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Dec 2016 · 218
Cries of Our Demise
There are drones in the skies with snoopy eyes
- that spy on you and I in our own homes.
They have their eyes on all our devices;
- take as a good example all our phones.
Cries of our demise are all I can write
- though-  I know it may be, oh so, useless
- for I may not ever alter the plight
- of the world that our master produces.
Yes, it's useless to even attempt it:
- the act of questioning their ***** deeds;
- but, even still, I get very tempted:
- knowing full well they'll put bullets in me.
They control every aspect of our life
- and they intend to **** us all with strife
- should we accidentally speak out of line.
December 29, 2016
Oh, you blast'd and blustery evening,
- how you do, indeed, leave me grieving
- a brother o' mine- a partner in crime;
- a peaceful man who ended up freezing
- such a - very - long, long time - ago.

"Careful not to crash your chariot in the snow, Giddy!
For- at -40 degrees: being stuck in a ditch isn't pretty;
- are you sure you want to leave? It's, ever, so misty
- in that deep valley just North of this ole' city:
- Eldorado. Giddy, if you go & are engulfed in snow
- then I'll wake tomorrow with woes- & feeling guilty.
Feeling guilty because I know I could've stopped you
- but you wouldn't hear my spew-  of caring concern.
So- tomorrow morning, I will learn-
- of your death.. I'm sure as heck
- that someone'll stumble upon your carriage wreck."

Aegidius' carriage crashed upon a lonely back road:
-a quiet back road that nobody has ever known,
- a quiet back road where people seldom go;
-where his horses have laid down in the snow & froze
-and he knows- that he will, likely, be the next to go.

God only knows, what hides within those snows!
If he don't end up froze, I'm sure that the crows
- would love to decompose, and dispose of, those
- fleshy bits of his- after all that's left are his ribs
- lying in the snow: torn apart by God only knows.
December 28th, 2016
Dec 2016 · 213
Hunter's Hymn
"All of the deer upon this sphere
- fear when they hear me coming near!"
- a, very, old & fat man made clear.

