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Ghost92 May 2018

Never quite sure that I should’ve, never quite sure that I could
Just tell my story, and be clearly understood
Without misinterpretation, and a twisting
Of my explanation, by those who listen
Beating the system, is such a dangerous goal
Reinventing the wheel, is so cut-throat
It interferes, with the status quo
But perhaps more importantly, it destroys our hope
Guess we’d rather believe a lie, than let the truth be told
It’s how we cope, I suppose

No to reason, and no to rationality
Tales of a greater plan, helps us escape this imagined banality
Of an existence, without an eternal aim
It robs us of the meaning, we attach to our pain
It’d be nice to believe, this isn’t all in vain
That our very great losses, leads to exceeding gain
But it’s simple and plain, and uncompromising
That for the longest time, most people have been lying
To others out there, and indeed to themselves
About this fairytale, about heaven and hell
In an attempt to quell, fears and doubts
Trying to figure out, what this life’s all about
As if we must have, some great purpose
As if we didn’t, we'd be worthless
It’s really a circus, what we hold to be true
If there is a god, surely there’d be proof
Something defining, and unequivocal
And reasonably he’d forgive, all who're cynical
And what about, the world’s persistent evil
How does a loving God, not save his people
And is it believable, or just a big lie
That the one who made us, can’t be seen with the natural eyes
After all he also gave us, rational minds
Yet we’re told to just believe, and not ask how or why
Sounds like a recipe, for all sorts of crimes
And all under threat, of missing out on eternal life
There is no free will, under this kind of duress
Belief in a god, is extortion at best
Relentless indoctrination, fear and intimidation
The best explanation, for this hesitation
And our trepidation, to see reason
That the lie of god, is not worth believing

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— The End —