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Oct 2018 · 207
Karen Oct 2018
Waiting to Live for a moment I am not sure to see...  Telling myself  it will happen someday,Waiting for that moment that might pass me by...... Finding myself dreaming of the day I say I will have everything that  I need to be happy and free, The day I have been waiting to Live that Life.. Only to notice the present and the past I will no longer have....  I lived for a day that was not promised to me, Suddenly realizing I didn’t live the days in between.
Live for today.. tomorrow is not promised!
Jan 2018 · 382
Karen Jan 2018
Say something Please!!!! Time is  of the essence....Speak now or forever hold your peace....

Shout it out!!! Have a voice!!! Do
Whatever it takes...Make some noise!!! Yell!!! Scream!! make sure they hear it loud and clear...

Speak Up please!!! You got a chance..... Say it from the heart not from the mind!! Forget about how others will react and start thinking about how free you will feel... once your truth is finally revealed!
Jan 2018 · 212
Chiotic Love
Karen Jan 2018
Every Moment, Every Breath, Every single word that should have been said..Wishing that one day you will see how fast the time has passed us by......
full of silence and emptiness.....
Listening to the voices in our heads tell us this is not right...
It's wrong....It is.....

Hearts heavy with pain so uncontrolled that the soul can no longer hold the cries in.....
needing,wanting but knowing it cannot be.....
Forgotten the life that once was shared.... But always to remember the reason why...We now live seperate lives.....

Forever connected.. impossible to completely let go, still we will ignore the bond that continues to grow...
Fighting with feelings..ready to battle the unknown...creating chias so nobody will see... the true meaning of you and
Nov 2017 · 200
Karen Nov 2017
Gazing thru the window, behind your every move, shading off the darkness when it comes to bloom..
Catches us by surprise, never looks you in the eye, always one step behind...
mimics your every move, you will never see it in the dark except under the moon... forever will be there until we are no more...
Shadows they are living a story of there own.
Nov 2017 · 227
Karen Nov 2017
Clueless to all that was visible in front of me, hopeless knowing this keeps happening to me...
Why does my heart ache everytime...I let someone into my life...
Am I so blind I cannot see
What a fool he made out of me...
This time I have learned my lesson..
To never again be mistaken.
Oct 2017 · 262
Karen Oct 2017
Seperated by choice
Hoping for a chance..
A chance to make it right..
As day turns into night..
And Sunshine into Rain..
Summer into Fall..
Oh No...
This love is fading away..
Seperated by choice..
Knowing there is no chance..
Divided we will Remain
Without a second glance.
Oct 2017 · 254
Karen Oct 2017
Calling all Soldiers time to take a stand...
Time to stand up for what we believe in....
Time to be courageous..
Time to fight..
Time to show the world
Why we are the land of the Free..
The Home of the Brave...
Time to show
Just how United We Stand.
Oct 2017 · 246
Karen Oct 2017
It takes courage.. It takes Strength..    It takes passion..
It takes lessons learned in life.
To Fear no one
To Fear nothing
Requires more than just pride..
To be Fearless is to rise up..
To face the fight...
Even if it means losing your life.
Oct 2017 · 180
Tearful Eyes
Karen Oct 2017
When I look around and don't see you there....
When  I ache inside to feel your touch...
When I wait to see if maybe you will call....
When I realize that you are no longer apart of me....
That is when my Tearful Eyes no longer can pretend.
Oct 2017 · 187
Karen Oct 2017
Letters creating so much emotion...
combined together could create destruction..
Often creating wars that cut deeper then the enemies sword..
Other times creating the warm fuzzy feelings inside...
So many different ways to interpret...
Its best that some words be left unspoken.
Oct 2017 · 250
Remember Me
Karen Oct 2017
Remember me as I am...Remember Me and you will understand.... The Journey That I have taken in this crazy life , the paths that were chosen, Circumstances that caused us to make choices.. Chances that went unnoticed... Mistakes that were repeated... The ones who kept secrets...
Remember me as I am
Remember me and you will understand.. why I always said never follow, always lead, never forget....
Remember Me.
Sep 2017 · 333
With You
Karen Sep 2017
It starts and ends with you...
It always has, Its true!!
Just can't seem to let you go...
Why this heart will never agree with this mind that obviously sees you in a different light...
Sometimes so restless inside..
Oh why can't you see...
my story will always begin with You
And in the end...
there is always
Sep 2017 · 219
Broken Glass
Karen Sep 2017
Shattered into tiny pieces.. glimmers like glitter with the rays of the sunlight...  chasing the reflections that resemble the moonlit sky touching the waves on a beach to create a golden glow.
Shattered into tiny pieces...sharper than any knife.. sticking to your skin like a thorn from a rose..
looking so beautiful from far away.. but as you come closer all you see is... Broken Glass caused by a fiery crash earlier in the day that will slowly fade away.
Sep 2017 · 200
Questions of the Heart
Karen Sep 2017
Is this the way things were suppose to be??
Could it be that this was a mistake??
Maybe our chance at forever hasn't yet faded away???
These are the questions I ask myself everyday....Hoping I will get an answer someday.
Sep 2017 · 191
Karen Sep 2017
My eyes keep secrets that no one else can see.
These eyes will never tell you what it could be....
All these eyes can say is wait and you will know someday, and maybe just maybe you will see what these eyes see.
All the memories painted in Red, to tell you a story you will never forget....
All the laughter and the tears... All the pain, All the faith, hope shared between you and me and everyone in between....
It was you that showed me fear in your eyes,
So much fear, I became fearless inside.
My eyes became dark, emotionless, they gave fear to anyone who dared to look at me....
Now do you see the power these eyes possess for me.
Sep 2017 · 271
Be You
Karen Sep 2017
Be who you are, not who you think you should be...
Say how you feel, not what others want you to feel..
Love who you want to love, not who others want you to love...
Live the way you want to live, not  the way others want you to live...
Do what you want to do, not what others want you to do...
This is your life to live!..So
Be True and just Be You.
Sep 2017 · 334
Invisible Soul
Karen Sep 2017
Overcome by Darkness, Shivering from the cold...wandering anxiously looking for Warmth...
Searching for light, Longing for more... Can anybody see me or hear me at all...Im right here between empty and hollow... Yes it's me the Invisible Soul...Overcome by Darkness...Shivering from the Cold...Wandering anxiously looking for warmth.
Sep 2017 · 207
The One
Karen Sep 2017
How is it possible??? What can be done??? I swear my Heart told me you were the one.......

Don't Understand it, Could it be true??? I was mistaken... it wasn't
Suppose to be you????

This can't happen, Never!!!...Our bond so strong it would last Forever.

Now that all has been said and done... How do I tell myself, You
Were not The One.

— The End —