"Is it the time of year- to spear
- all, us, deer on this prairie here?
Then, we must, silently, disappear
- out thee eyesight of these pseudo-plainsmen!"
- exclaimed thee wise, old deer- ever so blatant:
- attempting to commandeer the harmless herd
- but, unfortunately, some of the herd never heard
- his words. Thus- they will be pelted and the birds
- will fly from the trees as the gunpowder bursts!
December 28th, 2016
Dec 2016 · 438
Seeking Solitude
I've ceased speaking to, mankind, my own species.
For: all o' the mischief within all o' these bodies
- has left me, here, pondering those ole' birch trees
- and about how they are where I, really, ought to be;
- far away from my species and from modern society.
"I really have to go, folks; the clock is getting near
- time I have a date with roaming white-tailed deer
- and raccoons! Yes; the time is coming, ever, so soon
- and I wouldn't wish to keep these creatures waiting..
- not even for one single moon. I won't see you soon
- and I hope that you'll all, completely, understand
- because I've become enthralled in a wild woodland:
- where no man has ever known as his home,
- where the unburdened buffalo used to roam;
- that is where I will build my beautiful home
- & all I'll have to worry about: snoopy, little drones."
December 28th, 2016
Ancient astronomers let out a sigh
- upon realizing that their' intrigued eyes
- cannot see all o' thee Planets in our skies
- past all o' these intrusive, metallic flies
- that are, strategically, designed, simply, to spy
- on, each and every one of, you and I.
They may find themselves distraught
- and will try to move themselves abroad
- but their' freedom can never be bought
- because the elites despise their' thoughts;
- thoughts of freedom, liberty, and justice.
The royals'll ****** anyone who's conscious
- regardless of how, incredibly, harmless
-they might, very well, be. Don't you see?
That it is lethal to meddle in the plans of royalty.
December 25th, 2016
Nothing that I could, ever, write
- will change thee unfortunate plight
- of our dreary, controlled existence.
You see? No matter how hard the resistance:
- the elite's control is persistent and consistent.
A better future, for us peasants, is non-existent;
- & all of our children will, surely, be enslaved
- regardless of the way that we have behaved.
The elites will use everything against us
- simply to advance their gruesome agenda
- involving full control of the Earth and people;
- in massive poverty, we will all be equal.
If we're not "peaceful", we'll meet lethal
- forces- on this lovely Winter solstice.
December 21st, 2016
The Creator scribbled out Gaia when she was young;
- she'd never expected what Earth would become.
I don't think she'd imagined the fists being swung
- and I don't believe she'd imagined all of the bombs
- exploding in markets: killing children & moms.
I'm sure she's not calm, looking on- at all she created.
She screams out, "No! No! It needs to be repainted
- with much more pleasant colors and moods!
I never thought my lovey sphere could get so crude;
- should I do nothing: all these species are *******!
I must act prud-ently."
Little does she know, she no longer has authority;
- her creation has began to breathe
- and has the ability to get up and leave.
All She can do now is grieve
- and wish that she never did believe
- she could create something pure
- in a universe so obscure.
December 21st, 2016
Dec 2016 · 420
1984 + 32 More
Electronics fly with their intrusive little eyes;
- they are the totalitarian government's spies:
- they're the Orwellian technology which I despise.
I, desperately, beg of you: not to believe all their lies
- when they say that they need eyes in the skies
- to ensure the safety & wellbeing of you and I.
Dec 2016 · 279
Bushes Out Back
The trees are where, it is, I ought to be
-away from all people and from society;
I cannot, possibly, become what it is that she
-wants for me to be. Thus- I, ever so, silently
-head over t'wards those bushes out back
-with a fully stocked sack- or pack with snacks.
I head out t'wards those bushes out back- and hack
-down some brittle trees into a quaint little shack.
Why, oh why, must there be steel scraps in the sky
-whose sole purpose is to spy upon you and I?
It'd cause ancient astronomers to let out a sigh
-as they realize they can't see Mars, nor the stars,
-past all the junk put in place by tyrannical czar's.
Us peasants: we've beared cuts & are left with scars
-upon all o' our liberty, rights, and freedom.
Don't be fooled by whom ever succeeds him
-for it always ends up as, just, more treason.
Dec 2016 · 382
Birch Bark Blues
Yes; you are allowed to be angry
but- it's not my problem- frankly.
It is not mine to sip, this mug of tea,
-worrying about what it is that you see
-when you look on over t'ward me.
I'll be out there by the birch trees
-and you'll, within a year, find glee
-in somebody else. I know- very well
-that this is the situation at hand.
No; I can no longer be your man.
I hope you'll understand
-but know that you won't.
December 21st, 2016
Phillip O'Crowley has fallen down dead
- and I dread- the part that comes next.
Yes! It leaves me feeling quite perplexed;
- thinking it may be my soul- which parishes next.
I begin to build my bush covered, hidden home
-in a lovely, solace place that no one has ever known-
as their own. Yes! It shall be mine, and mine, alone.
A place where I'll grind down stones and bone
- in order to construct my magnificent throne.
Yes! It'll be more immaculate than Cologne- or Rome.
You see- I've just seemed to have outgrown
- this world.
Dec 2016 · 664
Willfully Naive Monsieur
I cannot catch the correct words
- to accurately convey my feelings
- so instead it comes out in bursts
- and, thus, I lie awake most evenings.
I lie awake thinking: "where it all went wrong,"
-and similar things- like, "where do I belong?"
However, I never seem to find an answer;
- or maybe I block it out because I prefer
- to remain a willfully ignorant & naive Monsieur.
Dec 2016 · 252
Haiku (06/12/16)
My orange kitten
- is ten times more free than me;
- this much I'm sure of!
Tuesday, December 6th, 2016
Dec 2016 · 425
Phillip's Plea
"I apologize, baby brother, for my voice waking you;
- but it seems, to me, there are laws to be breaking to-
- night. We need no sleep under the blue moon's rays!
My brother, do you understand what it is that I say?
Get up, Giddy! There are copper coins for the taking
- and, simple, fragile windows to be breaking:
- in order to get in, and off, with what we deserve.
Are you in, baby brethren; have you heard-
- my plea for a partner? I know a home on Third - avenue that would be an easy target for me and you.
Within its windows, abundant rubies: I have view-
- ed those precious red gems with my own two-
- eyes. I think it would be, rather, quite wise
- to break into that house while all the lights-
- are out. The home owner can come back and pout
- but you and I will already be over the mount-
- ain range- with those jewels in our hands!
Don't you understand? I have a fool proof plan!
Aegidius, my brother, won't you be the man-
- to come give me a hand? I will not demand;
- I just hoped I could count on you.
- Your worried face has me quite blue!"

"But- Phillip! What if the tenants are still up;
- what if they possess muskets and gunpowder?
I cannot come; I guess I just sup-
- pose I fear that they could devour
- us before we make it through
- that window on Third avenue."

