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Aug 2015 · 471
LK Aug 2015
the rain beats against the tempered glass window;
you feel the tugging of the cloudy days ahead
Mar 2015 · 364
LK Mar 2015
I can see myself in the reflection from your eyes.
I hate that you smoke cigarettes 
And yet I find myself inhaling what rolls off your lips
Just to have more of you as a part of me.

It’s like you’re my mirror,
Except I never find you staring back at me.
You don’t reciprocate.

I love you more than you’ll ever know.
This is especially so because you don’t even know me.
To you, I’m just background noise
While you’re a booming amp blasting out bass.
As you can tell, I was pretty into cultural references.
Mar 2015 · 321
LK Mar 2015
These chains hold me here
Forever keeping in these fears
Unknown to them I stay
Feeling pain, Staying sane
Finally standing up
Just to be kept back again
I have lost yet another piece of me
Fighting against my own being
To keep in these hateful feelings
Know what you have done
My heart aches
This was a revised version of a short poem I wrote back in sixth grade before I even knew what poetry could really be. I believe I did this version in ninth grade.
Mar 2015 · 467
LK Mar 2015
The ocean is my temptress.
She gestures toward the infinitely expanding space. 
Her pale blue eyes reflect the light and darkness of this world.
Both are carried by those that inhabit her
Along with those that dwell above.
She understands as much as the land -
The slightest actions over time can have the greatest impact.
For most, this thought is saddening. 
For Her and Him, eternity is ephemeral.

I am tethered to the earth.
I wish not to be released to the sky,
Something most perceive as the heavens.
Instead, I want to fall.
I want to be with Her.
My desire is to remain with her longer than forever.

Time and time again I try.
We are not made for each other, although meant to be.

Each time I dive in, I swallow her essence.
I hate this feeling, but find myself going with it
Just to have more of Her as a part of me.

I lust for her undertow to pull me ever so gently.

I suppose I must embrace the ultimate darkness
Just for a minute of awareness with my light.

The ocean is my temptress, and she gestures toward death.
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
chicano channel
LK Mar 2015
Me and the crew riding around in the PT Cruiser.
Soda oozin' out the cup like the one of Biggest Loser.
Don't let the insults be spiky, like the shell of King Koopa.
Goin' back and forth : we in the movie Looper.
Be chill like the Buddha.
Dude, uh, I think you dropped your burger.
Electric surger blew up like the Time Warner merger.
The inside of our place on fire ;
The officer called us liars.
Wanted to throw us in the manor on the Cliff of Briar.
Yeah, it's an American Horror Story.
Being profiled because of ethnicity,
We're Mexican, see,
But we're not gonna steal something worth $3.50.
Looking at us like monsters of Loch Ness.
Yeah, we may come from a pool of cess
But you're simply too incredulous
To think of a time other than 1955.
You can ruin our lives
And throw us in jail in the blink of an eye.
Don't even need to find
A shred of evidence to kick our behind.
You feel like we're behind your back
Cocking our guns with a slight click-clack.
About to shoot them off with a ratatatat
While we're caressing our "gang tats".

But that's not how it is.
You think we all give weapons to kids?

This was my first draft of a poem I had to write for an ethnicity festival at my school. It was meant to be a bit funny (PT Cruiser) and this was one of my very first poems. I ended up borrowing some stuff from this and used it for the final version combined with my partner's poem that we ended up performing.
Mar 2015 · 633
LK Mar 2015
You’re my moon, a pleasant light
highlights your features.
Hey moon, got a light?
Would love to stare, sit here, smoke a j to this.
We could make our problems go Up In Smoke and have Nice Dreams with more blue dream.

If only i could kiss you.
Want to, but my lips are tighter than the ****** mary.
**** with your boy like a priest, but not that predatory.
I’m in no rush to get in your caddy shack like bill murray.

Why hurry?
We can admire the night sky as we lay in the grass.
Maybe this can be enhanced now that my eyes are blacker than Coraline’s?
Let’s not mess this up by being childish like we just ate Trix.
We aren’t kids anymore, don’t do this.

I may use the lord’s name in vain a lot but, jesus christ, it’s the only ******* thing he’s good for.
Mar 2015 · 311
4 a.m.
LK Mar 2015
This is the first time I've heard your voice in months. It's reminded me me of the times we used to share. It's reminded me of how you were with me. I can't stop shaking. I miss you, god, I miss you.

I'm drunk now and my sorrows are still here. Playing your last voicemail again and again, I can't stop. All by myself in this dark room trying to sleep all day. I want to get away from the world now.

The memory I have of the last time we spoke plays on repeat. I can picture you perfectly. Everything is whatever until I picture what you looked like the last time I saw you. Laying there, motionless, in the suit you were supposed to wear with me for prom.

You were lowered into the ground, and I fell with you.
Wrote this thing based off a short 3 line thing I had seen on Twitter. Basically, it mentioned being drunk and listening to a voicemail.

I wasn't too sure how to organize this, so I've left it in its original story-like form.
Mar 2015 · 379
LK Mar 2015
Just met you and I feel as if we've known each other longer.
You're strangely new and a refreshing change of pace.
We've yet to meet in person, yet, I find myself staring at your face.
Prithee sirrah, thine eyes are so beauteous.
You give me chills from head to toe.

Let my fingers run through your silky hair
and absolve me of all concern.
Let my only thought be of you.

Am I a helpless romantic?
Time will tell, I suppose.

Am I dreaming?
It seems as if you're my innermost desires, personified.
You knew me before we exchanged words for the first time.

I just hope that I don't know you for a long time
and feel like I just met you.

I wrote this a while back for a girl I had grown attached to fairly quick. We were each caught up in each other. It really wasn't much, as my fears in the last part of the poem came true. I felt like I didn't know her after she decided to mess around. My skepticism was warranted in the end.

— The End —