"You can't see That when we sit across each other We feel the tension The nerves , the tencity The love we hide The next morning we don't know what will come It's a new day every day Till we say what we feel inside That day will change everything But now we can enjoy life as it is And just keep our love inside"
"This is poem deciated to a all mothers or soon to be mothers A mother is such a special honor Your brining a tiny joy of life A new son or daughter who will bring joy to you and all the people in the world a child is not a mistake it is a gift it is a part of you , who can't wait to meet you it is the happiest moment of your life because once you bring a child into the world once you see that smile you will see how happy you made this child happy by being its mother and bestfriend"
" I remember the night we met the sky was blue it was so breezy and you gave me your sweater when i put it on i felt like i had a part of you with me and all that time we spent together felt like eternity but that day when the car came and hit you it was like someone had stabbed me in the heart with a knife and since that day i was never the same"
"When you are sad just remember Life get's better If it doesn't Than i am there You're not my bestfriend You're my sister You're the reason why i never give up in life Even though we don't talk I still remember the old days We're we didn't have worries We we're kids just trying to live life You're the reason why i am happy And i will be the reason why you're happy Don't end life just because one thing goes wrong Because one negative always brings a positive I love you and i always will sister"
So yesterday was my birthday I really enjoyed it .
"Birthdays aren't all about gifts and celebration it's about being with your family who brang you into this world and made you into the person you are today it's about enjoying every little memory with them and realizing that life can get better as long as you believe "
I'm shatterd I'm broken I can't be fixed I know that Pieces of me are everywhere Im like a glass So sensitive that if you let it go it will Break and soon you will regret letting go me who you shatterd into broken pieces with your hands
"This is a poem about me i hope you like it i don't have hope i lost when i was little but i found what gave me hope it's writing it's a way for me to escape reality to go into a mythological world and i found my passion i hope you you guys can see that there's more than just a girl sitting on a computer its more than that it's a girl whose writing her feelings out telling the world what she feels in a way no one can understand besides her let me have hope in this mythological and real world that all i ask for" Courage and Kindness
"Since i was little I believed i could do anything As i got older i knew i couldn't I put my self down Before anybody could I hurt myself before anybody could I knew reality wasn't the same as my dream But most of all i let all those dreams go Before people said i couldn't accomplish them"
"Everyday there's less light soon the darkness will overcome me and then what will i have the light in me is going off little by little and no longer can i hide that their is no hope no feelings no happiness all that was lost a long time ago but soon i will fade in the world of darkness known as reality"
" I rather die than suffer for the rest of my life i see no point of living if no one loves me you could say i'm important but i know i'm not i'm already dead inside would it make a difference if i just disappear i just cry and cry in silence when no one hears me they will always prefer someone better than me i'll always be a second option"
"The sounds of the wind blows every thing blows away in a minute we are blown away she hear's a voice it whispers won't you come with me little girl she ignore's it The voice comes again just come with me you are not happy here the little girl takes a step forward when she gets there she doesn't see nothing She feels the cold whisper down her spine the wind is blowing and she is scared she say's leave me alone the voice say's come with me you will be happy she follows the voice and she is taken by the wind and she is gone and never heard from again"
The demon inside her can no longer be controlled she is crying for help but all she hears is silence people don't hear her she askes for help but all she get's is nothing because the truth is i am the demon
Does anyone know im broken Or are you guys just blind Clear all i do is cry So im just waiting to die I'll be happier But i know deep inside i won't die because im already dead inside So for all i know I'll be dead when every one else is alive having a life with out me
" Oh if i could only tell you how much you are hurting me but you know what you don't deserve to bring me down i know what life will bring you ahead of time so you just wait to see how you made me feel because even though i want to **** my self i'm not gonna let you have the moment of happiness of me being dead because that just says i wasn't strong enough to keep going on in life "
"Whats the difference between love and lust love is affectionate desire of one another and lust is strong desire towards that person love will make you feel the intensity of one another and lust will make you want to pursue those desires without commitment love can go away as for lust can turn into love There is a difference love can make you feel so many things as for lust can make you feel the things you desire"
" As far as we can be apart our distance is no other than a challenge we can be miles apart but still feel close to each other no matter the distance no matter the miles all of that is worth it when i'm there next to you "
" I see the light closer and closer it all seems like a dream i don't know if it's true i know there's a little light left in me even if i just see a glimpse of light it will for ever be a dream come true for me "
"The stem of a flower is as delicate as the flower it's self when you brake the stem a part of the flower is broken the stem makes the flower with out a stem there is no flower"
“They say love is forever But for me love is When I get to see the happiness in your eyes When you say my name my heart skips a beat This Valentine’s Day is extra special Because I get to spend it with you Even when we’re together I still wish there was more time In the world to be with you “
" Everything is quiet for a second I see multiple colors around me Where am I In another universe I say to myself No you are were you want to be The place were every dream can come true And every possibilty is endless I'm amazed to be here Everything is beautiful But for all I know this can't be real Unless I change the world And maybe it can come true But with a little of hope you can have inside Is enough to make a difference in the world and in someone's Life" #poetsbyfloresss
" i feel so alone but yet there's eyes around me as i breath in and out i can barely feel my heart beat that feeling of adrenaline will never go away can i say i miss you even though i shouldn't but how do i stop loving you when my heart beats for you"
"You leave with out saying goodbye At night i suffer dreaming of you My love i don't want you to leave tell me the truth why did you break my heart did i fail you i'm sorry i just tried to help you"