"Oh- Giddy! That's what's so pretty
- about my scheme; I already have,
- the last few nights, scouted out the scene!
It does appear to me- that they leave
- every night at nine thirty-three
- and their carriage leaves the city!"

"I am not sure, Phil; if anything goes wrong:
- our lives are a pretty hefty bill- to pay..
All because we wanted to get away:
- out over that vast mountain range
- with bright, shiny red jewels in hand!
Don't you understand? Even if we gauge-
- the scenario right and escape, how long-
- will we end up on the run from men with guns?
I cannot join you, Phillip- dear brother o' mine.
I hope you think twice before making up your mind;
- for: it would hurt me to see something happen
- to you. Should you go: I pray not to hear snappin'
- of muskets firing fatal shots on Third avenue.
Do what you have to, but, I can't join you."

"Aegidius, how has it come to this?
Shall I give you, now, one last kiss?
For: after this evening, I may not ever return;
- the devil may grab me and I may burn- away.
Down there with Lucifer, I'll be forced to stay!
It's okay! Don't cry, Giddy; if I have any success:
I'll hide you a few rubies
- under that ole' tree on the mountain out west-
- of Eldorado."

With that: Phillip threw on a dark cloak and turned.
Aegidius left out a plea of his own, "Don't go, Phil."
Phillip looked back, grinned, and left- still.
You see? Phil needed to acquire his thrills;
- after that night, though,
- he never again smashed in any windowsills.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Prelude to "Robbing Ronaldo's Rubies,"
which I have yet to write, fully, and revise.
Coming soon!
Dec 2016 · 282
The Humming Drum
I know exactly what's coming
- and I'm, oh- so very, afraid.
I cannot escape the humming
- that is drumming inside my brain.
As of late, I have been numbing
- my mind; I cannot contain
- all my troubles and my pain.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 268
Radio Reminiscent
All o' these old songs on the radio-
- make me reminisce on the days go-
- ne by. They make me want to cry-
- or maybe, in fact, they make me wish to die.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Both my body and my mind have been grind-
- ing away with each, and every, passing day.
I feel, as though, I oughta go to find
- some lonesome mudhole within which to lay.
I haven't replied to my girl in four days...
- and when I do: I know not what to say.
"Hey- I'm sorry that I haven't been around.
The woes, in my mind, have piled to a mound;
- it's hard for me to stand it anymore.
Yes- my mind has become, so very, sore-
- from all o' the over sighted thinking.
Yes- the heart, in this chest, it is sinking-
- when I think of the current state of Earth.
I'm more aware & clear than upon birth-
- but, I must ask: with the bitterness brought-  
- What is the worth?"
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 242
Woodstock Inspiration
How beautiful each & everyone of us is;
- surely, you must be aware of this!
For- what, it is that, each of us are
- is the sparkling matter which fell from the stars
- a long, long time ago.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 192
I haven't wrote a decent poem in months;
- I pick up my pen and flow along with a hunch
- and within three lines: it becomes the right time
- to crumple up my paper and open a bottle o' wine.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 212
All Been Done Before
What can I ramble on about:
- that hasn't already been said;
- and what can I scribble down:
- that hasn't already been read?
It seems, as though,
- it's all been done and seen.
Is it useless to hope to create and inspire;
- have I been-
- chasing a long lost linguistic magic?
Oh- how tragic;
- if that is, indeed, the case it to be!
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 264
Rose Tinted Shades
I think that I might be better off in shades:
- so that my acquaintances won't see the way
- my eyes jot forth and back through the day
- and night. Hell; who needs to see in dim light, eh?
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dry those eyes, my dear;
you must know that: ain't nobody here
- can hear your pleas with two open ears.
Has it not been proven true over the years?
Have your "friends" not left you there in tears?
It really tears me apart- No! - tears me in half:
- knowing how you've been treated from the start
- and, so often, in the past.
Yes; it, truly, does rip caverns in my heart.
Oh- how it does, indeed, shred me apart
- to see how you've been treated in the past!
I hope that the last one to do so- was just that.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 259
Passenger Side Cass
This big hunk of steel puts off carbon gas:
- as I sit here, parked, admiring Cass.
If I were to look away to remove the keys:
- too much time will have past, I do believe-
- since I had seen, & laid my eyes upon,
- this, truly, immaculate queen.
I do, indeed, hope that this angel sees-
- just exactly how much she means to me;
for- I'm her man &'ll always have a gleam
- in my eye- when I look to the right
- and see her, there, right by my side.
I'm dreaming her on the passenger side-
- because I, honestly, believe -
- that's where we were bound to reside!
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 276
A Whisper From The Forest
I was never one for grand, stone built castles;
- I've always preferred staying safe in my den.
Then, these eyes hit your kingdom & bedazzled
- I became. Heaven will be the seconds when
- you lower that towering, old oak drawbridge
- allowing me to enter the center of your palace.
"You bear a blade, dear knight, I have seen this-"
"Yes, your highness, I'm armed- but offer no malice
- nor malicious behavior. You see? My busi-
- ness is with you! A whisper, I've heard through
- the trees.. and it has lead me straight here to thee.
It said, 'you bear some gloom, look kind of blue;
- down this path is a beautiful queen-to-be and she
- is not happy. Why don't you go and chat with her?'"
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
