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Jul 2014 · 378
You make this easier
My highs are so far above the earth
( I can see everything, good and bad)
My lows are so deep in the ground
( I worry of the rock and soil collapsing on me)
I am unnecessary
(except as a place marker)
I do not want to be missed
( it is what keeps me here)
People's selfish selflessness holds me here
I want to be loved but the way that people love me
makes it so much harder
I am unnecessary
In order to be made visible
I explain my plight to caring ears that don't know me at all
( I live in a remote land without neighbors, miles from everybody else)
and when they don't understand
they blame it on my youth
this both comforts and discomforts me
I want to be helped
( but they don't understand)
I want to be free of ties
( it's easier)
and dismiss everyone
I am not being dramatic
this is how I see things
and while others tell me what I am
( this does not matter)
it only matters what I think
After writing this
( I think I'm okay, now)
I hope those who read it realize this poem is not for others
( I didn't know what else to do)
this is for myself
You can call me dramatic
( I honestly don't care)
You can blow this off as some ******, badly formed poem
that holds no meaning
( another regular sob-story-cliché)
In a way I'm relieved
( you make it much easier).
Aug 2013 · 441
as you retreat into
your kingdom of sorrow
where no one else can follow
I have to wonder
will it leave me
dead and hollow?
or will I bloom among the ashes
a flower
or will I be gone
within an hour
will my spirit
crumble to dust
beneath the earth's constant glower
Aug 2013 · 531
Death of Innocent Lives
Long ago
one stormy night
beneath the
roiling sea
long ago
one stormy night
there lay the body of me
watch the ribbon in my hair unfurl
and skin turn grey
a lackluster pearl
marvel at
my flowing skirt which does so bloom like a flower
and my visionless eyes which
had held life
back little more than an hour
do not cry, no do not weep
I should think I'll enjoy this eternal sleep
for I've lived my life and I've lived it well
for this rhyme it serves for sorrow to quell
yet still you sit morbidly enraptured
as my death takes hold long's my soul been captured
while still you watch morbidly aghast
as cold takes hold for now my time has passed.
Aug 2013 · 476
Sand Man
She tosses and turns
in a dream-riddled sleep
so softly
softly I might creep
up to her bed
up to her pillow
where rests her head
the day is dead
no fires are fed
I wish to ask her
what stirs her in sleep
why she cringes and cries
and why she does weep
the floorboards creak
and her eyes fly to half-mast
so for now I shall sit
and I'll watch and I'll wait
And so slowly and slowly
the hours slip past
and when infant skies
breathe a new dawn
she wakes,
I am gone.
the light reflects
off of those drops of white gold
yet they still speak of sadness
and woes gone untold
they make their way down the map
of her face
her soft hands hint at old money and grace
that died with the wealth
that died with the death of loves' health
a dress made of satin all stained with her sorrow
she's worn it for years, and she'll wear it tomorrow
a ragged hem and her sash sinched so tight
hangs loose on her frame which speaks of no meals, no dinner at night
and stockings torn and
leather boots worn
her dirtied cheeks
red from the cold of the morn
and hair so light that was lighter still
but lost with the innocence of her youth
frown lines mar her lovely face
her eyes are so distant, so cold, fixed on space.
This girl that you see
all withered or worn
this girl that you see
she could be you or be me
Jun 2013 · 441
It was something of that lonely sea
that surely would be the end of me
something in those thrashing waves
in the ending of me and my sea
I have loved the water from the start of my time
made countless pieces and story and rhyme
it was by there that I took
my first long deep breath
and I find it fitting that is should, too,
be my death
I have found I find faces
where wave meets
the shore
they are screaming
and wailing, not sane anymore!
I have spent countless hours
in that old study
of mine
yet They misunderstand me,
I am perfectly fine!
I search for the turbulence
like in the break of a wave
and yet all is lacking in such darkness untamed
save for the inside of my grave.
And that is why that it is here you'll find me
in my endless and watery
grave by the sea.
Journey to the sand
of White Diamonds
to the shore of white diamonds
twixt the Mountains
churning, turning, clear as night seas
Pool of Stars betwixt
the trees
I move my feet over Shards of Glass
dancing, dancing, everfast
I Sing by this Spring
that I have found
this Mirror
on the ground
Ivory Crystals
cut my feet
crystals lay in Bitter Sheets
I move my body to the beat
and Feel the Heat of a shooting star
soaring, soaring, everfar
Red Blood Stains
the glittering white
Drum and Flute move me
all through the night
I will Live in this Moment
and mark it with movement, and I will live by the shores
of White Diamonds.
on battered wings
we take our flight
and soar on glittering trails
into seas of starlight