"The hope you gave me Was what i needed Because when we met I was hoping we met But i lost you I let you go Why Now that your gone What was the point having hope If i had already lost you from the beginning"
" How can we be happy If we know were all broken inside How can you be sad If you know you got all the happiness in the world How can you be loved " If you know that your heart has been broken many times How can you fake love If you act like it's real "
"I am kind and smart I wonder about life I hear the laughter of others I see the kindness in everyone I want to be true to myself I am kind and smart"
"I pretend I'm a bird I feel sad and destroyed I touch the things i have broken I worry about my family I cry when i think about death I am kind and smart"
"I say I'm fine but I'm not I dream that i will be happy one day I try to believe that I'm worth it I hope people could see that I'm kind I hope my friends can forgive me I am kind and smart"
" When I think about Letting go The first thing that comes to my mind Is am I doing the right thing Or am I making another bad choice We all have made a bad choices Were human beings what do you expect We have made wrong choice but We have learned from them But letting go has been a choice That not even I can understand The moment you let go Is the moment everything finishes It's like why am I doing this Did I let go to fast Or was that just another bad choice When you think about it there is No right or wrong choice You just gotta know when to let go "
" Repeat and Repeat the same images i see it's all over again i can't get out i try and i try why am i here i get all these thoughts the same thoughts it's on a loop hole i remember every thing that day it keeps going on repeat and repeat "
Do you ever feel like every day your doing the same thing like there's never nothing new
"I lost you forever I guess i deserve it but why why did you hurt me if you didn't like me why you called me trash garbage every thing you said is true but why why do this to me you said you were just playing around but i knew you weren't now i lost you for my mistakes"
" The love that we lost was worse than we were in love, we loved each other we had each other, we broke each other, we made each other happy, sad, angry,
My parents love is more then just love it is farther then the moon to the stars farther than the beating to the heart it is rare and special it is more then just love it is powerful and strong it is their happiness that makes me want to believe that love is just more than the darkness to the light
" I see you going on in life Having fun going out Enjoying life You tried to convince me To go have fun in life too But the thing is it would have been Easier if I knew who that right person was I have talked to other people but you And all the others guys Don't have what I'm looking for If you can't handle the truth Of what I said to you Well than I guess from the start love didn't exist between us "
" Who are we to say That love can break us apart That is not true We are more than we think we are We may not think that is true But love can heal The wounds that have been made I may think your day away But you are closer than I think you are Love can break you and still make You want to love that person Who broke you and hurt you We may love and break
"Can we go back to those happy days were you said you loved me and that you would never leave me i remember those nights were would spend the whole night talking about our worst fears but we cant't because the best things are born to die"
" The story thus began between us it was freshman year i was just young and clueless what had been waiting for me was not what i expected but what everyone expected
Later on everyone had been wanting us to be together we were going to be that couple that could never be broken you wanted to be with me but i could not say the same for me
It was sophomore year and we both got detention i remember everyone was saying we were skipping together we weren't Days and years have passed we don't talk anymore since you left but just so you know i hope you're somewhere out there having the time of your life
i would always ask my friend how were you and sometimes i texted you but you never answered and maybe you didn't get the message but i always found a way to contact you
I still care about you and watch out for you but I'm sorry for everything that happened and i don't know weather i still feel something for you because when you left it hurt me and i had a very rough time and there was only one guy who was there for me and i don't know he may be the one but i can't chose between you because who ever i chose i know it will ruin both friendships
I hope some day i will chose one before it's to late "
I honestly wrote this for the two special guys in my life.
"you see me sad you don't care you see me suffer and you don't care you see me cry you don't care but if i see you suffer or cry i care but i guess theirs not a care in the world for you and me"
“ I need you tell me That the first time We met you felt something That it wasn’t all in my head I know we grew apart but Tell me the truth Do you still love me Tell me that every time We find each other You don’t feel you heart beating faster Tell me I’m not the only one Who feels that Tell me one last time that you love me ”
"you think im perfect but im not you see the pain through my scars you say say life should go on but why should i bother living at all you think you know me but you don't i see the truth but you don't see it at all"
"I don't look for perfect i look for you You have me on knees begging for you i learn from you and you learn from me you make me dream that someday i will be your's i want to tell you every time i think of you it makes me sad that i don't have you"
“ A sense of loss I feel In my heart I know it’s wrong To feel this way am I crazy heart beats faster each time Am I close to dying how will I feel at the end of time “
"The way i speak is writing I hide in the shadows When the sun comes up I barely speak I know I can't hide Forever Reality is my imagination People speak in different ways Not everyone is the same I speak in the way of poetry and you speak in the way you want to "
" I dream that i am in a garden full of red roses and all of a sudden i see a beautiful white rose right in the middle and as i keep walking towards it the rose moves farther away and all of a sudden i am in a place where everything is just so perfect and i know it's rare but is this heaven or not"
" As we close our eyes to see the world We imgaine the possibilities that we may discover The endless adventure we will have The person who will change our world The reality is all that may be true If we just believe that reality Can change And we are the ones who can change it Those precious moments we will have Are the ones we will treasure forever In our hearts " So make reality change Because the possibilities and adventures are endless
" The key to my heart you may have if you answer this riddle you know who you are the person i set eyes on i know you read my poems i know you write peoms you may not have an account but all my poems are public we see each other every day if you know the answer to my riddle than you have the key to my heart "
" I know you love me " I know you think about me So why won't you admit That's you have feelings for me Don't stay quiet Because I love you too And I also think about you I knew from the start That we would end up Together for the rest of our life "