My mind has come to a conclusion:
- that I need to go somewhere rich in seclusion
- to a place in the woods where I can think.
The state of the world has only caused me to sink
- deeper into my long trench of concerns.
I need to go fall asleep next to the dying ferns
- and forget this grim world that they've created.
Yes! There's no longer any time to debate it;
I must be off- & gone from my companions thoughts.
Yes, my friends, it's true; I've simply got
- to get away from this gloom ridden space.
I need to find, in the trees, my own little place
- where I can live without government control.
That, you see- my friends, is my destined goal.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
May I assist you-
or is it me who needs help?
Such a faint blue:
tis' how I've, lately, felt.
However, it's a pretty colour;
so I can't, and won't, complain.
I won't allow the sorrow to smother-
me (nor let my soul be drain-ed).
For: I know it will all work out-
so there's no use in crying or pout-
ing about things that may never happen.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
Dec 2016 · 274
Professional Procrastinator
Which words could I say to accurately convey-
- the thoughts behind, and within, my mind?
Yes- tis' true! I wonder: how to portray, and rhyme,
these not so kind thoughts enshrined- in my mind.
Never mind; I'll get around to it another time-
- once I'm adequately inspired by a bottle o' wine.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
My dearest girl, wipe those weeping eyes o' yours;
surely, you must know: everyone cries and feels sore
- sometimes; it makes us appreciate the sunshine.
My sweet girl, don't simply resort to the red wine
- in an attempt to ease your, oh so, numb mind.
We may never be able to rewind; this is true.
All I can hope for is a beautiful future for you.
If I could be a part of it, I would really love;
but- if not, I know we've got people up above
- watching down over each and every one of us.
So if you're ever wondering if it gets better:
- know, in your heart, that it does.
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
"Apple trees with broken branches still stand strong."
I believe this is true; please correct me, if I'm wrong.
Axe weildin man thinks it may bear fruit o' nutrition.
To let it grow to fruition- or not: t'is a grand decision.
With precision, man with an axe allows it to stand.
He thinks, "I mustn't be impatient- nor demand-
fruit from this tree. I must let it be. I must wait n' see
just exactly how much this ole' apple tree blesses me."
Thursday, December 1st, 2016.
There should be an apostrophe after "weildin" in line 2; I had to shorten some words and such to make it look nice on the mobile-friendly site.
Dec 2016 · 256
We may not ever, truly, know
- where- after death- we all go;
I just hope we end up together-
- or I may as well burn up forever.
For- without you: I know not what to do..
& without you: I'll always be feeling blue.
Without you: the skies, winds, and the weather
- all seem to change frantically (like a feather-
that's been blown, thrown, into hot burning embers).
Without you: this life needs not my members-
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016.
Dec 2016 · 194
Tragically Troubled Mind
Dearest Cassandra,
I'm very sorry for whom I've, lately, been
- and for the person that I will not ever be.
I, truly, wish that I could have, ever, seen
- whatever it is that you smile at in me.
I wish that I could see: why you crave a mess
- a mess as tragic as this- troubled mind.
You see: I see- myself as, very much, less
- than you see me with your eyes- so kind.
I have never seen what you- adore about me
- and, honestly, I likely never, ever, will.
When I look into the mirror, all that I can see
- is a man, or a boy, broken from all o' thee powders n' pills.
Nov 2016 · 421
Positively Negative
She was negative on the test-
and, though part of me was depressed,
I knew- deep down- it was for the best.
I nearly caused such a disastrous mess
and now I feel slightly less- stressed.
Now she can move on- and make progress
- without me around - to drag her down.
Nov 2016 · 320
Barely Audible Buzzes
My head really hurts
  and I can't find the words
  to express how I feel;
  the mental silence is real.
The problem, however,
  is that it's not silent- ever.
There's always a dull noise;
  it's untranslatable to young boys
  upon this wide world- Earth.
What, I ask, would it be worth
  to try to find some truth
  in a mythical language that you
  do not fluently speak?
Nov 2016 · 225
Seeking Solitude
Should we have, fortunately, dodged this bullet,
I would like, very much, for you to abandon me.
This latest ordeal has left some frogs in my gullet
and that's, seemingly, exactly where they wish to be.
I'm so choked up- and I lack the proper fitting words
to make any of this any better than, currently, it is.
I intend to live the way that the deer and birds-
do live. I will no longer, ever, seek another kiss
from a Ms.; for- it only, ever, causes drear and sorrow.
& I know: you'll be, so much, better off tomorrow-
once you have, fully, forgotten my face and my name.
There's nothing more, here, to gain- except more pain.
You know that I'm no good and I have never been.
I may seem jolly- but it's all, just, a grand scheme:
one to convince the people of this world that I'm sane.
Only I know, though, what's scurrying in this brain.
It would make all o' thee other people's skin crawl;
it would cause all o' the young children to bawl.
You see? It's not a very pleasant scene:
all of these woeful things that I do daydream.
Nov 2016 · 251
Fish in a Bowl
All o' these people have become so lost-
and their peer's rights and freedoms are the cost
- of their willfully ignorant mind.
You can be as kind- as you wish
but you're still just a swimming fish
in thee elites luxurious fish tank.
I apologize if I come across as too frank.
Nov 2016 · 207
You see? You are wise to escape the lies
of that grand and furious burning sun.
In it's rays, you would have had to stay;
for: it imprisons all who come- to visit.
