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Feb 2016 · 552
Words of Weakness
Kelynn Feb 2016
I've yet to meet anyone
who wants to admit their weakness,
That they are insecure, unloved,
and that they see the world with bleakness.

To live out each day
is to put on a mask,
But to write down words,
it is for war you ask.

Once words hit a page
you can't take them back.
Prepare for the consequences,
You're under attack.
Feb 2016 · 401
The Death of Thought
Kelynn Feb 2016
Thoughts are bubbles;
Always changing;
Words are concrete;
The mind can think and feel.
The mouth can only steal
the morsels that the brain creates;
the lips then mutilate.
Dreams with totipotency
crash to Earth woefully.
If we dictated
what our minds have slated
rather than the deplorable mess
that comes out more often than less,
A different world we would live in.
With ample free thought to swim in.
We'd drink it in, not spit it out.
We'd coexist, express our doubt.
Put an end to censorship
and start a human relationship
Jun 2015 · 420
Shield of Ice
Kelynn Jun 2015
I'm charging into battle
after the commander has given
the sign.
I wield weapons.
a silver sword,
sharpened, so that it pierces
the hearts of my enemies,
and a shield of ice to protect
my own.
I realize that it is a weak defense,
but it is all I have.
Will you run with me,
into battle, into unknown,
or shall we both die,
apart, alone?
May 2015 · 561
Ode to Google
Kelynn May 2015
Google, oh google
thank you for storing
all of my documents and files
in one easily accessible place
that I can get to from any
Internet connected device.
thank you for pretending
to be your own social media
that could be really cool
if anyone ever actually used it.
thank you for connecting my Gmail
with my YouTube account
and auto filling online paper work
for me.
you are great!
Love, Kelynn
May 2015 · 290
Kelynn May 2015
When you love writing poems
or anything at all,
but nothing rhymes
unless you repeat a word.
I know this doesn't rhyme.
It's writer's block.
May 2015 · 1.2k
Kelynn May 2015
I wear a necklace of steel
that extends down to my heart.
The wire curls and protects,
it's only a start.
Superficial armor,
Protected soul:
May 2015 · 358
Kelynn May 2015
It's you I worry about, not me.
You told me the last time I saw you
That the next time I see you
You might be dead.
And then you left.
And I haven't seen you since,
dead or alive.

A message from me,
if you ever see it,
please let me see you alive.
I went after you,
I searched for you.
You were gone.

I want to find you,
but not with a needle in your arm.
I want to find you,
with a smile on your face.

And if by chance
you ever see this,
come back to me.
We will fall in love.
And I can stop worrying about you
and start caring for us.
May 2015 · 367
Kelynn May 2015
Political statements
about things that I don't care about;
Why do they?
How can you deny love?
How can you deny happiness?
How can you deny health?
How can you deny science?

I can't, so I only have opinions about
people who have opinions
May 2015 · 373
Kelynn May 2015
In movies they use music
so characters don't have to talk
or show emotions.
In my life I need a soundtrack
To explain how I feel
Without having to talk,
without admitting that I have emotions.
May 2015 · 498
Kelynn May 2015
Little blue button,
Just wanted to let you know
if I button you,
I might suffocate.

The shirt wearer
May 2015 · 241
Kelynn May 2015
Some poems are long
and tedious to read
and boring
and have deeper meaning
and big words
and emotional appeal.

Some are not.
May 2015 · 1.5k
the hippie skirt
Kelynn May 2015
Come and run and play with me,
a neo-hippie and I'm set free!
I wear long hair with flowers in it
and barefoot in grass I love to sit.
drugs and "free love": not so much.
love should be free, human touch.
So I laugh and twirl my skirt
make simple your life, and play in the dirt!
May 2015 · 304
open hearts
Kelynn May 2015
I fell in like.
I got my heart broken.

I'm scared that next time
it'll be love,
but my heart will not be open.
May 2015 · 996
Kelynn May 2015
Hydraulic fracturing
Is ecoterrorism,
Hide the name:
The Chemical attacking,
but they call it fracking
Kelynn May 2015
He walks in knowledge like outer space
vast and deep, a never-ending place.
So easy to get lost, and never be found.
I'm walking on air, then I hit the ground.

His smile flashes with words unspoken
and I know by him my heart will be broken.

God's gift to man, he thinks he is.
But if he commanded my heart would be his.
Bah duh bah dum, heartbeat ignited;
I know in my head this is love unrequited.

Time stood the test, friends for years
Been through tons: blood, sweat, and tears.
But worst of all, he knows of my love
and still he tells me that I'm not enough.
Kelynn May 2015
Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Did you hear about the wave that crashed to the shore?
Whirling and tumbling, till the
castle was no more.
The wave just did what
nature commanded,
leaving a trail of destruction
with reckless abandon

— The End —