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423 · Feb 2020
Ipadeola Glory A Feb 2020
A whole day lives in a room
That accommodates the noon,
Which is just before the afternoon
And when no one sees the moon.

No one regards the noon,
But yet regard afternoon
Which comes after the visitation of the noon.

By heart dances to the noon tune,
When I'm said to be immune
And is unheard of having danger loom,
While it stays in its room.

Approaching comes the noon with fumes,
Even without perfumes,
Giving a beautiful tune
Than that of a sand dune.

A minute lasts the noon,
When silence may last in a room,
So does the noon leave boom,
Thereby leaving the afternoon
To rule the rest of the day,
Before the approach of the moon.

But look...
Approaching comes the noon.
121 · Feb 2020
Ipadeola Glory A Feb 2020
The happy feeling of a young boy,
That feeling when he gets a new toy.
it's a child of the freedom we enjoy,
It is what I call Joy.

Now, I'm no longer a young boy,
All I could wish for is to enjoy,
and to be accompanied by a convoy,
I want to feel that joy.

The old me was a coy,
When my happiness could not cloy.
Hearing the shout of A-hoy,
The pirate in me is filled with joy!

It's more than an expression of foy,
It's worth more than the greatest toy.
Just as a drowning fellow sees a life-buoy,
His heart Is filled with so much joy.

When she is named Joy,
So much is what you enjoy.
By the side of a Roy,
She's all you could employ.

Even when I sense no decoy,
I've still been able to deploy.
With all these words I employ
I should be crowned The Roy.
Oh Joy!

— The End —