I'll warn you though! Be careful of the moon:
for- it frequently sings a catchy tune
that, in fact, isn't quite the entire truth.
It did tantalize that little town's youth,
back on that winter evening in 1672;
& ever since then, those kids- have never been seen.
Perhaps- they made it to El Dorado
or maybe they made it to Colorado.
Regardless- the parents have missed
their children and wonder where they've been.
Nov 2016 · 229
Oh- you would not believe the things I've seen-
and you wouldn't believe the places I've been-
today. Yes- today!
Oh- you would not believe the things that I've learned
as I've walked towards the fiery sun and burnt- away-
today. Yes- today!
Oh- how the heat it stays- within my brain;
I'll never be able to fully escape the flames-
today. Yes- today!
No- you could not believe the times that I've tried-
to walk towards the super moon but died- on the way.
Oh- how I died- on the way!
and-- all of the monsters I have slayed,
that I have chopped down with the edge of my blade:
they'll never be seen. No- they'll never be seen!
Not today. Nope, not today!
But the pride-- it lives with me- and as far as my eyes can see-
I've won- I've won! I've become one-
with those thoughts that I hold dear.
Yes- the ones that I hold dear...
-ly: all the things that I have learned
and all the times that I have earned -
the privilege to live- within.
No- in history book, it'll never be written.
But I'll always remember-
the times that I was blue-
and all the things that I have been through-
today. Yes- today!
Nov 2016 · 796
Another Blue Haiku For You
If you're feeling blue:
know it's a pretty colour;
it'll get you through.
Blue Haiku
Nov. 16th 2016
Whilst sitting- smoking- in a lifeless cemetery,
a thought passes my mind- so momentarily:
'Soon it will be me; that's for certain, surely.'
I wonder- if I'll know the luxury of being buried
or if the wilderness will feast upon my flesh.
I wonder- if my bits and pieces will be thresh-
ed into the damp soil beneath my corpse
by little teeth and a few heavy rainstorms.
At least I will feed the despised swarms
of maggots and resource recycler's of the world.
See- what else could this body be good for?
Nov 2016 · 271
Forgotten Rotten Wisdom
One thing I've learned in my getting old:
'all o' these kings & queens only want your gold.'
Should you resist, and instead,
they'll want off with your head.
It's a dreadful story so- very- old;
& violent murders are the only way they can hold-
their strict power over you.
So- what is it we do?
Do we silence ourselves;
put our opinions on high shelves
where they aren't to be spoken of?
Do we just, so easily, let the gov-
ernment & elites win this battle?
"No- nay," I say, "we must rattle-
their heads and force them to retreat!"
The citizens they looked over will lead their defeat.
Nov 2016 · 196
I won't forget thee-
time in which we shared.
Please- don't regret me
& know that I always cared.
I cared enough to let you go..
Leave now, Cass; go out and show-
this world how strong you truly are.
Drive down that highway in your car
and seek something better for yourself.
For- I can, surely, be of no help- currently.
I will never make enough gross currency
to make an adequate lover for thyself.
Honestly- I'd rather be fully engulfed
by the trees that I've made my home from-
even if it means a life of lonesome- solitude.
Nov 2016 · 163
Look- it's not that I'm ignoring you...
I am simply attempting to remo-
ve myself before I weigh you down.
I know that you wish I were around-
but I'm sure that it's better this way..
What more could I possibly say?
You will encounter someone- something-
& your lost love'll be the last thing you think -
Oct 2016 · 167
I wonder: just how much time has been spent-
by men upon earth thinking where it all went-
downhill- and all o' thee ways they can better things.
I think to myself, "how many jewel adorned kings-
have been kept up at night and been forced to think?
How many rulers have been urged to'ward the drink-
whilst overseeing the current state of their empire?
How many Knights have witnessed the fire-
creep up the inner walls of their home town?"
Oct. 13/2016
Oct 2016 · 160
If only I were out with some streams & trees;
for- there, indeed, is where my body begs to be.
I wish: on my cheeks, I felt a gentle breeze;
one blowing t'ward me off vast, open seas.
You see? I am trapped on a wide, grassy plain!
Stuck in this dreary place- where it all began.
Trapped on the plains; heeding the wind's pain-
ful howling stories of each woman and man-
  each that ever was- and will come to be.
I suppose I'm only conceiving the land that she-
resides within: the place she lies down to sleep.
A kingdom of sorts- a kingdom of many ports
built of towering pillars o' glimmering Quartz.
You see? Her very presence- it seems to thwart
all negative energy that any man could sport.
In short, she is like a mountainous terrain;
one that I would like to scale to the peak of
where I'll sit weeping out my eyes as a train-
track is built around her body. An engine shove-
s across her back on wooden planks and rails so shoddy.
Oct. 13/2016
So calm- were her words-
when she said, "I'm going t'wards-
that vastly distant, eastern coast."
Thoughts of her now are that of ghosts-
or- of glistening lights that catch my eyes!
Without her, I may as well lay down and die;
and it would be such an inevitable death.
For- with my very last breath
I will let out a blood filled cough,
"I will miss you, my love!"
but- even still- she's off.
July 7th, 2016
Jun 2016 · 248
Long Before Her Voyage
"But- my dear...
you, clearly, cannot see- how miserable
this world is when you are not near- me."
I'll add to this- eventually..
Jun 2016 · 381
Prairie Joy
Though, she said it so, very, peacefully:
"I can't wait to get away from the prairies!"
it still sounded, ever, so scary - to me;
for I have always been a prairie boy.
I'm headed to take the St. Lazare pass,
to an empire of warm Silver beaches,
to an empire of greener growing grass,
to such an exquisitely calm region,
to the empire of Princess Cassandra.

