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Hayley Sep 2018
You all lie,
You all took,
Guess it was my bad luck,
you tried to take him away from me,
Knowing they are my evreything,
Oh u didnt have to try
I saw the bitter truth
All you care about are yourselves
I protected you but you threw me
To the dirt
And it hurt
U never care
It wasnt fair
i saw the bitter truth..
and it wasnt pretty
Hayley Sep 2018
Oh little girl so far from home
You think that you're no good
Because you don't weigh seven stone

Though others say you should

Your mothers never satisfied
She makes you feel unsure
You watch the way she weighs her food
So this must be the cure

Your father drowns his weight in drink
For reasons so unclear
And hear the way his body aches
And vomits up his fear

Oh little girl so scared and brave
So confused in your skin
You are just too young to crave
The emptiness within
Hayley Sep 2018
will scream my lungs out ‘til the sound numbs the
room, I will scream my lungs out To you I am immune.
I will scream my heart out While tearing out your tubes,
You know that you can't hold me down To you I am immune.
I'll pass your inspections Downing water by the
glass, Evading your detections Concealed behind my mask.
I will hear my heart pound As I sweat inside my room,
You know that you can't hold me down To you I am immune.
Show a smile, gain some weight Yes, I'm looking ‘well'
Good to see some meat upon your
bones!" Your words they burn like hell.
I let my eyes fall to the ground, Say what you want to hear, "
Oh yes, I'm doing much better now" But still, they've no idea.
Discharge me from this unit, Revive me from my tomb
Hayley Sep 2018
You gave me a kiss
What the hell did i miss
Where did the monster come from
He was a creep from the start
I remember the pain
When his charm didnt work
To use fear
To make it clear
He was in control
He used my disorder as a key to overpower me
I became his toy
He was a pathetic boy
His smirk
Oh boy how it would work
I was scared
Oh why did i ever care
For the monster.
This means alot to me as it expressed my pain and anger towards the monster who haunts my mind
Hayley Sep 2018
Hungry to bed hungry to rise makes me a smaller size
Hungry to bed hungry to rise i began falling for my anorexic lies
Hungry to bed hungry to rise makes me wanna go exercise
Hungry to bed hungry to rise sweet as sugar but im cold as ice
I craved his approval
His touch
His kiss
My bones protruded
My smile widened
So close yet so far.

— The End —