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Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
I look at him

His hopeless imperfections

And perfections

Blend together to create my forever choice of friend

Unknowingly holding the key to my original heart

Someday he will release it

And this act will end

If we last that long.
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
I scream for help

Never to be answered

Always alone, I stand in a crowed

Visible to all

Invisible forever

Hiding in plain sight

Will always work for me

But I will never be seen
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
Welcome to the middle of nowhere

Poetry filling the air

Screams piercing the fabric of time

Prayers float aimlessly, never to be answered

People just like me

We are all together

No matter how far apart

Our souls trapped together in a cage of emotions

In the middle of nowhere
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
The silence before the scream

The moment before the tear

The swing before the hit

The loss before the fall

The love before the pain

All have one thing in common


Each one cannot be taken back

Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
Every day I force torture upon my mind

I stare into the mirror and cry

I watch the tear slip from my eyes

Down the track of my face

My mind filling with the horror

That I will be surrounded


Forever alone

Except for my reflection
Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
Heart dripping with green jealousy?

Envious glares shot at those

Who haven’t suffered?

Griffin Schapp Aug 2014
I look around slowly

And try to scream

No noise comes through

Insanity of a

Nightmare I cannot escape

It grips me like a doll

And shakes me

Disoriented I look around

I run not knowing what else to do

My feet take me nowhere

Then I open my eyes

My breath slows

And I walk from my bed

Knowing that the nightmare

Can’t be real, even though I know it screams true
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