To an empire where I would love to stay-
for, about, forever plus a few days.
To an empire where I would love to be-
for, about, an eternity plus three.

A place where thunder rolls over misty skies;
a place where I find myself lost- and found-
in her light brown eyes.

Eyes like: thee most fertile of all o' the soils-
& a touch of a beehive's sweetest o' honey.
Eyes that: shine like diamonds of the royals-
& couldn't be outshone by any amount o' money.

One where Sunshine reaches, so, far from east-
over the water- setting in a vibrant gleam;
leaving me with joy, happiness, and peace.

Surely- this isn't only an amazing daydream-
  leaving my heart with visions of apple trees.

So- here I sit, where the fire was lit,        
daydreaming about that ole' apple tree
- 'twas a September Ruby, I do believe    
-  if I've, correctly, remembered it.  -      

I'm hoping that with every coming moon:  
her highness will call on me- each 2nd of June
and allow me to shower her with affection.

Honestly- times with her are perfection.
June eleventh, twenty-sixteen.
Jun 2016 · 565
Stuck In The Middle, Alone
One princess has headed west;
the other shall flee east.
&- of me, all that'll be left:
is a loveless, lonely beast.

I wish them both the best
before sipping upon distilled yeast
& hops. Then- I, drunkenly, flop
into my big, empty nest,
in an attempt to rest-
 this mind, so distressed .
June first, two thousand sixteen.
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