we will coast along
the milky way
and float in silky waves

'improbable, impossible'
they always say
and yet here with the stars I lay.
May 2013 · 407
A Night In The Clubs
Past days of death
til nights of life
these shadowed corners
ease our strife
colored lights
and pounding beat
people moving
on their feet
people swaying
band is playing
cloying smoke
in pumping lungs
so here we live dying
forever young
May 2013 · 372
On The Hour Of Dusk
that time of day
with shadows tall
and setting suns,
the rise and fall.
diamond skies
a distant star
you try to catch
but it's just too far.
for now you can watch
and lie in wait
and count the stars
and breaths you break.
May 2013 · 566
The Man On The Other Side
colors swirl and twist and
' Now step through the looking glass
and into a parallel world.'
A man lies in wait
with a pipe and measured gait,
in a suit made from despair;
milky skin and
sightless seeing eyes
and a plait of ebony hair.
His eyes have seen the fall
of everyone and every all.
He beckons you in with a finger
and blows rings of smoke in your face.
' I really shouldn't linger',
but alas, it is already too late.
You follow him in,
and he walks with great care.
Oh God forbid he give you a scare.
You find yourself at a table
and he on the opposite side.
' Sit down, sit down,' he says,
' with me you can confide,'
' Sit down, sit down,' he says,
' There's really no reason to hide.'
And yes, you think;
there is no reason to hide.
Yes, true, you think;
in he you can confide.
' There is no rush,
please take your time.'
he says with pleading eyes.
Yes, true, you think;
he must know best,
he's very old and wise.
' What is it you need?' you ask
' For I, most certainly,
am up for the task.'
' Please pick a card,
here from my hand.'
his smile wide and grand.
You slip one out
and there comes the doubt.
' Ah, yes,' he says
'the thirteenth trump,
the end of life,
and cease of your strife.'
Doubt starts to bloom
with every inhaled plume;
surely it simply
could not be the fumes?
' Oh no, I cannot stay;
I must be on my way!'
But your plea goes to eyes that implore,
' You must go now, you say?
But, oh, whatever for?'
His mouth forms an 'O'
and he breathes a ring of smoke,
then suddenly you start to choke.
The room is spinning,
there is no door.
But where is the ceiling
and where is the floor?
And then
there is only black anymore.
His voice invades a starless night,
his eager face the only light.
' Oh, hurry now,
'n please make haste.
Your time has come,
with none to waste.'
It's a work in progress, and obviously not perfect.
There once was a girl made from fire

Who danced to clouds
She danced higher

She spun to the beat
Of her heart made from heat
And she danced away
All night and all day
And she never once did
***** out the flame.
                        She was burning from
Apr 2013 · 277
Days of Now
To live in the days
Of our youth
And paint our own sky blue

The silver cloud
The half full glass
The up not the down

The smile that never
bled to a frown

To live in the days of our laughter
To celebrate
each moment after
Each day was new and
Each day you grew

And though now we have grown
and must live for our own
We will live in the days of now
Apr 2013 · 884
A Poem For No Friends
You whip me around
And you turn me on a friend
Because I wouldn’t turn against you.
How do we find the balance
Of knowing everything
About each other
When everything you tell me
Only serves to destroy me.
Tear me apart
Inch by inch.
And taking something indifferent
And making it matter
Making it ugly, distorted
And so that I am torn in two.
One half under your watchful eye
And the other long dead, lost in
Collateral damage.
Of playing the guilt,
And when I try and fix it,
Deny my apologies.
And make me beg forgiveness.
You call me out
On your sins
Because you cannot deal with them.
And do not see that I am treating like for like;
You know this forbidden territory
Better than I do,
And I wander lost, until you seek me out and catch me
Because you have trespassed many times before
On the territory
That you find me on
And hunt me down
Just to put a bullet in my chest
And then tell me
To say I am sorry for not stepping out of the way.
And when I do
You invite me
To tea
               But in the end, what you don't know

will only destroy you
                  Because I will not go quietly…

And I am not your puppet like you think.
Apr 2013 · 361
For Frost
christal tears
track down tear stained cheek
'n icy shards
does sadness wreak'd
those frozen eyes
fill with liquid glass
and spill down plains
'n wash away masks.
Apr 2013 · 803
Of The Embers
Embers burn
and embers bright
lights the fire
burns through night
embers heat
the charring wood
smoking flame
and blackend soot.

— The End —