My city on the sea
Falling from the cliff
Crumbling from the fall
Of a non-existent cliff
just analogy
Creating a scene
of constant chaos
Leaving a women
walk the streets
Making the whole city
As herself
A *******
Abused and dissected
Pulled apart by color
Then manipulated
by some
Creating a child by
lust of other people
Bamboozling with presentations
Watched by lawyers
Given and controlled
by a narrative of sectionality
Hidden in a Trojan Horse
Dividing to conquer
Leaving the public
in a blinded desperation
Letting politicians
Rubber stamp the desires
of bloodsuckers
Branded in stone
To let the child grow
into refined women
Well spoken
Strong and in command
Leaving the weak and poor
In a corner
with the overtaxed and extorted
Only to leave
To let in the new
She continues to move forward
with her deportations
Picking from all
Excluding others
Creating a new diversity
To create new wealth
Only to be left
as her mother
the *******
Just to change the face
of a entire city
Unrecognizable to the deported
who carry the infection
Incurable from the city’s
distant past