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I found a little song bird
lying wounded on the ground
I picked him up and held him close
listening for a sound.

His tiny eyes they opened
such haunted eyes were they,
a tear it spilled so softly
and then I heard him say.

I used to love a lovely girl
but my love it was in vain
for her I'd fly to the end of time
and all the way back again.

but she was taken from me
by one who cannot sing
her love she gives him freely
our past means not a thing.

So if you see this lovely girl
there's a thing I'd like to know
how come she shot the nightingale
then married a ******* crow!

 Dec 2012 J Christmas
In this heart,

Lies a monster

That has just been freed.

I want you to know

That you created this monster,

Now what is your plea?
I lit the fuse
I watch them fry 
Hoping that HE will show up tonight
HE will make things right
HE will try to catch me in flight

I lit the fuse 
I warm myself in the light
Hoping HE will answer my invite 
HE will start a fight
HE will certainly make my night

I lit the fuse 
I hear HIM come 
Hoping HE will oblige my insight 
HE brings with him justice 
HE brings with him light 

I lit the fuse
HE puts it out
I am his existence
HE is mine

I lit the fuse
HE puts it out
Hoping before HE leaves
He asks me

"Can we just do this over coffee next time?"
I have longed to move away
From the hissing of the spent lie
And the old terrors' continual cry
Growing more terrible as the day
Goes over the hill into the deep sea;
I have longed to move away
From the repetition of salutes,
For there are ghosts in the air
And ghostly echoes on paper,
And the thunder of calls and notes.

I have longed to move away but am afraid;
Some life, yet unspent, might explode
Out of the old lie burning on the ground,
And, crackling into the air, leave me half-blind.
Neither by night's ancient fear,
The parting of hat from hair,
Pursed lips at the receiver,
Shall I fall to death's feather.
By these I would not care to die,
Half convention and half lie.
I stare out the window of my car
And watch the rolling hills go by
The fields of wheat and rows of corn
Blending into the cloudless sky.

Kicking up dust from the dirt roads
That turn beneath us, twisted awry
Surrounded by complete serenity
I kiss the city life goodbye.
You have me smiling at the blowing wind
My moods are completely capricious; they depend on you
I'm starting to fall...
And keeping my feet planted is becoming more and more impossible
I'm in love with the idea of you.
I want every part of it
But I keep forgetting to account for reality
Your presence has kept me hazy, and spinning
Disoriented, confused,
But blissfully
I don't think I'm ready to face the truth yet
I think I'll stay up in these dreams for awhile
I consciously choose to avoid sensibility
I want nothing of logic, or rational
I am content with my simple idea of what you are.
Oh, come to me in dreams, my love!
   I will not ask a dearer bliss;
Come with the starry beams, my love,
   And press mine eyelids with thy kiss.

’Twas thus, as ancient fables tell,
   Love visited a Grecian maid,
Till she disturbed the sacred spell,
   And woke to find her hopes betrayed.

But gentle sleep shall veil my sight,
   And Psyche’s lamp shall darkling be,
When, in the visions of the night,
   Thou dost renew thy vows to me.

Then come to me in dreams, my love,
   I will not ask a dearer bliss;
Come with the starry beams, my love,
   And press mine eyelids with thy kiss.

Si la vida es amor, bendita sea!
Quiero más vida para amar! Hoy siento
Que no valen mil años de la idea
Lo que un minuto azul del sentimiento.

Mi corazon moria triste y lento…
Hoy abre en luz como una flor febea;
La vida brota como un mar violento
Donde la mano del amor golpea!

Hoy partio hacia la noche, triste, fría
Rotas las alas mi melancolía;
Como una vieja mancha de dolor
En la sombra lejana se deslíe…
Mi vida toda canta, besa, ríe!
Mi vida toda es una boca en flor!


If life were love, how blessed it would be!
I want more life so to love! Now I feel
A thousand years of ideas are not worth
One blue minute of sentiment.

My heart was dying slowly, sadly…
Now it opens like a Phoebean flower:
Life rushes forth like a turbulent sea
Whipped by the hand of love.

My sorrow flies into the night, sad, cold
With its broken wings;
Like an old scar that continues to ache–
In the distant shade it dissolves…
All my life sings, kisses, laughs!
All my life is a flowering mouth!
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