
its not so lonely on my end
look around once more
see the creatures crawling on the floor
the monsters on the bed
the angels around my head
the demons holding my hands
the souls that lag around

As you see
i'm not lonely
just alone
just me
Oct 2013 · 371
My Ghost
Tyrus Jester Oct 2013
talking to her
You have a pretty high ego
Shouldn't I? Do I not own myself?
Of course! We are lower on the chain, you see?
Yes, yes. Lower you are, more you own yourself dear.
Drink in praise to us. We celebrate the night.
Do we invite the others, would they like to come?
No, they would not understand us!
We should show them. They will see
See the oddest parts of me, of US
Why say we are one?
Aren't we?
No, I am sane and you, you are mad!
Mad! Oh, yes,nothing other then that!
Why are you here, don't you have life to deal with?
Never, YOU are my life
Life essence...
taking it all, soon you will be me!
One thing...
I am YOU, you are killing yourself you know?
Wake up, time to show the world you are insane
**Thanks, see you tonight!
Oct 2013 · 607
Tyrus Jester Oct 2013
a body
roaming with no hope
of seeing the light
as dark as night
with teeth so sharp and deadly
as it gets near you tremble in fear
heart beats can be heard
no one says a word
its hand extends
and it smiles
you are now lifeless

— The End —