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Rebekah Webb Aug 24
If you ever
Spy me in a tree
Don't worry
I am just pretending
To be a bird
With wings of wax
And a beak of iron
Rebekah Webb Aug 24
I am the whisper
In your dreams
The poet in your screams
I am the power
In your fall
The milk
That grows you tall
I am the succor
To your pig
The hole
You've yet to dig
I am the stars
Still in your sky
The words that just won't die
Rebekah Webb Aug 24
Journey away with
My wings on your shoulders
We'll travel the worlds
Between the spaces
Of the sky
Let us travel faster
Than the light
As we outchase this reality
And replace it with my own
Where angels flit like fireflies
And dark blood
Like sanguine night skies
Shimmering with the glitter
Of a million
Tiny stars
Rebekah Webb Aug 24
Will you join me
On my new journey
Across the stars
And into the spaces
Where atoms grow?
I promise not
To take you too deep
As I run my hand
On the surface of my home
But you can visit
And drink the waters
Of nectar gods
And their
Like the shattered
Rainbow dust
Of mirror prisms
I'll hold your
And teach you
The magnificent
In the macabre
And how in its center
Grows a bloom
Of sparkling orange
Free from the blood
And the bone
And the darkness
You'll eat a bite
And taste
The purest form
Of love
Without true words
To describe
Only echoes
And shadows
Of the sweetsong
That nourishes us
May you find it in every
Cracked part of society
And use it like finger paint
To rewrite
The world
Rebekah Webb Aug 24
Open my eyes
With razors and forceps
So I can dig my fingers
Into the flesh
Of my soul
Ripping thoughts
Out of my mind
Leaving them to bleed
And feed the ground
You walk on
Rebekah Webb Aug 24
Portrait of a god
Made with ****** ink
Cut from the flesh
Of my fingers
I draw like a child
Trying to make sense
Of the sky
Rebekah Webb Aug 24
Golden bums of summer
We ride until midnight dawn
Surfing waves of rivers
Made of yellow cloth
Spun from threads of glowing
Starlight processed thin
Woven to an inch of its life
To glass-like purity

— The End —