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160 · Oct 2016
If only I were out with some streams & trees;
for- there, indeed, is where my body begs to be.
I wish: on my cheeks, I felt a gentle breeze;
one blowing t'ward me off vast, open seas.
You see? I am trapped on a wide, grassy plain!
Stuck in this dreary place- where it all began.
Trapped on the plains; heeding the wind's pain-
ful howling stories of each woman and man-
  each that ever was- and will come to be.
I suppose I'm only conceiving the land that she-
resides within: the place she lies down to sleep.
A kingdom of sorts- a kingdom of many ports
built of towering pillars o' glimmering Quartz.
You see? Her very presence- it seems to thwart
all negative energy that any man could sport.
In short, she is like a mountainous terrain;
one that I would like to scale to the peak of
where I'll sit weeping out my eyes as a train-
track is built around her body. An engine shove-
s across her back on wooden planks and rails so shoddy.
Oct. 13/2016
159 · Apr 2016
Enticed by her eyes,
I release a deep, angst sigh.
Oh- my... I'm in love.
February 9th, 2016
158 · Apr 2016
Her kiss- is all I wish- to feel.
I would love that- a great deal.
February 22nd, 2016
157 · Apr 2016
Such a silly fool;            
fallen victim to being    
  embraced so gently.
January 27th, 2016
157 · Apr 2016
Which man is it (hmm?)
who sits there staring, blankly,
at a powerless television set?
Is it me? So, it seems.
February 15th, 2016
153 · Apr 2016
Seventeen minutes
until my favorite show
comes onto my television set:
That should be just enough time
for a nervous breakdown.
February 19th, 2016
152 · Apr 2016
On Tinder;
simply to see
whether, or not,
Brandy would swipe
right for me.
It, still, has yet to be..
but a man can dream.
March 28th, 2016
149 · Apr 2016
If Only
Come home, my queen,
unto the place where the moonlight
attempts to outdo the beauty
of your eyes.
It will never win
  but at least it tries.
Come lavish in the paradise
I have built for the two of us:
our own little enchanted empire.

"It is here, my dear,
   right beneath your nose!
   Heaven knows I have froze-
   the last few winters:
   preparing our fortress,
   awaiting your arrival.
   Will you ever arrive?"
March 25th, 2016
148 · Apr 2016
Short n' Sweet
With a flask full of gin,
I think up hymns
about her.
If I am a bird,
she is the nest
that I wish to rest within every night.
March 15th, 2016
147 · Apr 2016
Can we, at least, all smile:
embracing the fact that 
life goes on- long- after you 
or I are gone?

Let's enjoy our little while-
in this chaotic place. 

Can we stop being so vile-
to one another over things like
religion and race?
These are such petty circumstances
to extinct your human brethren over.

Am I wrong?
March 23rd, 2016
147 · Apr 2016
Exchanging silver quarter dollars
for caffeinated water.
Too terribly tired
to attempt to inspire
February 21st, 2016
145 · Apr 2016
Purchasing Maria
from random strangers downtown;
not a name involved.
February 10th, 2016. 4:20 blaze it
145 · Apr 2016
"What's my message,"
   they asked,
"Underneath all your words, masked,
   what do you want them to hear?'


Once our atmosphere mirrors
the one upon Mars and-
there's no longer anyone left to sit
& watch the stars...
Even then, shall my heart be in civil wars
with my head.

( The bickering will extend-
      long after I'm dead )

Once we've all left this space,
I'll still remember her face.

& once we all last say 'goodbye,'
I'll still be wishing that her & I -
were once well acquainted.

So, I suppose-
That's what I wish for her to hear...
But, I haven't anything to say."

"Uhm... Okay,"
   they say.
April 10th, 2016
143 · Apr 2016
I'll buy you a dozen rose-s,
but God only knows
that flowers could never show
how much you mean to me.
February 14th, 2016
141 · Apr 2016
Would You? (Do Not Lie!)
What would you say, if I portrayed -
a thought- no- an image
inside of your brain?

Would you read through
the sorrow and pain?

Would you read on a day
that my originality is, ever, so plain?

Would you read when my words
seem to mesmerize:
the times when I get a twinkle in my eye?

Do not lie.

Would you read
until I, last, say 'goodbye'?

What would you say, if I debate that:

  "all the vile old men in the world-
 are actually children- who have failed
to make amends with the people,
places and things that have hurt them,
way back when" ?
April 5th, 2016
126 · Apr 2016
Rise n' Fall
As the smoke rises
I find myself falling -
into a deep depression.
Smoking hurts me..
which hurts her -
which hurts me.
Feeling this way is
less than she deserves...

I feel like dirt.


I wonder if she will resent me
for dying before her?

He writes while lighting a cigarette..
March 7th, 2016
125 · Apr 2016
If I were to, endlessly, ramble on,
about everything and nothing..
Would you revise them when I'm gone,
turn my scattered thoughts to songs-
and sing- in the voice of my memories?
Will you, forever, treasure me;
the way I do you?
February 14th, 2016
122 · Apr 2016
With eyes so bright
as to dull the, blinding, city lights,
she raced throughout my mind.
It is not entirely clear
why the, mere, sound of her voice
rings like a song, so pleasant with me.
I think, that what it is, I feel
is what the world calls love.
I have no need for these eyes,
if love, truly, is blind.
& I'll let you cut off my ears,
if love needs not hear.
I write all these words
yet, I know it's a curse
because I will always wish
to see & hear her.
She is so vibrant, so kind
& one thing I wouldn't mind
would be spending some time-
growing and withering
with her.
February 17th, 2016
116 · Apr 2016
The Beauty of It All
A scarlet liquid dripping-, ever, so gently
  unto the crisp, spring soil
  causes the most faint tapping sound -
  to occur.
He feels the life slipping-, ever, so swiftly.
In a puddle of blood, thick as oil,
   he finds himself a comfortable spot
   on the ground- to ensure
   that he doesn't feel the fall.
Things become a blur,
  as he smiles: remembering it all.
   The beauty of life, so pure.
April 3rd, 2016

— The End —